
January 5, 2015

Hi guys.  How are you?  Happy New Year to you all.  What did you get up to?  Were you a complete party animal like me?  If so, you would have found yourself watching a re-run of Downton Abbey by yourself on the lounge over a glass of Chardy.  I know – SHUT UP – I can’t believe how much fun I am either.  Totally rocked NYE.  Oh and I didn’t actually see in the New Year, trotted myself off to bed at about 10:30pm!  Now that I am 36 I feel I have matured.  Not only did I NOT HAVE A HANGOVER on NYD, but I also cleaned like a maniac.  Washed sheets and tidied the house like it was nobodies business.  I wanted to get the house all sorted for us to head off on holidays.  I didn’t want to return to a messy house.  And you should see it – possibly the cleanest it has ever been.  It will be so nice to come home and start 2015 in a clean and tidy house.  Surely 2015 is the year I finally get sorted…..ha ha ha ha.  I seem to say that every year, but fingers crossed this is the year.  What do you think?  Do you think I can do it?

We managed to get out for holidays.  I tell you, this outback living business is bloody hard work.  Nothing is simple.  NOTHING.  You can’t plan anything, because plans always change at the last minute.  We ended up leaving a few days earlier than expected as rain was predicted and we didn’t want to get completely stuck.  So off we went, 2 utes, down the stock route.  3 hours with a squirmy 3 year old on my lap – give me strength, that kid would not sit still, and talk about bumpy and muddy…..anyway, it was all good, we made it down to the bitumen without getting bogged so it was a successful trip.  Chards couldn’t wait to get in the Prards and put that toddler in his car seat.  We only went as far as Camooweal on Saturday and decided to just settle in for a few cheeky drinks at our local watering hole – The Camooweal Post Office Hotel.  If you are ever passing through Camooweal you must stop here.  They have fantastic accommodation, a pool and a lovely Pub, it is one of the cleanest Pubs I have ever been to.  We had an early dinner and all settled in at 7pm to watch Matilda – the movie.




We are now down visiting Mr Chardy’s Twin Brother and his family.  They live on a station about 3 hours south of Mt Isa.  So we are just chilling out here and the boys are having a lovely time playing with their 1 year old cousin, who they haven’t seen since about this time last year.  And, of course, yet again….nothing is simple in the Outback.  They only have 3km of dirt road, but there is a dirty big channel in the middle of it, which can come up in the blink of an eye.  So we came in, unloaded our gear and took the Pradie Dard back over to the highway.  Gee she must get sick of sitting on the highway waiting for us.  They are in desperate need of rain down here though, so it is lovely to see some wet weather.  It can set in tomorrow after we have left!!!



Tomorrow we head to Townsville for 2 nights.  Looking forward to hitting the shops on Wednesday and just relaxing.  They have MYER and a Benefit Brow Bar, can you believe it?  I am beyond excited.  This is a far cry from K-Mart Mt Isa!!!!

So there you have it.  Our holiday so far.  Have you enjoyed travelling with us?  You can jump in our suit case and come along with us on our holiday through Facebook and Instagram (misschardy8).  I look forward to having you along for the ride.


  1. Veronica Sheather

    Lol, fantastic stories, such good fun hearing about your days. Thanks for sharing so warmly…& happy new year :)) love Roni xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      And thanks to you for saying hi Roni. Love to share with you all and so glad you enjoy reading.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Veronica, so glad you enjoy my stories. Thanks for reading!!!

  2. Sal

    Love your holidays! Any chance of a visit again?

  3. Lesley

    Miss Chardy, a very Happy New Years to you and yours! I’ve loved reading your posts over the Festive Season. Such a pleasure to travel with you and look forward to hearing all about your adventures on holiday!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Lesley, thanks so much for saying hi. Happy New Year to you too. We are having a lovely relaxing holiday.

  4. ketaminh

    Happy new year!
    lots of rain this visit !
    enjoy your holidays and safe travels!

    • Miss Chardy

      Happy New Year to you too Minh. we have had loads of rain and are having a very fun holiday. No more injuries to report thankfully! We got Tom’s cast off in Townsville.

  5. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I’m here with you D and can’t wait to read about more adventures! Safe and happy travels and remember when you’re on holiday is really IS 5’o’clock somewhere. Em xx

    • Miss Chardy

      So glad you are along for the ride Em. I am such a bad blogger (and don’t care) look at me taking so long to reply to these comments. Must mean I am having a fabulous holiday…..and I am!!! I tell you it had been 5 o’clock all day long on this holiday here at Maggie.

  6. Betti

    Great to hear you are out! And looking forward to civilised shopping in Townsville – woohoo! Wish you could have joined your sister and I for NYE – we rocked on til 3am! Joined by two other families and 12 kids, only 2 of whom crashed after the midnight fireworks – I think everyone was excited to be out socialising. Our boys were out on their motorbikes at 9am and we were tired but otherwise unscathed – a late brekkie, coffee and more chatting was all we needed to achieve that morning! Have a fab time – will raise a glass to you and Mrs Savvy when we get to the coast on the weekend for twelve glorious nights away. Betti xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Sounds like you had a fabo NYE. Loved the photos!!! Hope you are enjoying your holiday. xx

  7. Chrissy

    By golly goshes! We really have no idea do we? 3 Hours just to get out….that would take me into the city and home again! You know I’ve often seen cars and vehicles just off the highway and sitting at the front gate of many rural properties but I had no idea why! Now I do and you are right nothing is simple by the sounds of things….geez us urbanites take so much for granted….I can be at 3 major shopping centres by 15 to 30 minutes if I drive the speed limit of 50 Km…I kid you not! After a quick walk up the hill to the car….23 steps cause I counted them I’m ignition on and at Coles in under 7 minutes! I love Townsville especially around the esplanade….happy shopping and brows

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I love that you count your steps (that is totally something I would do). We are having a wonderful holiday Chrissy and I certainly enjoyed Benefit in Myer!!! Bought myself some Girl Meets Pearl illuminator!!!! Loving myself sick in it too just quietly.

  8. andrea

    If you get to the beach in Townsville, be sure to have coffee and gelato at Juliettes. It is across from the Seaview hotel. To you and your family a very happy holiday.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Andrea, I do love a good Gelato!!!! Had one yesterday here at Maggie.

  9. ffhousemouse

    Happy Holidays Mr and Mrs Chardy and the little Chardies! Have a great time.
    Our first relaxing day in Darwin – a lengthy power walk, breakfast, wave pool, icecream, wave pool, lunch, more walking, just having a quick coffee before going down to the hotel pool then dinner at Haunumans and back to watch the Cricket or drink G n T’s (me). X

    • Miss Chardy

      I hope you had a lovely time in Darwin. We are having THE BEST time here at Maggie!!!

  10. Zamamabakes

    I’m coming on your holiday too. Loving what you’ve shared already, so much we all take for granted. our little 50 acre property I’m sure would measure up as an ants nest next to yours. I hate it when we get flooded in, I thought I never had dull moments here, you win Miss Chardy and I take my hat off to your patience! Can’t wait to see more.
    Dannielle xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I assure you Dannielle…I have zero patience!!!!! ha ha ha. So glad you are coming along on our holiday. We are having such a relaxing time.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Michelle, we had a lovely couple of nights in Townsville. We are now absolutely loving Maggie Island. Life is good!!!

  11. Sonia Life Love Hiccups

    Have yourself the most awesome time shopping up a storm chick – you have earned it lol. Have a great time and safe travels xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sonia. We are having the best holiday!!!



  1. Year in Review - […] January – Holidays […]

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