Endota Day Spa @ Peppers Magnetic Island

January 28, 2015


While we were holidaying on Magnetic Island, Mrs Savvy B and I treated ourselves and toddled off  (toddler free) to the Endota Day Spa at Peppers, Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island.

This wasn’t our first time to this Day Spa.  We also treated ourselves 2 years ago when we last stayed on Maggie.  Back then I had the best treatment of my life.  I kid you not, I still rave about it.  My therapist’s name was Leah and I made a special note to remember her name in case we ever returned.


When booking in I told Mrs Savvy B that I was having Leah, and too bad if she wanted her.  I am so selfish aren’t I.  Lucky she is so agreeable.

I booked in to have the same treatment that I had last time – the Spa Mix and I am telling you now, Leah came through with the goods and did not disappoint.  O dear lord, that woman’s hands are magic, magic I tell you.  She know’s her stuff.  No poxy little light massages here folks.

Welcome to heaven, take a deep breath….and relax.  Enjoy the peaceful music and let all your cares wash away as you begin with a relaxing footbath, close your eyes as your feet and legs are gently exfoliated and massaged. Now take your time as you move to the massage table ready to be whisked off into the clouds as your knots are slowly but surely vanish, thanks to hands with special powers.  Then slowly over onto your back, it is time for the pedicure.  While you are relaxing with mask over your eyes the Muscle Magic spray works its way into your shoulders and you can have a little rest while your toes get their pretty on.  Such a great idea to do the pedi now because it gives your nail polish time to dry, really well.  Next up is the facial, oh how I love a facial.  While the mask is on Leah continues with the massage.   This is probably my favourite bit – for a little lady she has the strongest hands known to the massage world and gets stuck into those knots, up your neck and also a scalp massage…… could it get any better?  Then it is all over – nooooooo.  Come on just 5 more minutes.  Ok, so we should probably think ourselves lucky that we were able to be pampered for one hour and forty five minutes!!! Ahhh, pure bliss!

We came out so refreshed, relaxed and floating on cloud 9.  So we thought the right thing to do was to march ourselves straight into the Peppers Boardwalk Restaurant for lunch and a cheeky wine or 3.   What was going to be a quick lunch turned into a 3 course delicious feast by the water.  Life couldn’t get much better.  We had the best day.


So, if you are ever holidaying on Magnetic Island (or I would even go as far to say that even if you are in Townsville you should get yourself onto the Ferry just to visit Leah) then make sure you get yourself to the Endota Day Spa and ask for Leah.  Did I mention that she is also the Manager?  Thanks so much for such a brilliant treatment Leah, I will be back, and you had better still be there!

Here is the Day Spa Menu – this menu is the same for all Endota Day Spa’s, it doesn’t matter if you are in Darwin, Sydney or Magnetic Island, they are all the same.  I highly recommend the Spa Mix.

Have you visited an Endota Day Spa?  Did you just love it?  Which treatment would you recommend?

PS: It has been over a week since my toes were painted and not one single chip.  Best Pedi ever.  

(This is not a sponsored post, just wanted to spread the Endota love)



  1. foodthatsingscatering

    Thanks Miss Chardy, so good to know.
    Like I said a few posts back I have a sister, niece & families living on the gorgeous Maggie Is. & get up there about once a year.
    Love a good pedi….
    Just went to Victoria, & spent a day with some of my sisters…we had the crappiest pedi I’ve ever had in Albury :((
    Great sister time tho :))

  2. Mrs T

    See, I love a good massage, but hate the fluffy ones that do nothing, if I’m paying good money it better be good! I will be sure to lock Leah in if I’m ever up at Maggie. (And in a completely helpful way, I might add you you may need to edit the word fart out of your post. It’s always auto correct)
    Mrs T xx

    • Miss Chardy

      OMG, ha ha ha ha ha ha, aren’t you a gem…thanks so much for telling me about the fart, ha ha ha – mortified….esp in a post about day spa’s, but you did give me a laugh….

  3. MrsDplus3

    Oh My God ….. take me there now!!! Leah sounds like she has magical hands!! As for the wine or 3 – I’ve very impressed (and slightly jealous) that you managed to sneak out child free for all that time!! Now thats what you call a holiday x

    • Miss Chardy

      oh it was absolute heaven and yes, Leah’s hands are definitely magical, she sure does know her stuff when it comes to massage! We had such a lovely time. Very lucky to have all that time child free.

  4. fbh

    Hey Hey Miss Chardy your trip to the day spa sounded awesome… now I’m no snag but when your my size you just darn well need treatment on the old muscles now and then since I have to carry the weight of the world on my back all the time … blah blah blah ..boo hoo poor bugger me… hehehe. Well I was soooo inspired by your little trip I was compelled to splurge and treat my worn out bod to a bit of the same. So Im off in April for five gloreous days and nights at the Oasis Baan Saen Doi Spa and Resort in tropical Chiang Mai Thailand, Check out there web site http://www.oasisluxury.net. I will give you feed back when I return ….

    • Miss Chardy

      Ohhhhh, sounds perfect FBH! Your body will thank you for sure!!!! Can’t wait to hear all about it. You have been very quiet on here of late, hope you haven’t missed too many posts!!!!


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