Outback Tracks: Chards & The Pea Bush Forest

February 24, 2015

On the weekend I popped up the road to visit a friend. ย They are moving so I hot footed it up there to give her a hand to pack a few boxes. ย Any excuse for an outing. ย It has been over a month since we returned from holidays so I was going a little nuts to say the least. ย So Clancy and I packed up and headed off for 2 nights.

Now by “up the road” I mean 275km, 3.5 hours, 175km dirt road, 100km bitumen, 3 gates, lots of grids and only passed one vehicle the whole way.

I was a little concerned about what state the stock route (road) would be in. ย But I slapped my face and said “toughen up princess” and jumped in the car. ย  All was going well for about the first hour and a half, then we hit a section of road that had not had a single vehicle across it in about 3 months – we shall refer to this section of road as “The Pea Bush Forest”. ย Because that is what it felt like I was in – a forest. ย Here, this is what Pea Bush looks like… just so you can sort out that mental image…..


Ok, so probably not the “forest” image you had pictured right? ย But to me, this was quite daunting. ย Considering that most of the roads we travel on look like this:


So when I found myself up to my eyeballs in Pea Bush I may have nearlyย soiled myself panicked ever so slightly. ย One minute I could see the half dodgy road and the next this:


Yes – that is the road people. ย I know, I was doubting it as well. ย After smashing through it for a while I thought I had best stop and see if there was an end in sight. ย I nearly got on the roof of the car to look, but couldn’t see an end to it. ย I was even starting to wonder if I really was still on the road, but I was, I definitely was. ย I may well have even plugged in the GPS to make sure I really was on the road. ย I then noticed a clearer section up on the side of the actual road, so over I went, ahhhh much better. ย Although the smell of Pea Bush and the sound of branches scraping along worried me ever so slightly. ย So once again I pulled up, dragged a few mini trees out from under my car and was on my way again.


This is what the clear section of road looked like:




The drive was really quite eyrie. ย I didn’t pass a single vehicle for the first 3 hours, nothing, didn’t see another human being. ย It wasn’t until I was on the bitumen that I finally passed a road train, and that was it for the whole trip over. ย On the way home I think I passed about 3 cars – god talk about peak hour traffic. ย So as you can imagine there was quite a lot of road rage going on.

Anyway, we made it safe and sound. ย Of course I took my “Slipper Kit” (thanks to Andrea from Sublime Finds for giving it this name, I love it). ย Because FF had already packed her blender away I assured her I would bring mine. ย I thought they were probably in need of a Slipper. ย And then FF trotted out a bottle of Veuve….of course she did. ย Because that is how we roll. ย Needless to say the Slippers were a hit as was the Veuve and we decided to ditch the steak and veg and stick with cheese and crackers. ย My favourite kind of dinner!



On the way home this MASSIVE “Pea Bush Forest” that I had built up in my twisted little head was actually quite disappointing. ย  I swear they were much larger in real life – honestly! ย The homebound drive was a lot more enjoyable, especially with the Hamish and Andy Podcasts that FF gave me to listen to.





Did you go away on the weekend? ย Did your road look similar to this one? ย 

Been through any forests lately? ย Belanglo, Pea Bush???








  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Mate I would have needed a change of undies too! I always reckon the return journey goes faster as well.
    We had a different kind of weekend here. We were flooded into the farm for a few days, I was glad to see the sun on Sunday, let me tell you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      Hope all is ok down there now Amanda!! We finally got a bit of something off the Cyclone…. biggest/loudest storm last night and 2 inches. I am sure you were very happy to see some sun. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Little Munch

    I freak out on gravel roads, have no idea how I would handle a pea bush one. However if Slippers & Champers were waiting for me at the other end , I think I would plough through! This may be a silly question but do you have CB/radio contact at all times? And I presume you can change a tyre?!

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha, yes it was worth it. And about being able to change a tyre….hmmmmmm, next question….. I am not sure how, but during the 14 years I have been up here I haven’t really had to…. I think I have a guardian angel who fly’s along outside my car and the only times I seem to get a flat is when Mr Chardy is with me….very strange. But if I had to I am pretty sure I could do it, it would either be change it or sit there in the middle of nowhere, so I am sure I could do it. Yes, all of the vehicles on the station have a UHF radio and I also carry a SAT phone with me, so no matter what I can contact someone. And someone ALWAYS knows when to expect me etc.

  3. ffhousemouse

    Oh those pics freak me out! Thankyou for your visit / help / slipper kit!! ALL appreciated. Hope there were many laughs on the way home! X

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for Hamish and Andy! Loved it.

  4. Anne@Grit and Giggles

    What an adventure. The trip always seems worst the first time around, especially when no one else has been doing it or is with you. I used to get to drive roads like that. I recall going back to the station one time, getting bogged, getting rescued at around 9:30pm and then driving along the two wheel tracks among the window high grass (maybe exaggerated in memory). Bit freaky in the dark but at least there was another car nearby. I am a not the best of night drivers.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Anne, I don’t cope well on muddy roads, and it often involves tears on my behalf and sweaty palms :). Your drive at night time would have been scary!!! I would have been freaking out too.

  5. sandra scott

    I so love reading your posts and hearing about the outback of our country Australia. Thank you so much for taking the time to take photos and share stories. In a way you’re writing a history for the children.

    • Miss Chardy

      Well thank you Sandra for taking the time to read my posts….so glad you enjoy reading them.

  6. June Tomes Jung

    Love your posts Miss Chardy reminds me of the times I’ve spent with my daughter Vanessa and the grandchildren on stations.

  7. Maree

    chards glad to hear you are still in the outback I so miss you guys and our monthly fly ins only 5 yrs since last one found some photos the other day of the older boys will email you soon hello to all where is FF off too

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Maree, so great to hear from you. We do miss your visits and laughs. So great to have you on board the Chardy mobile!!!!

  8. Romana

    Well it was a classic case of ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ great story!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, sometime I just have to tell myself to “Man up”!!!

  9. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I’m surprised you’re not bat shit mental with all that driving, in saying that it must be quite nice to have some peace and Hamish and Andy! Surely you could have taken a stash of the weed and taken it home and made something with it? Smoked it? Ha ha. I can’t wait to have a slipper with you in a few months xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, stash of weed indeed…. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, it was lovely and peaceful as I only had mr 3 year old with me and he slept most of the way or sat quietly, so I listened to 3,079 podcasts, ha ha ha.

  10. Lisa

    Laughed when I read this as I have had similar fill my pants moments when hubby sends me on “you can’t miss it! ” tracks. I may or may not

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha – the old “you can’t miss it” too funny!!!

    • Lisa

      Whoops cut off. While mustering I may or may not of ended up a mountain that goats would struggle to get down from with only an 8 week old and 18 mth old as my co pilots.

  11. Lesley

    Oh my giddy aunt! Did you do that drive all by yourself Miss Chardy?! I’m never going to whinge about driving by myself, to a place I’ve never been before EVER again. My roadtrips pail in to insignificance compared to what is second nature to you. I’m VERY impressed!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, it isn’t that impressive Lesley. I wasn’t completely by myself, I had my 3 year old to keep me company and some good podcasts to listen to, it was quite peaceful really, once I got through that pea bush, ha ha ha!!! Thanks for reading.

  12. FionaM

    You are too funny Miss Chardy! Totally love your blogs – think you have found your niche in the middle of nowhere. Good job! As for your blog, I would have been crapping myself too but amazing when you have slippers, champas and a good friend at the end what you can do! Will I be seeing you next month?

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Fiona, so great to hear from you and have you on board the Chardy Mobile!!!! You always need a Slipper at the end of a trip like that, ha ha ha!!! Now, please don’t talk to me about next month….. I can’t bring myself to think about it…and all the fun you are going to have without me…. so that would be a NOOOOO you won’t see me…..can you tell how happy I am???

  13. Ms Styling You

    You’re an outback warrior princess Miss Chardy. And cheese and biscuits for dinner is always a good idea!

    • Miss Chardy

      It is ALWAYS a good idea…my favourite kind of dinner too Ms Styling!!! Not too sure about the Outback Warrior Princess but I will take what I can get, ha ha ha ha!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ One day I might even be able to have a dinner of wine and cheese with you, when I become a Brisbane local in a few years :)!!!

  14. Cate

    My goodness what a drive. I thought ours were bad here in Zambia – at least yours don’t have potholes!! This weekend we decided to spoil my son for his birthday and take him to a movie…. it’s either 7 hours drive thru potholed roads or a 1 hour flight. Guess which one we plumped for ๐Ÿ™‚ Love hearing about your adventures! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Wow….did you say Zambia….my goodness…I think perhaps we need to hear about your life Cath!!! I am gobsmacked….tell me more!!

  15. Mrs T

    I would have quietly freaked out too if I couldn’t see the road. And I so would have climbed on the roof to make sure I was going the right way, because there’s no one there to laugh at me for doing it!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, just quietly I did actually plug in the GPS and it told me on was on the right road….so that calmed me down, ha ha ha.

  16. Miss Twinings

    Wow what a super trouper! I think you need your own TV show haha, “Adventures with Chards” or “Keeping up with the Slippers”! Lol . Great post and pleased you got home safely. We appreciate the pics along the track for us to see too!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, too funny. Glad you liked the photos…. I thought they could be called “a view from my steering wheel” ha ha ha…. although most of the pictures looked the same ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Sublime Finds

    Thanks for the shout out Miss Chardy! I’ve been seeing your site on my analytics this week, so lovely to have some of your friends over for a gossip about frocks and finds! Really glad you had a good time despite the hairy Pea Bush Forest. You’re made of some stuff stronger than Chardy me thinks ๐Ÿ˜‰ x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh so glad some Chardy’s are getting their style (and KSNY fix) over at Sublime! Have a great weekend, do something fun for me! ๐Ÿ™‚


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