New Series: Get Sorted with Chard’s #1

January 27, 2015


Welcome to my new series – Get Sorted with Chard’s.  

I can already hear my Mothers laughter and can just see the shaking of her head and rolling of the eyes. Yes Mum, I know you have been trying to get me sorted since I was about ummmm, say 8.  You see, my Mum is one of those naturally clean, tidy and obsessively sorted people.  Her best friend is Mr Sheen.  She can and will use GUMPTION like a maniac.  And don’t even get me started on the chamois in the shower.  I feel, now that I have hit 36, I may be just about ready to start following in your footsteps DD (AKA Mum).  Does anyone out there even know how proud DD is going to be when she reads this? 

I am on a mission in 2015 to get my shit together – AND KEEP IT TOGETHER.  Work, home, children and life.  I need to get on top of it all and stay there. I can’t even tell you how many times the New Year has rolled on in and I have declared, loud and proud, this exact New Years Resolution.  Claiming that it is the new Dan.  But then things get busy and the mess spirals out of control.  But this time I mean business, I really do!  NO MORE EXCUSES!

Now, don’t worry, I am not saying …….


………..I am just saying that we should try and remind ourselves that: FOR EVERY MINUTE SPENT ORGANIZING, AN HOUR IS EARNED.  And as FAUX FUCHSIA would say: “Mess and clutter is the devil’s work”.  

My first step was arriving home from holidays to a clean and tidy house.  It was a good feeling and I am determined to keep it that way.  Stay on top of it all and hence reduce my stress levels.  It is so true that you have a much clearer head when things are in order.


1. Maintain a clean and tidy house.
2. Maintain a clean, tidy, organised and up to date office.
3. Children’s behaviour – we are seriously cracking down on this people – the 3 year old IS GOING TO STOP SCREAMING!  I promise you that.  They are all going to clean up their own mess and help out more around the house.  I make this pledge to you – my readers – that I will make a conscience effort to make sure they pull their weight.  It won’t be easy, I know, but surely it will be worth it.
4. Blog regularly (wow, not sure I should put this one out there, but it may help me stay focused and pump out more blog posts).
5. Get outside more, stay on top of the garden and general station jobs.

I find that I work really well when I have someone else to motivate me, someone here to keep me on track and accountable.  But, like most of you out there,  usually it is just me and I find myself drifting from job to job without actually achieving anything.  Is there anyone else out there like this?  Do you live on a station and find it hard to stay motivated?  I am hoping that, through this weekly update, we can all help each other stay on track.  Lets make each other accountable.  We will check in each week and see what has been happening around the traps.  We can connect through the comments on my blog or through social media (facebook and Instagram) we can motivate each other!

Organisation and cleaning doesn’t come naturally to me, I really struggle with it and I am pretty sure I make things much harder than they should be (thanks for pointing that out Mrs Savvy B – have i told you lately how bloody clever and funny you are?).  So this series is all about breaking it down and keeping things simple.

So to all of you out there laughing at this post and saying WTF.  We need YOU on board – to guide those of us who desperately need help.  Yes, I am calling all of you with OCD tendencies. Yes, I am looking at you Baby Mac, Mrs D Plus 3 and Faux Fuchsia.  Please share with us your secrets, what is your number one tip for staying on top of it all? And how the hell do you make it seem so effortless???

I asked my readers this question.  So to kick things off I would like to share with you their

Top 10 Tips

1. Storage – have  a place for everything and always return items to their place.  Avoids the dreaded piles on flat surfaces.  {Linda}
2. One task a day – doesn’t become overwhelming that way {Danita}

3. Make sandwiches for school lunches on a sunday and freeze in zip lock bags.  {Tania}
4. Wake up earlier – an hour before the kids.  {Aggie}
5. Electronic Filing – scan, save, destroy. {Linda}
6. Deal with at least one (or in many cases 6) load of washing every day, including fold & put away.  {Felicity}
7. Make your bed first thing every morning. {Rochelle}
8. Don’t put it down, put it away.  {Merrill – The Social Media Training School}
9. Less is best. Have less stuff in your house. {Shelly}
10. 15 minute timer – set small amounts of time for tasks, that way they don’t become overwhelming.  Set your timer and go for it.  {Chrissi}

And of course there is the list.  Make a list.  Thanks to everyone for sharing your tips.

What are 2 things that you are going to try and change this week?  I am going to concentrate on making my bed every morning.  I am also going to try to have all my loads of washing on, dried, off the line, folded and put away by 12:30pm (easy given we live in the NT and it is so hot)!  Challenge accepted!!!!

I am pumped.  Look out 2015 – we have arrived – TEAM CHARDS is here and we are totally ready to shake up our lives. (Stop rolling your eyes, and have a little faith…..)

We will be using the hashtag #GETSORTEDWITHCHARDS please share your photos with us on Instagram using this hashtag.  Stay accountable!  Don’t forget I am on Facebook and Instagram (misschardy8) and you can follow along on these platforms as well as the weekly blog post update.  So, off you go – get your skates on, we can do this.  I will be blogging each Monday to see how everyone is going.  Until then, I will see you on Instagram and Facebook. 

What do you think?  Can we do this?  Are you on board?







  1. Jessica Watters

    Cannot wait to join you on this journey, I need all the help I can get! Mr 3yo is now packing up Lego that has overflowed all through our lounge room, challenge to make boys help more accepted! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      You won’t be sorry Jessica. I am so pleased you are on board. I have already started cracking the whip with my boys (3 year old included) and I am amazed how helpful it is. Mr 3 year old helps too – I just stay onto them all the time. Yep – I have turned into a nagger and it has changed my life. The 3 year old was banned from the lego for 3 days because he would pack it away. Oh – and top tip for lego – put it all on a sheet, spread the sheet out when they are playing with it (tell them to try and keep it on the sheet) and once they are done but scoop up the sheet with all the lego inside and pop it away – game changer.

  2. Chrissy

    I can totally understand how overwhelming your day to day life might get with all that is entailed with living on a station and the 24/7 nature of work and family plus the isolation. We homeschool a special needs child so I kinda get it as the enormity of the responsibility of their learning and education just having the kids 24/7 is extra-ordinary just to begin with and know you guys are doing distance Ed so lots of similarities but it makes me LOL when I read about mum’s sticking their kids out the door to school as the new year starts with massive sighs and coffee drinking….like when do we ever get the luxury of that? Time to wash the floors and a quick vacuum while the kids in the 9-3 and rush from the cafe lunch date to pick up kids before arriving home to do dinner preps in a clean house…..LIKE NEVER! So I think our deal is just that bit different to the norm so I can easily see how we get either unstuck domestically or give in and just go with the shambles of constancy and without break. For me however doing the grocery shop is my down time and alone time because nobody wants to come and it has to be done each week so that’s the decider! Anyways………my tip is to set structure into your everyday routine and do it everyday regardless and then add the other jobs in. I also try to focus one room per week to work on so eventually the home is getting decluttered and cleaned on a regular basis rather than looking like the whole house needs a full makeover all at once because a bomb has gone off. Other than that be kinder to yourself Chards it’s a big deal our lifestyle but doable and we can be more accountable if only we would let go of the ideals of our childhood mothers because all that cleaning never proved that they did have it all together either….where do you think the need for happy hour originated from in the first place?!? That along with a Bex and a quick lay down

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, thanks so much Chrissy. I think I need a bex and a quick lay down already today and it is only 10am…. school computer issues have had me in tears already this morning….. the one thing I can’t deal calmly with is school computer issues…. I am trying very hard to change my ways though…so have taken a few deep breaths. I am definitely going to try and get some structure into my day, I think that is definitely key. The kids go back to the school room tomorrow, can’t wait…although then I may have a very bored 3 year old on my hands…can’t win, ha ha ha.

      • Chrissy

        just don’t ring the tech helpline for at least another week…was on hold for nearly 2 days last week!

        • Miss Chardy

          So FRUSTRATING!!!!!

  3. tsmtschool

    Ah yes, well, even though I don’t have any children around any more, I am blessed with grandchildren and a very untidy toy poodle, who has her box of toys packed neatly away every night , by me, and trying to tech her how to put them away herself has been a real challenge. She “sits”, “shakes hands”, fall down on command, “crawls” and “stays” under command… but put her toys away… she just does not comprehend at all. So while you may all have dilemmas with your little people, I struggle with my dog and the grandchildren… and then there is me.. disorganised in the office, so any help there would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to all the helpful tips coming in 2015 – Great job “Chards”

    • Chrissy

      That would be super challenging Merrill, now if the cat could change it’s kitty litter I would be totally sorted

      • Chrissy

        Help in the office? Swilksy although highly creative was never going to be good at organizing you #happyhour lol

    • Miss Chardy

      Hmmm, the office Merrill….I feel sick just thinking about it. I am ready to sort out a schedule for myself (and try not to beat myself up and go mental if things don’t go 100% as planned on this schedule). Things are going really well so far with getting the kids to put things away, all I had to do was believe that they would do it…so far so good.

  4. JessBargie

    Love your Blog Mrs Chardy! really looking forward to following you too! I too get lost in my list and end up going around in circles. I have a 10mth old, back at work 4 days, just been handed all the bookwork for the farm, and our own business, helping hubby on the farm and running the house, and I decided to sell Enjo I am crazy! but really need to get organised! thanks for all of the tips ladies. My goal is every morning to have the dishwasher unstaked from the night before, the the breaky dishes clean & washing hung out 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Jess…we can do this. You sound like one very busy lady – reminds me of my sister. I am right there with you – I have been making the children unpack the dishwasher every morning and they have been on fire. My washing is out and probably nearly ready to come back in. So far so good.

  5. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I’m impressed my friend, sounds like a FAB idea. In saying that I’m a realist and I doubt I will be able to do ALL of the 5 goals but I’ll give it a red hot go. I know I do need to do a declutter. My mum is also like yours, and she nearly has a heart attack every time she visits. I can see her visibly shake at the non-OCD house I keep. It’s never dirty or overly messy but there’s a lot of stuff! This is me cheering you on lovely xx

    • Miss Chardy

      God love you Em, thanks so much. I WILL GET SORTED IN 2015….I JUST WILL…..thanks for cheering!!!

  6. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    Sorry Chards, you’re on your own with this one. I’m under no illusions of ever having my shit sorted!
    I wish you the very best though! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I do love to hear this Amanda!!!! Love your honesty!!!

  7. Dee

    You gals are just toooo funny.
    Love that you want it sorted but just remember to not beat your self up for not having it done.
    I am the farmer, wife, mother that people would envy.
    Did I have my ship sorted?
    It takes time I can assure you of that.
    Try doing one thing at a time till you have mastered it.
    Took me about a year to work out when I did the washing and when I would get the time to fold and put away.
    If you can do it the same day great but I can tell you I never had that much spare time.
    I did washing daily but would then spend Friday night watching kids movies to fold it up, and I would pause the movie for them to put it away whilst I got the snacks.
    They couldn’t get it away quick enough.
    Hint 1… If its broken, throw it out. Suggestion for kids toys wait till there out of sight.
    Hint 2… If you haven’t used it in 5 years, yes I say 5, get rid of it.
    Hint 3… Sort through cupboards and make sure you have it organized as it will reduce what you forgot you had.
    I found brand new sheets once, oh and a brand new iron still in the box.
    My kitchen is full of tupperware, I have it colour coded so even mere males can work it out.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Dee, you have put such a smile on my dial. Thanks so much, what a great comment. We all need to listen to you. So true. I love it, esp the movie of a Friday night and putting stuff away in the ad breaks, that is gold…I finally feel like I could sit down and watch a movie (because my house isn’t a complete bomb site) so this would be great. Love your hints too and agree with them all. Thanks so much Dee!!!

  8. Mrs T

    Getting sorted!! I’m on the bandwagon, today I sorted under the stairs, which was where I would ‘hide’ the clean unfolded laundry. Until it got a bit crazy and I couldn’t close the door. Better now! And by coincidence I am also getting back on top of this parenting thing. Time outs rule!! Mrs T

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, look at you go. Well done!!!! So happy to have you on board Mrs T!!! Well done with the stairs. And yes – time outs do rule….Mr 3 had about 3 go’s in there today and Mr 10 had one go… a treat.

  9. foodthatsingscatering

    You go girl…you will feel in control & Sooooo much better. Time for a chardy :)) xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, I tell you, I feel better already!!! This place is under control I tell you – feels so good. Going to bed with a tidy house is mind blowing…. thought I should shout myself a Chardy tonight to celebrate!!! God it feels good!

  10. GoodThingsSmall

    Great idea Miss Chardy! I think having a place for everything is my top tip. Then things tend to be put away with ease. My biggest frustration is paperwork. I never spend the time to sort it out so it piles up in the filing drawers. Any hints you can share on keeping this in check would be a huge help!

    • Miss Chardy

      I have quite a few things I need to find a special home for and I agree that having a place for everything so you can easily put it away is the key. I am right there with you on the office side of things…I like to use lever arch folders as my filing system (I am not a fan on filing cabinets) – I can see each folder on the shelf and easily find where each piece of paper should go, and then easily find it again when I need it. I have LOTS of folders. This is not everyone’s cup of tea but it works for me. Now to file the paper…..

  11. Sarah Aberdein

    Hey Miss Chardy,

    My friend JessBargie from an earlier comment was raving about your blog to me one day. So I clicked! I am glad I did.

    My top tip. Get the crappiest/toughest/most important job for the day done first – then your day can only get better!

    Am looking forward to following along!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes – I agree – definitely “eat that frog” first up then anything after that is going to be a cinch. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi, great to have you and thanks for the tip.

  12. Kate (@onesmalllife)

    I gotta admit I am already pretty anal and organised. Natural list-maker here. Plus we have just had a giant clean out of the house, for feeling pretty on top of that. But my kids are pretty out of control right now. Perhaps it’s all that time I spent cleaning and sorting and ignoring them over the summer holidays, but both of them have an attitude problem. It’s like living with two teenagers. But did I mention my kids are only 4 & 6? So the whip is getting cracked, they have no idea how grim life is going to be for the next little while until they pull their heads in. Except I am a big softy really, so who knows. this might be all talk. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Two words…. Time Out! Good luck. You should have them cracked into line in no time, ha ha ha. Must feel so great having a huge clean out. Nothing better. I just took 5 years worth of school of the air school work to the dump, about 6 boxes worth of paper/books etc….good riddance!

  13. Suzy L

    I love this new series you have! Just wanted to share that a year ago (or was it two?) I did a meal plan, not for a week, not for a month, but for a whole school term!! It was brilliant. The worst part for me about cooking dinner is thinking of what to cook – this way I only had to think about that once in the whole term. Thereafter I only had to look at the plan and if I wanted to swap things around a bit I could but all the ideas were there!!!! I have to admit I only did it the one term and then dinner-cooking went back to its normal haphazard ways. However I have to tell you I am about to sit down and do a meal plan for term 1 2015!! Aim to have it done by end of day!

    • Miss Chardy

      That is a good one Suzy. Tonight is my first night out of the station kitchen as our new cook started today, so things will be back to normal for us here and Mr Chardy and I can get back to our Steak & Pumpkin….aka diet dinners….ha ha ha. Should do a plan though as the kids aren’t all that fussed on steak and pumpkin, ha ha ha. We are all over 2015 Suzy!! Glad you are enjoying Get Sorted with Chards.



  1. Recommendations #2: Blog Post – The Rural Woman - […] you can read a post I did at the beginning of last year about getting sorted… read it HERE…

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