Packing Tips

March 25, 2014

Ok, so this is possibly a little obsessive…..but here are some fabo packing tips people…  I recently purchased some In Your Bag satchels for packing.  Before these I used freezer bags.  I bought some for all members of the family… ok so none for the husband, i didn’t think he would be all that excited by them.

Just packed for our trip to Darwin.

packing 1


Pop them into the In Your Bag satchel

packing 2


Close the velcro strip and it is all set to pop into your suitcase

packing 3


Each pack comes with 7 satchels and a calico laundry bag, so each family member can just pop all of their dirty washing into their own bag and drop it in the laundry when you arrive home from your trip…well that is the plan anyway, I can’t imagine all of our family members will manage to follow these instructions.  I just noticed they are having quite a big sale on the In Your Bag website at the moment, so jump on over and check them out…. if you are as cray cray as me and a little bit anal about packing.  Things normally all go pear shape once we are actually away and certain children don’t like what is packed for them, but I just go a little psycho and get over it eventually.

packing 4

Happy Packing!


  1. Ffhousemouse

    Yes please. I think only the girls in this family would embrace them. Your Tom might like them I am guessing. Just one qu, what about the ironing…do you re-iron everything upon arrival Miss Chardy? I recently bought some space type bags that you roll the air out of. Attempted to use them for the first time after four late nights and whilst feeling below average and a plane to catch – they nearly made me cry.

    • Miss Chardy

      All the clothes are put into the bag exactly as they would be put into the suitcase, so if they need ironing again after the bag they would need ironing again after the suitcase too, they shouldn’t be too bad i don’t think, may need to run the iron over a few items. If I am all wrinkled in Darwin you will know what has happened. Hope you will still talk to me!

  2. JacYnta (jac)

    Hey Dan,

    Love the blog, I can see this becoming a regular distraction for me! We are heading for Darwin tomorrow, look forward to catching up at the Ladies Day.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jac, it was so great to catch up in Darwin, I had best get my act together and do a little story about Darwin, had the best time.

  3. Di

    Whatever happened to standing at the wardrobe door and hurling things into the suitcase like the rest of us mere mortals? Did you do the spreadsheet as well? I missed not being in Darwin, tell us all about it.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ok, so i didn’t actually type up a spreadsheet, more a handwritten clothes menu, ha ha ha ha ha!!!! We missed you too!

  4. Fasionista

    Oh my goodness me, this is my kind of packing heaven. Off to website right now……..

    And, by the way, what exactly is the problem with a packing spreadsheet?


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