Outback Cattle Station: Blog Rewind {Diesel & Power}

February 25, 2015

Fuel Truck

I have decided to take it back to the start, back to April last year, one of my earlier blog posts, back when I had no clue what I was doing.  Now, don’t get me wrong – I still have no clue but have learnt a few things…. only a few, so don’t get too excited.

Back when I wrote my post about our diesel and power I thought most of you would find it really boring, so it was such a quick post that didn’t provide any information what so ever.  Back then I didn’t have very many readers either.  Judging from all the comments you have left me, this is the stuff you want to hear about – the kind of things that we don’t even think about and take for granted.

So, if you don’t mind, just a quick click HERE and you will be taken to my re-vamped post.  This post is a bit like those “Pick-a-Path” books that I used to read as a kid – do you remember them, or was it just me?  This link will take you back in time to the post I wrote  about Jenny – our lovely generator, of course I have fixed it up, made it more interesting and added more photos for your enjoyment.  It is a post all about Power and Diesel with a touch of The Castle for shits and giggles.

So off you go….. read on my friends – OUTBACK CATTLE STATION: POWER & DIESEL

As I write this post my Governess has just told me that Julia Creek (in QLD) is without power and will be for 3 days…. makes me so very thankful that we have Jenny (Generator).  I can’t even imagine being without power for 3 hours, let alone 3 days.



  1. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I LOVED those pick a path posts, off I trot. LOVE your readership is growing, and so it should! xxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      It appears you may well be my only reader – but I am happy with that Em – would be happy for it to just be you and I talking shit….ha ha ha

  2. mscate

    Just read now, when I was a child we moved to rural NSW and a man came to the house with two bits of wire (is it divining? something like that?) to find the place to drill for the bore. I can still remember how weird it was. I’ve spent the week flat hunting in Berlin, a challenge when you are learning an new language! I stutter alot…

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, water divining. Good luck with your flat hunting 🙂


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