7 reasons why you should join your local library

October 14, 2016

I was a little slow on the uptake with joining our local library.  Now when I say “local” library – it is in fact 5 hours from our house, but none the less it is our local.  Mount Isa City Library.

I am here to tell you why you should be way smarter than me and join your library today, or next time you are in town.  I really can’t believe it has taken me so long.  So, lets get to it…

1. Free Books

Obviously… der.  Of course.  Why oh why have we been spending $29.99 per book when we could just get it free from our local library.  Sure, there is the convenience factor if you are sitting in an airport needing a good book.  Libraries have all the latest books, and you know what – if they don’t have the book you are after they will get it in for you.  Just give them a call.  They are really quite friendly and super helpful.



2. Free Audiobooks

Why have I been paying $14.95 per month with Audible all these years when I could have been downloading my books for FREE using my library card.  I don’t even have to leave home.  I kid you not people.  I just downloaded my very first Audiobook using Borrow Box.  This is the app you need to borrow your audiobooks for free through the library.

library-borrowbox library-borrowbox-app



It is so bloody easy it isn’t even funny.  Again: why has it taken me so long?  All I did was download the Borrow Box App onto my phone, signed in using my Library card barcode and passcode ID and I was in like Flynn.  Bam – thank you very much, yes I would like to borrow Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty.  Oh and yes, how kind of you to loan it to me for FREE!

And check out these cool little gadgets you can also get to listen to your audiobooks…




They are called PlayAway and would be so great for the kids.  They are like their own little iPod.  You just pop some earphones in and away you go.



Of course you can also get the good old fashioned talking books – cd’s, but come on – it is 2016, get with the program people.



Now, after having a little “search” through Borrow Box it appears that they don’t have a huge range, but still – the book you are after may well be there.  Perhaps I won’t be cancelling my Audible Subscription after all.  But will definitely be looking at Borrow Box as my first stop from now on.

3. Free DVD’s

Yep, there are even DVD’s that you can borrow.  The kids will love you.  There are also movies for the grown ups too.

4. Toy Library

Now I am not sure if all Libraries have this, but the Mount Isa City Library certainly does.  You can borrow all sorts of things – toys, puzzles, games.  So much stuff.  I have already borrowed some puzzles and the kids absolutely loved them.







The library here has certain times when the toy library is open meaning there are only certain times when you can borrow these things.


They also have lots of different things happening for the little people – story reading, playgroup sessions.  Just check with your local library to see what is on offer.  So great if you find yourself with time to kill and bored toddlers.  A lovely clean, cool environment to hang out.  Why didn’t I use this place when I had young kids.  Bloody hell.  I should really start listening to my friend – Di – when she tells me how great things are.  She did tell me about the library years and years ago, when our kids were little and I just thought ….”yeah, whatever….” .  Turns out she was onto something.

5. Free Space to Work

Need somewhere to get some work done in peace?  Look no further than your local library.  The fridge is not there to distract you, no washing to put on the line, no kids to interrupt and the Air Conditioning is second to none my friends.

As I type this I am sitting in our local library.  You really do have no excuse other than work when you are in the Library.  It is a really great chance to catch up on things.

You can even use their computers.  There are loads of them.  There are also photocopying machines.

Hot tip: rug up, I am a little cold sitting here.

6. Free Wi-Fi

They have free Wi-Fi here.  How cool is that.  And it is fast.  I just downloaded my very first Audiobook through Borrow Box using the Libraries Wi-Fi.  It was about 700mb and didn’t take long at all.  I am hooked into their Wi-Fi as I type this blog post too.  It is unreal.  Thanks Library – so kind of you to give me internet for free.


7. Free Postage

Now because we are “country” members we get a few added extras.  We are able to keep our books for longer – 6 weeks.  We just have to get them back somehow, either ask someone to pop them in the little slot outside the library or post them back.

If you want some books sent out to you just contact your library and tell them what you want and they will post it out – FOR FREE!  No kidding.

So there you have it.  Why wouldn’t you join the library.  Why?

Oh and get this… I think the kids can even play video games.  See…


These two guys are sitting here playing some sort of footy game.  Wouldn’t the kids just love that.  There are so many nooks and crannies where you can park up and work.  It is just wonderful.


So tell me.  Are you a member of your library?  
Are you heading out right now to join?


  1. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I’ve been a library nerd since I was like 9! The kids and I go weekly, love it! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Why on earth has it taken me so long to catch onto this trend… I always was a bit slow on the uptake… 🙂

      • Christine Rae

        Better Late than never Miss Chardy…. thanks for the Promo..we Librarians love nothing more than to see some body elses enthusiasm for our passion .. Julia Creek Library loves to see new faces..

        • Miss Chardy

          You have a great little library there Chris… lovely and cool and clean. Great spot to stop in with the kids!!!

  2. Nicole Lizzio

    We are library members. Our library is tiiiiny (small town). Still good though and has a tiiiiny kids room but is a nice, safe stop while we are in town.

    • Miss Chardy

      Good stuff. Wish I had have embraced this whole library thing when the kids were really little.

  3. Kirsten and co

    Our local library has a coffee shop attached. It’s brilliant – the kids choose their books while I have a coffee and flick through the Oprah mag from the magazine section. Thanks for the Borrow Box tip! I had no idea that was a thing x

    • Miss Chardy

      Perfect!!! When I was in there yesterday I was just thinking to myself how brilliant it would be if there was a coffee shop in there.

  4. jac7star

    Love, love, love the library! Could (do) spend hours in there trawling through the treasure!

    • Miss Chardy

      I am loving it too… so great.

  5. KezUnprepared

    We have a really good library near us. I must investigate whether the wifi is free. That would be a really good solution to my working from home boredom issue! A change of scenery would be fun!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh absolutely Kez… check it out… such a great place to work – with no distractions!!!

  6. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    Great post Dan! It sounds like country libraries really do offer a wonderful service to remote communities. I also love the library, especially their ‘suggest new titles’ service, and yes they do follow through and buy it! I was a bit excited yesterday when my turn to read ‘The Shepherd’s Life’ finally arrived. I saw the story of James Redbanks on Landline one day, hopped straight onto the library website, only to find that there were already 60 people in front of me waiting for the book! A long wait but totally worth it. You might like to put in on your audio list. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Very exciting Jo, glad you finally got the book. Thanks for the tip on the book… I haven’t heard of James Redbanks, I will definitely check it out.



  1. Recommendations: Audiobooks - […] you pay for a book.   Larger libraries probably have a better selection.  Head on over and read THIS…

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