2 Minute Poached Eggs

March 9, 2015

poached egg title

If you love a good poached egg then you are not going to regret reading this.  A total game changer as far as poaching eggs is concerned.   The other day I noticed Mr Chardy cracking some eggs into a bowl of water.  I asked him what the hell he was doing to which he replied: ” This is how Miss Gabby poaches her eggs”…. so here you are my friends…..

Miss Gabby’s College Eggs

Miss Gabby is our wonderful Governess who also cuts a mean figure in the culinary world.  At only 21 she is wise beyond her years and that young lady can and will cook.  This is just one of her fabulous inventions.  Well I don’t know anyone else who cooks their eggs like this so I am letting her claim this one, and if this is how you have been cooking your eggs – well done, I like it.

This is what you do:

  1. Place about 2 cups of hot tap water into a bowl
  2. Crack 2 eggs into bowl (or how ever many you like really, you might just need to cook for a bit longer if you have more than 2 eggs in bowl)
  3. Put in microwave on high for 2 minutes (my microwave is 1000w)
  4. Remove/drain with large draining spoon

poached eggs 2

This whole breakfast dish was prepared in under 5 minutes….how easy is that!  I am a total convert to the microwaved poaching.  Oh and if you are doing Weight Watchers it is only a 5 point breakfast (incl bit of butter in the mushrooms) even better!

How was your weekend? we went to a farewell party for some good friends.  It was a surprise and so much fun.  It also involved a fair amount of driving for everyone who attended.  People from all over the NT really.  A few families flew in and the rest drove for many hours.  It took us 7 hours and we didn’t go through one single town, a couple of roadhouses, but no towns.  I think we spent more time in the car than we did at the party.  Was well worth it though, such a fun night and we wish our friends all the best on their new adventure.

Do you have any hot tips like this?  How do you poach your eggs?
Did you do some travelling on the weekend?


  1. Sublime Finds

    This is genius Miss Gabby! So clever!! Thanks for sharing Chards! Glad u had a great weekend, quiet one here, laid low with the husbot! Have a great week!

    • Miss Chardy

      Miss Gabby is the business Andrea, she never ceases to amaze me with her tricks of the trade. Nice quiet weekend would have been nice. You have a great week too!

  2. Pauline

    Hi Chards Love your blog.
    To poach more than one egg in microwave. Use MICROWAVE muffin round tray. Add one teaspoon of water in each muffin and add in one egg per muffin space. Cook on high for 2 to three minutes depending on your microwave.
    Check as you go as egg size or muffin size can vary. My muffin tray can take 6 eggs. I use this to cook for lots of people for breakfast.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Pauline, oh I love it. Might have to get a microwave muffin tray!!! Thanks so much for sharing, I am pretty sure I will give this a whirl Pauline when cooking for the crew. Mr Chardy did 4 eggs last night using Miss Gabby’s method.

  3. Haylz

    About to try this for breaky! Oh Miss Gabby is such a wealth of information! Thanks Miss Chardy!

    • Miss Chardy

      Haylz, I was thinking of you as I typed up that post. Just had some bacon, mushrooms and Miss Gabby’s College eggs…so yummy and filling. I knew you would like this one. Isn’t she just so clever! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Julie. I just had some eggs too. I just love this microwave method as there is just one bowl, not a heap of cleaning up or washing etc. Love that pan that you have – reminds me of one that my grandmother used to have.

  4. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    If I like my chickens half alive I would make these, but poached eggs and I aren’t friends! I have mine sunny side down! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, just cook them for 3 minutes then, ha ha ha.

  5. Kirsty Rice

    Definitely trying this tomorrow! Yes, I too travelled on the weekend, I went to Kuwait for my daughters softball tournament. Our lives are a little different aren’t they Miss Chardy 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Kirsty, firstly I am so excited to see your little comment pop up here and secondly….I just love seeing what you are up to…. “just popped over to Kuwait……” ha ha ha ha, as you do!!!! I just love hearing about your life over there, it truly is mind boggling to me. Will we be seeing you at Royyyyyal Piiiiiiines in August??? I would love to hear more stories from your crazy life.

  6. Mrs T

    Yes!! I love a good poached egg! I have tried the microwave method previously but with much less water and after several trials, and several episodes of exploded egg I gave up. I am now tempted to try again. I have also rediscovered mushrooms a few days ago. How could have I forgotten about how good they are??!! yes please to filling low calorie food that actually tastes amazing and actually fills you up. Yum. And you are a good egg (Haha! Pun intended) for driving in the car longer than you spent at the party.
    Ps mr chardy rocks for knowing how to cook. Bonus points for actually cooking!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mrs T…. so to date I haven’t had any exploded eggs, but it seems quite a few people have. I actually prefer my eggs “unfertilised” ha ha ha ha. I am loving my eggs and mushrooms. Mr Chardy is also a good egg for driving all the way to the party and all the way back, I slept for the whole 7 hours home!


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