Another RFDS Consultation..

November 25, 2014

Well we have had another run in with the RFDS (Royal Flying Doctor Service) today.  This time it was my oldest boy – Tom.


Yesterday the boys headed home with Mrs Savvy B for a bit of a sleep over.  Things were so peaceful here and I was just settling into life with one child – gosh there was a lot less stress.  No fighting or whinging.  This was probably not the case for poor Mrs Savvy B who had 4 boys to deal with.

Then I got the phone call this morning “Don’t worry, the boys are ok, BUT”.  The dreaded “But”.  “But Tom has busted his lip open”……there was an incident with a fallen tree that they were using as a cubby house and a swinging stick!!!  Oops.

Mrs Savvy B had already called the RFDS and they were on their way out.  We decided it would be best if I went over to collect them.

So Clancy and I jumped in the car and headed off, just a quick 120km trip  through the paddocks.

I thought the Doctors must have been and gone but they were still there, just having a quick coffee and a spot of smoko.  They had already stitched Tom’s lip up and he was all sorted.  They did a very tidy job too.  I still can’t look at it though. The operating table was Mrs Sav’s wooden dining table.   When I walked in I was greeted by the same Flight Nurse that had been out to Chardy Central just a couple of weeks ago to sort out Harry’s wrist.  I asked her if we were able to get Frequent Flyer points and that I could swipe my card if need be.



Thank god I wasn’t actually there when it happened.  I am absolutely shocking when it comes to cuts and especially when it comes to cuts on my boys.  I would have been the one screaming like a baby.  Tom said to me “God Mum, lucky you weren’t here, you wouldn’t have handled it”.  He was right.  Lucky he was in good hands.

So, yet again the RFDS have saved the day and also saved us a huge trip to town.  The Emergency Department came to us once again.  Talk about service.

Hopefully we won’t see them for a long time now and everyone will stay safe for a good while.






How has your Tuesday been?  


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Thank goodness for the RFDS – they came to the rescue years ago when my brother was involved in an ultralight incident while mustering. Mum did volunteer work for them for years to repay her debt of gratitude.
    Glad your incidents have been less dramatic. I hope it’s a long time til you see that nurse again! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thank goodness indeed Amanda – such a brilliant service that we all rely upon up here. Hope your brother was ok after his accident – glad they came to the rescue for him. I really hope I don’t have to phone them again this year.

  2. Chrissy

    Surprisingly uneventful….biggest disaster was my zucchini was mouldy….seriously. Love the work of the flying doctors its stories like this that make me keep choosing them to donate to each year

    • Miss Chardy

      Thank you so much for supporting the RFDS, not sure what we would do without them. Oh, bugger about your zucchini – that is terrible!!! ha ha ha – but I am serious, that i annoying. Glad your Tuesday was uneventful!

  3. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Oh that would have been a freaky phone call to get! I’m not so great with blood either, but sometimes we have no choice. I’m so glad you have the RFDS that you can depend on. Now tell your family to stop being so accident prone! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I am hopeless with cuts, could handle a broken neck ok, it is just cuts that get me, can’t stand it. I can’t even look at it now. Poor little thing. I am glad we have the RFDS too Emily!!!!

  4. I'm Sarah

    As someone who has just recently started following you, and as someone who is a city dweller, I am fascinated and enthralled by life in the outback. I love that your neighbour lives 120km away and that it was nothing to just pop over and collect Tom, especially when there are days I can’t be bothered to get milk from Woolies just around the corner. I’m glad he is okay now and that you survived the injury too 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Sarah, thanks so much for saying hi – great to see you here!!! Sometimes I think that no one would be interested in the boring day to day things, but turns out they are only boring to those of us who do it day in day out, so glad you enjoy reading about it all. Hopefully we won’t need to call the RFDS again anytime soon.

  5. Miss Chardy's Big Sis

    OMG Miss Chardy, my poor darling nephew!! Please give Tommy our love. I think you had best wrap Clancy boy in some cotton wool…lol!!! xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      I will, hopefully we won’t need the RFDS again for a very long time.

  6. FN Chrissy

    Miss Chardy, It is always a pleaseure to see you and you boys. Next time your in the Isa how about you pop in to our base instead of us finding was to come and see you 🙂
    You friendly RFDS Flight nurse

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there!!!! Great to hear from my favourite Flight Nurse!!! I forgot to give you my number yesterday to get you to message me some photos, thought you may have had some of the patient on the operating table, ha ha ha. Too late now though. We will try and pop in next week and say hello.

  7. ketaminh

    Hi there! I sent this blog post to all our staff at RFDS Isa base. I love your blog about your life in the Outback and your photography is fantastic.
    Consider myself an avid fan!

    • Miss Chardy

      How is our new favourite RFDS Doctor? Great to have you on board. Just as long as we are not on board your King Air anytime soon I will be a happy camper. Thanks so much for sharing with everyone at the RFDS Base, we just love you all in there, couldn’t get by without you all. Thanks for saying hello!!!

  8. caitlinshappyheart

    Wow, so much drama in your life right now! RFDS are so valuable. I’m proud that we have them for the outback communities. I’ll have to donate to them sometime soon, your stories show just how important they are.

  9. Seana Smith

    Yes will my Tuesday was VERY dull by comparison… no long trips through paddocks in the Sydney suburbs… went camping with a friend and our wee kids though, to Narrabeen a mere 20 mins (tarmac) away!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Seana, so lovely to see you pop up here after checking out your Fiji adventures over on your blog yesterday! Oh, the northern beaches of Sydney, love them. Enjoy. Hope you had a lovely camping trip. Thanks for saying hi.


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