30 Day Fitness Challenge

March 10, 2015

Hello readers.  Would you like to join me on one of the 30 Day Fitness Challenges?  Have you heard of these?  They are quick little challenges that you do each day.  Day one takes less than 1 minute.  As the days go on the challenges get harder but they are always pretty quick. You don’t need a heap of time or room to do them.

You can follow along using your iPhone, here is how (or click to link at bottom of page, you can download the link from there for your iPhone or Android, or print out the challenge from your computer)…

app store

 This App is $3.79

purchase app

open challenge




To find out exactly how to do each exercise just swipe the screen to the right and click on “Exercises” there are video’s of each exercise or step by step instructions.

Then you just follow the prompts each day.  So easy and quick, though I feel by day 15 I may not be saying this….we will see.  You can choose any “challenge” you like.  If you would like to follow along with me on Instagram just use the hashtag #30daychallengewithchards

If you would like to print out the challenges from your computer just click here on 30 DAY FITNESS CHALLENGES and select your challenge.  You can also download the iPhone or Android app from this website.

Would you like to join me on this 30 day challenge.  Lets see how we go.


 Day 1 – GO!



    • Miss Chardy

      Good work Jessica, surely we won’t regret this…although when we are planking for 100 seconds we might, ha ha ha.

  1. Melissa Schultz

    I have a Nokia Lumia and so I can’t download this exact program but I did find a 30day challenge in my app store and have downloaded and done day 1!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yay, way to go!!!! We can do this Melissa!!!

  2. joolzmac

    I’ve got the app but can’t find you on Instagram. Lots of other #30daychallengewith… but not you…

    • Miss Chardy

      Sorry Joolz…. it should be there now, just #30daychallengewithchards (and I am misschardy8 on Insta)

        • Miss Chardy


  3. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    So I now see what you’re channeling your motivation in to now that you’re organised! I love the idea of this. I think I need to do the core one moreso… ma pelvics are shocking.

    • Miss Chardy

      ok – onto it girlfriend, you do the core – start tomorrow…xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Good girl 🙂

  4. ffhousemouse

    I might do this in April…

    • Miss Chardy

      Maybe September, ha ha ha ha. 🙂

      • ffhousemouse


        • Miss Chardy

          🙂 One step in front of the other…oh and don’t forget that you still have your health…..

  5. Digella

    Great idea. I will watch on with interest 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Are you just watching or joining us with sore bums and muscles? ha ha ha 🙂


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