5 Audiobook Suggestions: Audible

January 11, 2017

Well, guess what.  We are finally getting out of here today… hopefully.  If the weather plays nice the plane will be coming to collect us and take us into Mt Isa, we will then fly to Brisbane tomorrow – yipeeeeeeeee!!!!!  I am not the biggest fan of small aircraft so I will definitely be listening to my audiobook on the way, while holding Clancy’s hand as he screams “are we going to die” and clutching my spew bag with the other hand.

I thought I would share some great audiobooks that I have listened to lately.  There is also a detailed, step by step,  blog post on how to download audiobooks if you are new to them.

It is no secret that I am addicted to audiobooks.  I mean who has time to actually sit down and read a book.  I do love to read a real book, but lets face it, time just gets away.  I do have a real book on the go, sitting on my bedside table but throughout the day you will find me with my earphones in listening to an Audiboook while I do those jobs that don’t involve much thinking… gardening, cooking, cleaning, washing, folding, not to mention the loooooong drives we always do.  If you are travelling with kids I have some great suggestions that the whole family can listen to at the end of this post.

So if you are heading off on holidays or just looking for something to dull the boredom of your housework, read on my friends.

If you are new to the blog or have missed my previous posts about audiobooks and how exactly you download them, that’s ok, just go and read THIS post (or click on the picture below).

It will give you step by step instructions and your first book is free. I use Audible which is so easy and much cheaper than iTunes – some books on iTunes can be $30 – $70, on Audible all books are $14.95.

An even cheaper option is to join your local library, download the BorrowBox App and borrow for free.  The only catch is that there may be a limited selection of books, but I always check Borrow Box first before purchasing from Audible.

Ok, so here are the books I have listened to lately…

A Fortunate Life – Top Pick

13 Hours.  Publisher’s Summary: Born in 1894, Facey lived the rough frontier life of a sheep farmer, survived the gore of Gallipoli, raised a family through the Depression and spent 60 years with his beloved wife, Evelyn. Despite enduring hardships we can barely imagine today, Facey always saw his life as a “fortunate” one. A true classic of Australian literature, his simply written autobiography is an inspiration. It is the story of a life lived to the full – the extraordinary journey of an ordinary man.

Me: I really enjoyed this book.  He just went with the flow and boy he met some amazing people.  It really makes you think about life and puts things in perspective.  This is also one the whole family could listen to, I think my boys would have enjoyed it and they are 10 & 12.  Clancy (the 5 year old) would have said “i’m borrrrrrrred”.  

Big Little Lies – Top Pick

16 hours.  Publisher’s Summary: Pirriwee Public is a beautiful little beachside primary school where children are taught that ‘sharing is caring.’ So how has the annual School Trivia Night ended in full-blown riot? Sirens are wailing. People are screaming. The principal is mortified.  And one parent is dead.  Was it a murder, a tragic accident or just good parents gone bad? As the parents at Pirriwee Public are about to discover, sometimes it’s the little lies that turn out to be the most lethal. Big Little Lies is a brilliant take on ex-husbands and second wives, mothers and daughters, school-yard scandal, and the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive.

Me: Absolutely loved this book, couldn’t stop listening.  

The Last Mile Home – Top Pick

7 hours.  Publisher’s Summary: It is 1953 in a small country town in Australia, a time of post-war prosperity and hope. The Holtens are wealthy austere graziers who have lived on the land for generations. The McBrides are a large and loving shearers family who are new arrivals to the district. When the McBrides eldest daughter falls in love with the Holtens only son and heir, the barriers to their love seem overwhelming. But in the end, their love triumphs even over tragedy and hope and joy are their enduring legacy.

Me: Another one that I just loved and could’t turn off.

Into Thin Air

9 hours.  Publisher’s Summary: This is the true story of a 24-hour period on Everest when members of three separate expeditions were caught in a storm and faced a battle against hurricane-force winds, exposure, and the effects of altitude, which ended the worst single-season death toll in the peak’s history.

In March 1996, Outside magazine sent veteran journalist and seasoned climber Jon Krakauer on an expedition led by celebrated Everest guide Rob Hall. Despite the expertise of Hall and the other leaders, by the end of summit day eight people were dead.

Krakauer’s audiobook is at once the story of the ill-fated adventure and an analysis of the factors leading up to its tragic end. Written within months of the events it chronicles, Into Thin Air clearly evokes the majestic Everest landscape. As the journey up the mountain progresses, Krakauer puts it in context by recalling the triumphs and perils of other Everest trips throughout history. The author’s own anguish over what happened on the mountain is palpable as he leads his listeners to ponder timeless questions.

One of the inspirations for the major motion picture Everest, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Keira Knightley.

Me: I really enjoyed this book, I love true stories.  I also watched the movie which was really good.  

The Pact

6 hours.  Publisher’s Summary: For 18 years, the Hartes and the Golds have lived next door to each other, sharing everything from Chinese food to chicken pox to carpool duty. Parents and children alike are best friends – so it’s no surprise that in high school Chris and Emily’s friendship blossoms into something more. They’ve been soul mates since they were born.

When the midnight calls come in from the hospital, no one is prepared for the appalling truth: Emily is dead at 17 from a gunshot wound to the head as part of an apparent suicide pact. The gun holds a single unspent bullet that Chris tells police he intended for himself, but a local detective has doubts. And the Hartes and Golds, in a single terrifying moment, must face every parent’s worst fear: do we ever really know our children at all?

Me: It was a great book but a little predictable.  I did enjoy it though.  An easy listen.  

Audiobooks for the whole family

Awful Aunty
Mr Stink
Demon Dentist
Gangsta Granny
Basically anything David Walliams!!

For more Audiobook suggestions check out this blog post: Recommendations: Audiobooks

Now over to you.  What have you been listening to (or reading)?  I would love to know.  


    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sandra, we are in Mt Isa. 🙂

  1. Phoebe

    Oh my goodness how much did you love ‘Big Little Lies’ – wasn’t it just fabulous and narrator Caroline Lee is wonderful. Other Liane Moriarty books I loved were ‘What Alice Forgot’ and ‘The Husband’s Secret’. Good luck getting out today and hope you have a fabulous holiday x

  2. KezUnprepared

    I love that you suggested stuff the whole family can listen to. I always struggle to find TV shows, podcasts etc etc that I can have on around my 5 year old!

    • Miss Chardy

      Kez, my 5 year old listens to lots and just says: “I’m bored” and we just ignore him, ha ha ha

  3. Chookyblue

    Jack and Harry by Tony McKenna there are two books in the series….. The whole family was addicted to this as the first one was a book reading on the radio……. You kids would love it……. Both on borrow box……
    I use borrow box
    Barra creek – Di morrisey was great and just start the islands by di also.
    Just enjoyed a different one. Set with 15 yr olds sisterhood of the travelling pants by Ann brashares…. Enjoy your holiday…….

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There, I am definitely going to have to listen to the Jack & Harry books. Our head stockman, Georgie, has been listening to these and recommended them too. Will definitely listen next time the kids and I are travelling in the car. Thanks so much.


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