Corn Fritters

January 22, 2015

Smoko this morning: Corn Fritters.  Quick, easy and very tasty!





1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup milk
2 cups corn kernels (I used 1 cup corn kernels and 1 cup creamed corn)
1/2 cup grated cheese
2 eggs
1/2 cup cream
1/2 cup diced onion
salt & pepper
oil or butter for frying


Whack everything into a bowl and mix the crap out of it, until smooth.  (I was going to list exactly what the recipe said but I did it like this today and it worked out just fine!).  Heat oil or butter (i used butter) in a non stick pan and drop tablespoons of mixture into the pan.  Fry until golden brown on both sides.  Drain on paper towel.  I find they cook well if the heat is on medium to low, turn over when a bit of a crust has formed on the top of the batter.  

As a guide – this mixture will only feed about 3  to 4 hungry Jackaroo’s.  

**Recipe from the AACO Brief on Beef Cookbook**


  1. Zamamabakes

    All your posts bring a smile to my dial Miss Chardy. Especially love your directions for this one, some lunch box inspiration too. I read your post about your trip home from holidays yesterday, your life has me intrigued and I think you are amazing. Have a great day

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, thanks so much! Glad I could put a smile on your dial. The real recipe says to “sift” the flour, I mean for god sakes who on earth has time to sift….although I did notice a few weevils in the mixture so perhaps a quick sift was needed this time, ha ha ha. You have a great day too!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, they are pretty yummy aren’t they. I have actually never made them myself before so thought I would give them a whirl this morning.

    • Miss Chardy

      Would you believe this was the first time I had made them myself Amanda!!!!

  2. KezUnprepared

    YUM. There is nothing better than a corn fritter (or 5)!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yum indeed Kez

  3. Fashionista

    Catching up on my blog reading here.

    In 1974 or thereabouts the Mt Isa SOTA published a fundraising recipe book which is now in my cookbook collection. All the children had to contribute a recipe and the one from my 8yo self was……corn fritters! As they were my favourite food at the time. I’m guessing Mum had to sit down and think about what actually went in them and then write the recipe out. No cream in mine however there is the addition of bacon (or lurking legham at Christmas time). And they are still yummy and get produced when I am scraping the fridge for dinners.

    • Miss Chardy

      Bacon…must add bacon!!! I love a good SOTA cookbook!!! I will be adding bacon next time I make them, thanks Judy.

      • Me

        A good corn-beef fritter is always a hit!

        • Miss Chardy

          I was nearly going to do them today, but opted for a pizza muffin. 🙂


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