Hello from Magnetic Island

January 14, 2015

We have done a few miles since we last spoke. A bit of driving and a little bit of flying. We drove from Kynuna to Townsville, had a couple of nights in Townsville and then flew down to Brisbane for a quick 3 nights at Maleny.  Then it was back up to Townsville to head across to Magnetic Island for 7 nights with the Savvy B’s.

As we were driving along the road out near Hughenden one of the boys got so excited and yelled out “look at that gigantic mountain”. Mr Chardy and I looked but the only thing we could see was the highway, some power lines and perhaps a slight rise in the landscape out to the side. It was so funny. The poor little tackers don’t get to see that many hills so even the smallest rise is quite a thrill for them. Needless to say when we really did cross the Great Dividing Range they were beside themselves. So can you imagine their little faces when we drove to Maleny, through the Glass House Mountains with views across to the Sunshine Coast. Magnificent.

We had a gorgeous 3 nights at Tranquil Park Mountain Resort just near Maleny to celebrate the marriage of 2 great friends.  It was a wonderful chance to catch up with lots of old mates and kick up our heels.  It felt like heaven when we arrived in the clouds.  This was the view from our verandah…


 The bride was a sight to behold





The day following the wedding was also a sight to behold.  O dear lord I am still trying to get over the scenery.  We were invited to join the newlyweds out at the brides Father’s farm, just out of Maleny.  And let me tell you all, words cannot express how fabulous it was.  My jaw dropped to the ground…..I can’t explain it, so I will just show you how stunning it was…..


This was definitely heaven.  We arrived to marquee’s set up along side a clear running stream.  The pictures don’t even do it justice.




The morning of the BBQ lunch I trotted myself into Maleny and found the local electrical store.  I thought it was only right that I purchase a blender and buy the pub out of Cointreau and Midori supplies.  I couldn’t very well show up empty handed now, could I?!  Needless to say everyone was wrapped to the back teeth and they went down an absolute treat.  Mr Chardy pumped out about 763 batches, god love him.  He does make a mean slipper, and I tell you what – everyone was far more comfortable once they had their slippers on.  The bride sipped on Bollinger in between slippers.  Of course she did!!



Oh, hello – who is this complete hunk of spunk? And look that those brothel creepers* I made him buy, he is loving himself sick in them!


Feast your peepers on the hunky Groom


And how he landed this stunner I will never know, ha ha ha


After our fun filled few days we then flew back up to Townsville with Mr & Mrs Savvy B, did the worlds quickest grocery shop and hot footed it to the Ferry ready to start our holiday on Magnetic Island.

And here we are….in absolute paradise.  Ohhhhhh, I have never felt more relaxed.  This is living people.  We could not have asked for a better holiday location and house.  I don’t even think Qualia would top this, I am sorry to say.  Ok, that may be stretching things, Qualia could possibly top this if it were just Mr Chardy and I, no kids…..The thing I love about renting a holiday house is that you have your own private space.  It doesn’t matter if the kids are going feral and splashing in the pool, because IT IS JUST YOU!


And what about this view…I think it speaks for itself


We are at the end of a no through road so the kids can just pop across and play cricket on the sand, build sandcastles and slide down the hill on their boogie boards.  They have had so much fun.  Even Mr 3 year old just cruises over and plays with them, it is all so easy because we can watch all this happen from the comfort of our top verandah whilst sipping on a cool beverage.  Oh, SHUT UP!!!!


And about 100m down the beach is all the water sports.  Biscuit rides, paddle boats, canoes, jet ski’s.  It is all so close and so peaceful.



The house is perfect for 2 families and sleeps 10 – just look at it, oh yes, I could get used to this.  We are also very fortunate to be able to holiday with the perfect family – The Savvy B’s.  We are like one big family and all get along so well, makes things so easy.  Mr Savvy B and Old Man Chards have been Daddy Daycare legends.  Taking all the boys off fishing, swimming or walking up in the hills, leaving Mrs Savvy B & I to laze poolside with a Cointreau Lime and Soda.  Relaxation is happening here folks, so much relaxation.




IMG_2703The blokes also told us to take ourselves off for a ladies lunch all by ourselves yesterday….so who were we to argue…off we went….



And yesterday we took the older boys on the Jet Ski’s.  Thanks to Adrenalin Jet Ski Tours.  Pete did an amazing job showing us the bays.  The younger boys got to have a drive of the jet ski’s, so they were thrilled.  We all had loads of fun.

Here we all are, The Savvy B’s on the left and The Chardy’s on the right.  Don’t we just look an absolute treat.  What a bunch of hotties.


For more information about holidaying on Magnetic Island go to Best of Magnetic.

Thanks for holidaying with us!!!  Now tell me your Magnetic Island stories.  Have you been?  Did you love it?

*Brothel Creepers – also know as loafers



  1. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    It looks just perfect and I’m so very happy to hear you sounding so relaxed, happy and refreshed! Love that the boys got a kick out of the hills! It’s funny as being a Kiwi I see all ‘mountains’ in Australia as just hills. It’s all annoying brats and work at my joint. After one week of no drinking Mon-Thurs I have failed miserably! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Maleny is just stunning Em, we loved the beautiful scenery down there. And yes – it is so so soooo good to feel so relaxed. Starting to get sad already that we only have 3 more nights here. I don’t want to leave. So, back to reality for you, I am not looking forward to that, but I am hoping 2015 is going to be a great year and I am going to try not to stress so much. Don’t beat yourself up about no drinking failure – that is me ALL THE TIME!!!! I will give it a go when I get home…will let you know how I go. xx

      • Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

        Yes please do – here’s to Mon-Thurs sobriety, well once school is back. I have already moved the goal post out a week so we’ll see. x

        • Miss Chardy

          That is a great idea to start this mon-thurs thing when School goes back…I will start next week.

  2. andrea

    Grew up looking at Magnetic Island. Parents holidayed at Arcadia three weeks every October. Still the best holiday place ever.

    • Miss Chardy

      I agree Andrea – best holiday destination EVER. So relaxing with young kids.

  3. foodthatsingscatering

    Oh how gorgeous hearing your take on the beautiful Blackall Range & Maggie Island.
    I am one of your many followers, a foodie, & come from the Maleny area, & Sunny Coast for the past 20 years. I would love to have met you :))
    It surely is a piece of paradise….also have a sister, niece & families living on the gorgeous Magnetic Island & love to get up to play every now & then.
    Here is my latest adventure from up there…http://foodthatsings.com/winning-maggie/
    So pleased to hear you all had an obviously well deserved holiday,
    cheers Roni xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Roni, just had a look at your beautiful post about Maggie. That food looked delicious. We are having such a great time. Would be so lovely to have family to visit here. They sure do live in a beautiful part of Australia.

  4. Chrissy

    haha that sounds like you are having a blast! We often book holiday houses too, ok so you don’t get the room made up every day but that is in preference to having housekeeping in when we are still in bed….also love the space of a house over one room! Now I reckon you guys look pretty attractive in your jet ski gear….only thing that could trump it is the stinger suits out on the barrier reef either pink or baby blue toe to foot and over the head 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      We sure are having a blast Chrissy. Love a good holiday house, so much freedom and the kids can go crazy and not bother anyone (but us!!!). Oh and don’t worry, last time we were here we donned the stinger suits and let me tell you it was NOT PRETTY. Head to toe in lycra is not my thing and bloody hot, sticky and uncomfortable, lets just say I didn’t last long in it. Not doing that this time, it was hard enough to get into that jet ski suit. ha ha ha, felt like I needed to jump into it from a 3 story building.

  5. caitlinshappyheart

    I would be jealous, but I know you guys deserve such a spectacular break so much. I mean mountains in Hughenden? Ha! (My grandparents lived in Hughenden for yonks, I know it well and can’t think of a mountain, but the canyon is pretty spectacular!) Anyway just drink an extra cocktail for me, OK? I adore the Sunshine Coast hinterland, and it looks like you saw it at its best! How cute is that chapel? The last time I was at Magnetic Island I was a child and it was the 80’s. A very different place I would imagine, but I can remember the beautiful beaches, and they would never change. I think there is a photo of me on a paddleboat with my Dad on the Is. somewhere. It’s probably best staying hidden… Holiday houses are my favourite places, especially when they have a pool. The Accountant keeps trying to promote camping, the boys are keen, but as for me, no thank you!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Caitlin. I am starting to get sad that we only have 2 more nights here. I am not ready to leave. I am sure Maggie Island hasn’t changed all that much, so beautiful. I would love to go camping but it is Mr Chardy who isn’t into it. Ha ha ha.

  6. Jo

    Love the dress you wore to the wedding! Have a wonderful holiday – you and all the isolated rural women who endure so much to ensure we all have food on the table deserve a lovely annual break. Happy travels!

    • Miss Chardy

      You are so sweet, thanks Jo! I love that dress too just quietly, super comfy and of course PINK!!!!

  7. Fashionista

    Just catching up on my reading Miss Chardy. Love Love Love Horseshoe Bay. I had a long weekend with the Girlfriends there in September in a gorgeous house (I looked at the one you were in but it was booked out so a different hoouse). I think because we all grew up with any holidays being in Townsville, Maggie Island holds a special spot in our hearts.

  8. Sublime Finds

    Miss Chardy the last pic has to be the BEST HOLIDAY SNAP EVERRRRRR! So much goodness in this post! The wedding and next-day festivities look fantastic – you must have been hailed as most sensational guests ever showing up with your slipper kit! Love your wedding day outfit and groom’s “under new management” shirt! Hilarious! Your house on magnetic island looks like perfection! Huzzah for fab holidays! x

    • Miss Chardy

      It was the best holiday Andrea – that house was PERFECTION let me tell you. Oh, and I like the term “slipper kit” – that could really take off, ha ha ha ha. I went up to my friends house on the weekend and took the Slipper Kit – even took my own blender, ha ha ha. Glad you enjoyed the photo of us in our skins. ha ha ha.



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  2. Recommendations: How to book your next holiday - […] so clean and absolutely gorgeous.  You can read all about our holiday at Maggie Island last year HERE.  The…

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