Tales of an Outback Cook: The story so far…

March 25, 2015


Here we are guys, Wednesday already.  Which means I have officially completed 4 days in my new office – aka: the Station Kitchen. And I am pleased to report – so far so good.

I don’t even know who I am anymore.  I know I keep saying it, but it is true.  Even my Dad is scared for me.  He thinks I have crossed over to the dark side….the tidy/clean/obsessive side.  If someone had have told me last year that I would be cooking full time this year I would have told them they were out of their minds.  But since getting my act together back in January I am actually enjoying it …. no, did I just say that out loud? Shhhhhh don’t tell anyone.

I was even thinking yesterday about my “About” page on this blog – I had written that I hate baking.  I may have to change that because it hasn’t been too bad.  You see I am channeling my inner Aileen (our old cook of 6 years) and I tell you what – things are rolling along marvellously!!!! That woman was all over it, she had her routine and was never in a mess.  It is thanks to her that I can do this job now.  I used to end up in the biggest mess every time I would cook anything, and I think that is the reason why I hated cooking so much, I just thought about the mess.  But Aileen taught me one valuable lesson: don’t get everything out that you need, don’t put every single ingredient on the bench top and then leave it there.  Get each ingredient out as you go… flour: put it in the bowl and put it away, sugar: put it in the bowl and put it away, cocoa – put it in the bowl and put it away.  Holy cow, how can something so simple change my life?  No longer am I in a mess,  I am in control.  I don’t rush or stress, I just poke along and chill out.  I used to go over to the kitchen and Aileen would have slices baked, dinner in the oven and would be creating a dessert and there would be zero mess, I just didn’t understand how she was so in control, no fuss, no mess and no stress.  Now I get it.  So thanks Aileen.  I also have this little chestnut ringing in my ears…. thanks Merril.


Another thing I am loving about cooking is listening to endless Podcasts.  Clancy either plays outside, builds lego inside or watches a bit of tv, he has been really fantastic, which means I can listen to my podcasts.  I am now totally caught up on Chat 10 Looks 3 with Leigh Sales and Annabel Crab, and I must say I am loving it.  I have also been listening to Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin,  Enough Rope with Andrew Denton, This American Life (but for some reason only one episode comes up in their feed, so if you know how to rectify this please let me know), and of course Two Fat Expats and Conversations with Richard Fidler.  Please keep your podcast suggestions coming in, I know my readers love to know about them too and I am always on the look out for a new one.

podcast collage

So there you have it folks, things are actually going surprisingly well.  I am just waiting for it to all fall apart and me lose my shit.  I have been so calm, I just don’t know what it is, perhaps my Bitch Pills are already working, I have been taking them religiously.  But seriously, this whole “Get sorted with Chards” thing has been a game changer.  My house is still tidy which makes all the difference.  If I can stay on top of things here then all should be ok.  Lets not talk about the office right now… there are a few things that need sorting out in there, like a new computer that needs hooking up (and everything switched over to it from the old one….arggghhhhhhhhh I have put it in the too hard basket).

If you have been wondering what’s been cooking then here, have a little squiz at my spreadsheet – I think this has also kept me sane.  I haven’t had to think “oh god, what should I cook”.  I can only imagine how proud my Virgo friends are of this little spreadsheet.


I think I only have a few for smoko this morning, so I should be able to catch up today and bake a few biscuits etc.  I have been so busy listening to my podcasts that I have been forgetting to take photos.  Some of the meals I have cooked so far are: Roast Beef & Veg, Corned Beef & Veg, Steak & Chips, Sweet Corn & Bacon Pies, Pizza, Bubble & Squeak, Devilled Sausages (both using up left overs for lunch yesterday)…. and that is about it guys.  On the menu today we have Rissoles and Veg…..everyone knows rissoles Darl….  Here is one of the only photos I have taken…. Bubble & Squeak, ha ha ha…

IMG_4966It was our head stockman’s Birthday yesterday, so I trotted out a chocolate cake, doesn’t look fabulous but I can assure you it is good – moist and yummy.  It is one that you make in a saucepan.  The icing is also made in a saucepan which is why it has run everywhere, but by golly it tastes great.  I will have to put the recipe up on the blog.


In other important “need to know” news – I had the best dream last night.  I was on my way to New York with a bunch of fun people.  Not sure who these fun people were but I can tell you that I was completely beside myself as we flew over New York City ready to land…. god I am dying to go to NYC, anyone else care to join me.  I have been told in no uncertain terms that Mr Chardy is not keen.  Which works for me, I would prefer to go with girlfriends anyway – imagine the fun.  I blame this obsession completely on Baby Mac & Styling You.  I can’t stop reading their stories about NY.  I would love to go with someone who knows the place and can show me the sights.  So tell me, when do we leave?  Surely there is a blogging conference happening that I just “have to attend”.  These dreams can only mean one thing – I need to get to town… Mt Isa… not quite NYC!!

Happy hump day my friends.  How has your week been?  
What is the one place you are dying to visit?  I would be happy with anywhere out of Australia to tell you the truth.  










  1. ffhousemouse

    This little Virgo is super proud! It appears my ‘virgoness’ has left me this year. Waiting for it to return…2020 is my year for a BIG Trip. England and France. New York is certainly on my list too. X

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh don’t worry, I am pretty sure you are rocking your Virgo, you just don’t realise it, image how you would be if you weren’t a Virgo!!! One foot in front of the other….just think about 2020!! ha ha ha.

  2. Vicki Wallis

    My week has started ok. I fI could choose to go anywhere at the moment I would love to take my daughters to New York to live for a few months. Just have to wait until my youngest has finished school – 2 years to go. V x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, wouldn’t it be just so much fun to live in New York. My friend used to live there and I just loved her photos and the things she used to get up to. Hope you end up doing it Vicki.

  3. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    A choc cake in a saucepan? You need to blog the shizz out of that Chards!
    Glad you’re managing everything – update that About Me page to include superhero

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, I so do don’t I Amanda – you will be beside yourself. Right, onto it. Shall get it up on the blog. Might just delete the part about hating baking, it is not in line with my new career, ha ha ha.

  4. SarahG

    Love your recipes and ‘organisedness’ – you are definitely making inroads into all that beef in your freezer! Love NYC – we went this time last year and I am hanging out to go again.. I turn 50 in two years so maybe then.. In the meantime, I have just booked a ticket to the UK this August to see my parents and brother (and a few friends if I can fit it in). First time I will have had an overseas trip on my own, without husband or kids, since 1998…

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sarah, I would love to just leave Australia – have never been over seas, have led such a sheltered little life. At least I managed to leave NSW….ha ha ha. I am very jealous about your trip to the UK in August. Have fun!!!

  5. foodthatsingscatering

    lol..you rock Miss Chardy. You are real…& doing great!
    Thanks for keeping us posted :)) Roni xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks Roni, you are too sweet.

  6. Ms Styling You

    In a New York minute I’d be there with you Miss Chards! Loved that place. And love your kitchen organisation. That’s a huge job you’ve undertaken. I hope the holiday pay is good 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Nikki, I only recently discovered your tales of NYC…. couldn’t get enough of them, had to keep limiting my reading i.e.: can’t read any more of Nikki’s NYC tales until I vacuum etc… ha ha ha. Oh god I would love to go, see i am even dreaming about it now. Right, when do we leave? ha ha ha.

  7. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Wow check out that schedule, you really are outdoing yourself. I LOVE New York and at times wish I was back living there. I had so much fun in my early 20s over there, I tried hook myself a New Yorker but alas no. It’s okay though I married a nice spunk from NZ so did okay. Very proud of you cook!

    • Miss Chardy

      That schedule is a life saver. Now – what the hell – you lived in NYC….oh dear lord… do you have any blog posts about this???? I can’t wait to hear all about it. How fantastic. How long were you there for?

  8. Suzy L

    Just wanted to suggest abc radio national ‘life matters’ for podcasts that are worth listening to. I like listening to them in the car when I drive to neighbouring town to work.
    By the way, your super-organisation and great cooking skills are impressing me while sadly I feel you are leaving me behind. I am getting better at doing meal plans but still manage to get in a big mess every time I cook!

    • Miss Chardy

      Nooooo Suzy, you can do this, you can stay tidy…trust me, if I can do it anyone can. Just when I start to think things are getting messy and out of control I take a deep breath and just slowly tidy up and put away before moving onto the next step….it totally works….oh my god it works…. just try it, please, and tell me how you go…. by just putting things away as you go and washing up as you go etc….then you don’t have a big mess facing you once you have put the cake in the oven, everything should be tidy….it is a game changer. Trust me… I have done way too much baking today, WAY TOO MUCH! I am definitely checking out that podcast tomorrow, thanks so much for letting me know, be sure to tell me of any other podcasts you come across, ANY!!! Now, let me know how you go with the mess. 🙂

  9. Reannon @shewhorambles

    Hey Miss Chardy I can’t seem to find your blog on Bloglovin & I keep missing all your post on Facebook because that place is a fickle bastard! Are you on Bloglovin?

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I don’t know, am I on blog loving?? How do I get on Bloglovin? Oh god, can you see why I don’t even know how I blog!!!! I am pretty sure some people follow me on Bloglovin, but I have no idea really….I will see what I can find out. You can “subscribe” and get my posts in your email inbox….Thanks so much for reading…from a very dodgy blogger!!! 🙂

  10. Sal

    Two words for you Miss Chardy…….Las Vegas! Need I say more?

    • Miss Chardy

      And what about Maggie Island…you haven’t given me an answer about that…. I am that desperate to get a passport and get the hell out of this country for an overseas holiday that it isn’t even funny Sal x

  11. Kate

    I can answer your This American Life question – only the current week’s podcast is available for free. If you want to listen to past episodes, you have to download them off itunes and then they’re 99c each I think. You can find some old ones online for free if you look hard enough though. Great job re the cooking!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Kate, you are an ABSOLUTE LEGEND!!!! Thanks so much, I was just sitting there thinking WTF!!!! Why does everyone keep going on about this podcast and I can only see one. I am onto it – totally happy to pay 99c per cast, ha ha ha. Right, thanks!!!

      • Kate

        Happy to help!

  12. Miss Twinings

    Miss Chardy , wow, you are all over it & doing so well…good on you. So great too your littlest can be near u too whilst u cook – sounds like everything is falling into place, & maybe with the money u save on a ‘cook’, u can save for NY perhaps! Gee those people out there sure do have an appitite though! I’ve had an ok day, but reading your posts always give me a smile & laugh 🙂

  13. Nicole- Champagne and Chips

    I am very impressed with your cooking stories. I’ve never thought to bake like that- doesn’t it take twice as long? I guess you save time by not going into the ‘overwhelm’ meltdown that usually follows a giant kitchen mess, Either way, you are terribly inspiring.

  14. Liz @ I Spy Plum Pie

    I’m all over the podcasts while I cook thing too! Love your selection, most of them were already on my rotation but there’s some newbies too! If you like ones like Wilosophy podcast then you’d probably like the Osher Ginsberg one as well, he interviews some pretty amazing people!

  15. miles from Brooklyn

    Hi Chardy, Sorry to hear you are going through such a difficult time. I am from NYC, but have been traveling Australia for 8 months. You have a beautiful country. A less expensive option for This American Life is to download the app from the App Store and then you have access to stream all of the episodes without any additional charge. (It’s available on my US iTunes account and I’m assuming it is here too.) My family has listened to many episodes as we have traveled the country.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there, wow I would absolutely love to travel to NYC one day and I will, one day! Thanks for the tip about This American Life. I have just discovered another one called “Criminal”. Pretty interesting too. Happy travels to you around this great country.


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