2018 – My year in pictures

January 1, 2019

2018 has been a great year. A really busy year that has slipped by so fast but a really good year compared to the previous few years. Doing this post has made me realise how much I really did manage to jam into 2018.

So grateful to have such a gorgeous family, the boys are growing up and I am just blown away everyday by the things they can do. They can really do stuff, you know – like drive trucks and shit – no biggie. Scares the crap out of me if I am to be honest, all I do is worry. But I guess that is normal and is only going to get worse isn’t it. Thank goodness they have a Dad that teaches them how to do these things because I would just freak out.

So grateful for all of the wonderful experiences I had this year from New York City with Bec to helping my friend Shell with 2 of her hikes – one of them alongside my new business partner – Edwina! Oh the fun times, such fond memories that I will treasure forever. So thankful for them.

Harry graduated School of the Air and is off to boarding school next year, it will be a sad and quiet drive home from holidays this time round.

And what an end to a wonderful year – a surprise 40th birthday party – I am still gobsmacked about that one, what a night. I couldn’t believe my eyes. So grateful for the best friends a girl could ask for, the lengths these girls & guys went to just keeps blowing me away! Thanks so much!!!

January – a massive family road trip

February – devastated that Devondale long life cream was leaving our shelves… and then from this one little post we managed to get it back on the shelves later in the year – bloody hell, what an amazing achievement!

March – catching up with long lost friends…

April – realising my 13 year old son is really quite handy…

May – New York City – is there anything else to say about that?

June – helping my gorgeous friend Shell with one of her hikes – Trek West Tailored Hiking Tours…

July – Mum and Dad’s annual visit…

August – Camooweal Minischool – Harry’s last one…

September – A new station kitchen!

October – A belated birthday celebration for Di…

November – Barkly Women’s Day

December – Harry’s Graduation & My Surprise 40th Birthday Party!!!

Happy New Year my friends. There are exciting things to come in 2019 and I have a feeling it is going to be just as busy as the last. Bring it on. We have so much to share with you starting with our new venture – Wild Spark rural women’s network. We can’t wait to share this with you and tell you all about it.

Here’s to a fabulous 2019 xxx


  1. Mish

    Happy New Year Chards!
    You certainly packed a lot into 2018. Here’s to another amazing year in 2019 for everyone 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Happy New Year to you Mish. Heres to a great 2019 for you!

  2. Tania Thomson

    Happy New Year Miss Chardy. Love reading your posts. The best thing about the Devondale ‘crisis’ is that’s how I found you! I saw your post!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh look at that – Devondale bringing people together over the cream crisis! Too funny. So glad you found me 🙂

  3. Erica

    Wow! What an amazing year. Hoping that 2019 brings you another amazing adventure. I’m sure it will Miss Chardy and I’m looking forward to hearing all about it.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks for coming along for the ride Erica. Happy 2019 to you!


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