Upper Middle Bogan

October 24, 2014

Oh what a funny night we had last night.  And I needed a good laugh too.  I put Clancy to bed early and Mr Chardy, the 2 older boys and I all enjoyed some steak and salad.  Mr Chardy & I swapped roles.  I had already cooked the steak so he made the salad while the boys and I sat around the bench and chatted.  I thought it would be as good a time as any (while Harry was sitting there nearly naked with just a towel around himself) to remind the boys that they should never show their doodles to anyone nor is it ok for ANYONE to ever touch it or do anything inappropriate.  Then I found Dr Rosie Kings voice echoing in my ears, telling me to use the correct terms.  You see we had Dr Rosie at Barkly Women’s Day a couple of years ago as a guest speaker and she told us just this.  So of course I had to say “penis”…. I told them there was nothing funny about it, it was just a word like head or arm or hand…….but Harry couldn’t control his laughter.  O dear lord he was giggling uncontrollably, which made Tom start.  I was trying so hard to be serious and act like it was no big deal, trying to keep a straight face.  But Harry’s laughter was infectious, I couldn’t help myself, I too burst out laughing while saying “penis penis penis”, which made Harry laugh even harder.  Oh it was so funny.  But serious at the same time, any chance I get I try to remind my kids that it is private and that it is not for anyone to make them feel uncomfortable.  Dr Rosie King told us we should do this and that woman is a legend so I am going with it.

In the end there were all sorts of words flying around –  penis, scrotum, balls, nuts, testicles – they were all there.  I told the boys “it is no wonder I am such a nut case – I live in a house full of nuts”.  All of the Mum’s out there who have a house full of boys will understand.  Please tell me I am not crazy, or “nuts”!!!!

Then Harry mentioned the Stallions well endowed (is that even how you spell that word??) package which caused roars of laughter.  They then proceeded to tell me that while they were out in the paddock with Mr Chardy they saw a calf being born and hung around (ha ha ha – hung around…..sorry, couldn’t help myself) to watch it start to walk.

We then moved to the dining table and enjoyed a lovely dinner, while still laughing about the penis.  Harry had some sausage (which Marty may or may not have put up to his head like a you know what – causing even more laughter) a bit of steak and the worlds smallest piece of lettuce.  I am really not sure how that child survives.

After dinner we cleaned up and played a sensible game of Trouble, which Harry won.

We put the kids to bed and I noticed that Upper Middle Bogan was on the ABC.  God that show makes me laugh.  They really are such bogans, but so bloody funny.  And it was quite fitting that it was all about discussing sex in front of the children – and after our conversation with the children earlier that night I thought it was quite hilarious.   Did you watch it?

All in all I think we covered quite a few bases, from penises to birth, I think it was a good day.

No photos to go with this post, I was too busy laughing with the kids – about time I took a chill pill and just enjoyed life.

So tell me – do you approach this subject with your young children?  Would you like to share with us how you go about it? 

In all seriousness I think it is so important, especially with my boys heading off to boarding school in the near future.  I take any opportunity I can get to drum it into them.  I don’t care if it embarrasses them, I don’t want them to think we can’t talk about these things.


  1. ffhousemouse

    Oh what a GREAT night Miss Chardy. Great conversation too, serious message but funny delivery! No way that could have been planned. Am super impressed with the ‘bored’ game in there too! X

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I wasn’t bored – I love trouble. It is the one game I can actually stand to play without falling asleep. It was a bloody funny night.

  2. Sal

    Oh Miss Chardy, love it! Yes, I know what you mean in a house full of “nuts”! Love that show too, great laughs here last night.

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha ha, Sal I wish we could have a catch up and a glass of wine – I do love some girl time! It really is no wonder we are nut cases, seriously.

  3. Kylie Huckstepp

    Oh yes Miss Chardy we have 2 boys 10 and 15 and from a very young age I explained about their bodies and their privacy and their rights and I think it has made them confident and safe. Haven’t watched Upper Middle Bogan but we do have a house full of boys and even now that they are older I think the words nuts , testes, balls or penis get thrown around and laughed about in any month. Even our dog’s a boy! I need some girl chooks 🙂 Glad to hear you’re taking it easy – they’re only so little for such a short time x

    • Miss Chardy

      Always love to hear from Mum’s with boys Kylie. They are all the same aren’t they. Thanks for sharing. xx

  4. KezUnprepared

    Oh gosh I love Upper Middle Bogan so much. It gets better every episode! I hope that I can raise the Little Mister to know that he can talk to me about anything (and hopefully have the kind of relationship where he would also like to absorb some of what I try to teach him)! Very important. Humour can be a great way to break the ice 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      It is very funny isn’t it Kez. I am sure little Mister will be just perfect.

  5. GoodThingsSmall

    Haha love it and totally get it – as a stepmum with two teenage boys in the house (and as someone who only grew up with a sister) they never stop surprising me and making me laugh! But yes also so important to have these conversations. Sounds like a perfect night in!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Good Things Small – I too grew up with just a sister so I am right there with you. Now a house full of boys – very funny.

  6. Housewife in Heels

    So this is what my future holds! My youngest has just started toilet training and is fascinated by his penis. He also wants to know all the details about how the baby will be born. Wonder what Dr Rosie King would say…

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi H.I.H, I am in the thick of toilet training too – god help us! So funny that your little boy wants to know the ins and outs of how the baby will be born. Dr Rosie would say to just tell him the truth.


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