Miss Chardy: Lets Chat! #1

February 27, 2015

Well, my wine didn’t arrive on the plane.  I know, first world problems.  But they are my first world problems.  Ok so 1 box of wine arrived – the Shiraz for Mr Chardy.  I decided that beggars can’t be choosers and cracked that little sucker open and enjoyed a glass of red.  Wednesday nights have become my “tv night” – kids go to bed and I settle in with Wonderland.  It was actually really good having the glass of red because it lasted longer and I didn’t have as much.  So it was a a win win really.  Although I remember now why I don’t drink red wine – the stain it leaves on my lips and teeth makes me look like I should be the main actor in Twilight, lets just say that it is not attractive.

wine stain lips

wine wipes

Is anyone else slightly disturbed by Gogglebox.  Now I can’t really comment too much because I haven’t actually watched an episode but – REALLY – a show about people watching tv…. what has the world come to?  A bunch of bogans in their lounge rooms watching TV, is this what it is?  Sorry bogans who may be starring in this Logie award winning show.  Is it any good?

gogglebox funny

image: www.nouse.co.uk

Has anyone else been watching Judith Lucy is all Woman on the ABC of a Wednesday night?  I have switched over the past few weeks, after Wonderland, and I tell you what – that lady seriously cracks me up.  All she has to do is speak and I am laughing.  This week she was talking to Julie Bishop and Julie – you totally had me at pearls!!!  She is one classy lady, oh so dignified.  I think I could have listened to her speak all night.  She even won Judith over too.  I have never heard Julie speak before (well in a non political way) and I am not prone to watching Question Time, I am more of a Giggle and Hoot kind of girl.  So it was really interesting.  Don’t worry, I am not turning all political on you or anything!

Julie and Judith

julie and judith 2

images: www.news.com.au

Judith also had a crack at walking a few hours in a stay at home Mum’s shoes.  This Mum has 5 children but only left 3 with Judith and a list with 3 jobs on it – fold washing, vacuum stairs and landing and unpack dishwasher.  As all you Mum’s out there can imagine, with 3 young children at home Judith didn’t achieve much.  It was great to see and so true.  Judith came out with a whole new respect for stay at home Mums – it really is a tough gig isn’t it.

The show ended like this…

pole dancer

If you want to you could check it out on iView.  Worth a look especially if you are in need of a laugh.

I have been continuing with my Domestic Goddess/Everyday Housewife duties – getting the clothes in the dryer first thing every morning has been such a game changer and I feel so lucky that I can do this (and realise it is just not practical for most town people with electricity bills and all).  But I am beyond caring what anyone thinks of this drying method – it works for me and that is all that matters.  I am loving myself sick having the clothes folded and away by 7:30am.  Clothes dryer all the way for me guys!  With all of this cleaning and tidy house business I am wondering if  Mr Chardy might be slipping something into my wine…


And I could quite possibly be in the running for Mother of the Year too, I mean if they came to my house and saw the nutritious meals I served up for my 2 young boys every night they would be gobsmacked.  The degree of difficulty that goes into boiling pasta and the end result with grated cheese dusted over the top is second to none people!  Does anyone else have children that live on Weet-Bix, sandwiches and pasta?  I have totally given up fighting with them and could boil that pasta with my eyes shut.  Tom (Mr 10) is finally eating like a real human being but Harry – the 8 year old…..grrrrrrr, lets not go there.

real life

Meanwhile Clancy (the 3 year old) is getting such a fabulous education from Sesame Street I am pretty sure I will have boarding schools calling me up and offering scholarships left right and centre when the time comes, well one can only hope anyway.  He races in and say’s “Mum the word on the Street is &$*#(&(#&$#($&#()#_@&” I can’t ever actually make out the word, but I definitely make it my business to find out, because I am quite fond of the word of the day….. Octagon, Vibration, Pirouette, Metamorphosis, Palaeontologist (I had NO IDEA how to spell that one, thank god for spell check).  Yes – I kid you not – words like METAMORPHOSIS….. “when something goes through a big change” (said with an American accent) – and then Mr 3 say’s “you know Mummy, like when a dog turns into a chopper” why yes, yes that would be a massive metamorphosis.  Can you even see how gifted this child is???

Ok, so I really need to get out more don’t I.  Guys, I think we an all tell when I have been on the station for too long.  I wonder when I will get to town next.   Between online shopping, thanks to the blog post by Style and Shenanigans, ABC 4 Kids and my wine “Situation” things are going downhill fast.  It has been over a month since I have been to town.  I look like a ten dollar hooker with my dark roots.  Haven’t had a hair cut since the beginning of December and I think that was also the last time my eyebrows were waxed.  I can feel a blog post coming up titled “Outback Make Over” because I don’t think I can hang out for the hairdresser and I am going to have to take matters into my own hands and dye it myself.   I just can’t handle looking at those roots, it looks like a block of top deck chocolate.  Not one bit attractive.  So watch this space.  Coming soon to a computer near you – Miss Chardy gets a make over!  I know, it could be award winning.  Would you like to meet my outback hairdresser?  Here she is, isn’t she lovely!

dye Ok, I think I have crapped on for long enough and if you have made it all the way down here, please give yourself a pat on the back.

What are you doing this weekend?  I need to know because I am not doing anything and I need to live my life through you!

Can you believe it is the end of February already?  I still feel like it is February 2014 – but we never ever want to go back to 2014 do we….and I was never to speak of it again was I.

Have a smashing weekend my little Chardy’s!!!!








  1. Sublime Finds

    Miss Chardy, love all these things! I’m seeing your makeover post called ‘life of an outback blonde’! This blonde business can be trickier than it looks! Top deck indeed! Lols. I’m also loving Clancy’s word of the day, need to get some of that up in my vocab too! Also if you find out what Mr Chardy is slipping into your wine, so let me know, I could do with a dose of domesticity!!
    This weekend: date with the husbot, he’s been working heaps and haven’t seen him! Also tending to my top deck situation and having Sunday brunch with three sisters who I wish were my own! I have just been trying to integrate myself and pretend! Happy Friday Chards! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, Andrea you are too funny. I would totally be integrating myself with those 3 sisters, sounds like fun. I am so jealous that you are going to a REAL hairdresser to get a root…oops I mean your roots done. And I will definitely let you know when I find out where my dose of “Sorted Motivation” has come from. I suspect is has come from having a fabulous governess where I don’t have to worry one little bit about my children’s education. Now, I think i might need to email you for idea’s on my “outback make over – life of a blonde in the bush” – I welcome any other witty title ideas for consideration. Have a FABULOUS weekend.

  2. Julie McDonald

    The weekend before last, we went to Adelaide (400kms north of here) to deliver two Range Rover Sports then last weekend it was off to Melbourne (500kms from here) to a swanky dinner with Land Rover and deliver a Ford Kuga. This weekend we are off to Adelaide to deliver 2 cars to people then off to the Clipsal 500 V8’s and see iur gorgeous girls. Just a quiet weekend! As you have probably cottoned on, we are car dealers. We live in a small country town in South Australia and have had the dealership for nearly 26 years. We sell new Fords, Land Rovers and Suzuki’s and all manner of good used cars. My husband is the most honest car saleman you will ever meet. Let me know if you’d like a new vehicle, he delivers anywhere!
    What a dilemma when the chardy doesn’t arrive! Sweaty palms? I get very grumpy if there’s no cab sauv in the house!
    My kids were fussy eaters when they were young. Spag bol, chicken nuggets, sausages and hot dogs were the usual fare. One liked baked beans, the other one canned spaghetti. One liked peas, the other green beans. One liked tomato sauce, the other didn’t!
    But something happened when they turned about 15 – all if a sudden their palates changed and they wanted porcini mushrooms, gravlax, quail and gorgonzola cheese! What the? At 24 and 21 they are a delight to take to a restaurant but its extremely expensive as they like a drop or two!
    Well, better pull my finger out and get packed. I need to make some choc chip cookie bars to take for B21. There’s also a date loaf in the freezer for K24 – they love my home cooking!
    Very proud of B21, she started her grad year of Nursing this week in a city hospital. She has been placed on a stroke ward which she says is interesting but hard work as the patients are not very mobile so lots of lifting involved. She’s used to that, having worked as a carer in an aged care facility. She’s used to pooh explosions and pad changing too! Did I ever think my child would cope with that? Not on your nelly, but she does! Oh, and she loves oozing wounds too!
    Anyway, that was a lot of babbling but fun nonetheless. I hope that wine shows up soon,

    Cheers, Joolz xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Julie, wow you have been busy with all of your travelling. I love hearing that your children were fussy eaters too and now they are great – that gives me such hope Julie, love hearing those stories and that is why I have just started to chill and give them what they will eat, I figure one day they WILL eat properly. One day. I was just as bad as them when I was young and now I can’t stop eating….Well done to your daughter, she sounds amazing, I can’t cope with wounds especially those of the oozing variety!!! I take my hat off to nurses. I think they are very special. Have a great weekend!!!

  3. Fashionista

    Top deck hair! That is very funny. Wine situation is a bit annoying. And what is it about shiraz that leaves completely unattractive teeth?! And I also find that shiraz makes me slur my words so I steer clear unless there is a wine situation.

    All go and excitement here for the weekend. Saturday will be sorting stuff out/cooking in advance to be away next weekend at Mt Buller bike racing (husband & son competing). Saturday evening Husband and Daughter are off to see the Foo Fighters live.

    Sunday I am catching up with one of my western QLD cousins that I have not seen on a loooooooong time and I am very excited about that. Thanks to FB we actually chat often but we haven’t had an IRL catch up since my Dad’s funeral 23 years ago (and that wasn’t my best day just quietly).

    You have a lovely weekend.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Judy, how exciting to see your cousin – and especially since you haven’t caught up in 23 years, wow!!! Well you have a busy weekend all sorted! Have a great one.

  4. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Just finished patting myself on the back. Drastic times Miss Chardy is now moonlighting as Miss Shiraz! Ha ha. I’m sure you’ll do a stunning job of your hair, better than a block of Top Deck (said with Kiwi accent) on your hair. LOVE Judith and I’m all about political shows sorry, yes I’m boring. A quiet weekend with lots of work actually, have to keep the wolves at bay, there’s some nice stories in there though, tales of 80yos etc. And lunch with girlfriends on Sunday so that will be nice to escape the shackles of home life. I love reading your posts, they always make me smile xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I could go a block of top deck right now, the only chocolate on the station is Nestle chic bits…. tough times I tell you. Stay tuned for seeing how very unattractive I look here on the station in the “before” photos of my make over…. ha ha ha.

      Oh, dear, political shows…..Mr Chardy talks enough politics for me and everyone on the station and is always reading political blogs…I prefer a humorous read myself, ha ha ha, not sure how we are married…but I promised myself to never talk politics on this blog, so that is enough about that.

      I am so so so jealous that you get to 1) leave the house on Sunday 2) have lunch at a real cafe/restaurant/where ever with your friends and 3) do it child free…. ahhhh bliss. Have a WONDERFUL time.

      • Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

        Well yes I don’t do much political banter but I do enjoy watching Q and A because it’s fascinating! And I only ever watch ABC or SBS because I’m a nerd. The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon is nightly giggle! x

  5. Katherine

    Hope you manage to enjoy your weekend, I’m probably about to make you jealous though…..over the weekend I will be getting ready for ‘Inschool’ (Alice Springs SOA, a whole week in town). We should trade place, I live close enough to get to town once a week if I wanted, but would prefer to only go every few months!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, have fun Katherine!!!

  6. Anne@gritandgiggles

    Oh lord I wish I had a t.v night to sit back and relax and watch the shows I like. Unfortunately sleep is more valuable than that. I saw ads for Gogglebox, don’t see how it would appeal but who knows. Judith Lucy is a crack up, not that I’ve seen her in ages. Sounds like you need a town trip. I never used to bother with hair or anything when on a station, actually even here in town I don’t. I actually made for a hair cut, maybe I’ll do that again in another 6 months or so.

  7. KezUnprepared

    Oh I am so glad that Judith Lucy’s show is good – I’ve been recording the episodes – saving them up for a hopeful binge watch (don’t hold your breath – I’ve been known to take a YEAR to watch some things). I thought Gogglebox would be terrible, but I do kind of have fun watching it. I know. What has the world come to??
    The other day I noticed that Sesame Street’s word of the day was ‘vibrate’. I can’t see how that could possibly go wrong haha.

    • Miss Chardy

      Kez, the Judith Lucy show is hilarious, you will love it, whenever you get around to watching it 🙂 I heard the word Vibrate too, Clancy keeps bringing me things that vibrate and telling me about them, ha ha ha.

  8. Claire

    Love reading your posts. You make me laugh out loud 🙂 Glad to know my kids are not the only fussy eaters out there – mind you, they are only 3 & 2 and I was hoping they would grow out of it sooner rather than later! Oh well… At least the grocery bill is reasonable! “Bread” is the most important food group anyways.. right?! Sorry your box of wine didn’t arrive. Better luck next time! Cheers.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Claire – yes do yourself a huge favour and don’t stress too much about what they “don’t” eat. My 8 year old is my worst offender….so he survives on weet bix, butter sandwiches, milo, pasta and I think that is about it…. oh and cakes. My 3 year old loves his fruit, so at least that is something, and he isn’t too bad with everything else actually, much better than the other boys were at that age.

  9. Kate

    Love Judith Lucy, have done ever since my mum and dad introduced us to D-Gen and the Late Show….the best!

    I’m working tomorrow…. Extra hours on top of my usual M-F 9-5, booooo. Sunday I hope to sleep in (though if I make in to 7am I’ll think myself lucky!) and I’m thinking about a run and going to the movies but truth be told I’m more likely to just remain horizontal until Monday!

    Have only been reading your blog for a couple of weeks but I’m finding it very entertaining : )

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kate, god, i think you should definitely remain horizontal for all of Sunday, wow, I think you might deserve that rest…but do you have children? That could put a spanner in the works. Judith rocks doesn’t she, just so funny. Thanks for saying hi Kate!!! 🙂

  10. Aunty Anne

    Sorry, but I did not recognise Mr Chardy without his hat in the pic with Judith

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, love it. I know, he could have at least left his had on. 🙂 So lovely to hear from you Aunty Anne!!!

  11. Ellie

    Love iView – it has become my version of the Sunday papers in bed. Nice quiet time I catch up on any docos or my english dramas.

    Im with you on the red not only the teeth staining but I have developed an intolerance to it and it now makes me vomit (and no its not a quantity issue).

    Sadly I must admit to watching GoggleBox the first ep I watched with my daughter as they were having a cyclone day off school the next day so we stayed up to watch it and got horribly hooked.

    • Miss Chardy

      iView is just great isn’t it Ellie. Love it. So tell me, is Gogglebox funny? I should check it out.


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