Rest In Peace Mick – our Head Stockman lost his life on Friday

April 1, 2015

Miss Chardy may be laying low for a little bit over the next couple of weeks.  On Friday our head stockman lost his life in what can only be described as a freak accident.


Mick has been a part of our family for over 4 years.  He arrived in 2011 as a fresh faced strapping young lad straight out of boarding school.  “An old bushy stuck in a young mans body”, he told us.  He really was an old bushy too.  Mick grew up on a station a couple of hours out of Cunnamulla and loved life up here on the Barkly.  When Mick arrived he was pretty reserved and I remember him sitting up at the horse yards.  I said to Mr Chardy “I don’t think he will last”.  Well Mr Chardy is a pretty good judge of character and he promptly replied “no no, he will be great”.  So with that I thought everything will be ok.  Perhaps he will last after all.  And of course he did.  This was his fifth year with us and his second year as our Head Stockman, Mr Chardy’s right hand man.  A cheeky little devil who sometimes needed to be reminded about the language rule in the kitchen, I bet he got sick of me saying “Michael – language!!!!!” ha ha ha.  Not to mention how cranky it used to make him when I would wash up his mug.  Oh how I used to love to annoy him.  Just look at him would you – this is a classic, cheeky Mick pose….


Mick’s brother is our Mechanic up here at Chardy Central.  With only 14 months between them they are basically twins.  They really are like family to us.  These are the kind blokes who gifted me french champagne for both my Birthday and Christmas!  Their sophistication is second to none, even if they are wearing work shirts smothered in grease stains and tears.  They can pop that little pinky finger out and rock the Moet like nobodies business.


Micks Mum, Dad and Sister arrived up here on Sunday.   We have never met them before and I can’t believe Mick & Nev have kept them from us all this time, because they are just the most lovely people you will ever meet.  He obviously wanted to keep them all to himself.  Well they are here now Mick and I am not sure I will let them leave.

Tom, our 10 year old, just idolised Mick.  Everything was “Mick did this” or “Mick taught me how to do this” …… he used to take Tom up to the dump and teach him how to shoot and how to re-load bullets (because he was such a tight ass).  He also taught Tom how to weld the other day for the first time.  Tom was as proud as punch.  “Mum, look, Mick taught me how to weld…. look at it, that was nice of him wasn’t it Mum”.

We are so pleased to finally meet his gorgeous Mum, Dad and Sister and spend some time with them, if only it was under different circumstances.  They raised 2 wonderful well mannered young men and a gorgeous young lady.  They are a credit to you Susan and Pete.

Our thoughts go out to all of Mick’s family and friends from near and far.

We will miss you Mick.  Thanks for everything.  Rest in peace old mate.






Here he is with his brother Nev (well his real name is actually Harry but we call him Nev).  Nev is on the left and Mick is on the right.



4 mates on that poor horse… How fantastic is this photo, don’t you just love it.  Look at those cheeky grins.  Mick is 3rd from the front.  His good mate Kurt is just in front of him, Kurt worked for us for a few years and is still up here on a neighbouring station.  Johnny is at the front (and works for Mr Chardy’s twin brother – I know it really is one big family isn’t it) and Tom is at the back – Tom used to work here with Mick.




  1. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I have tears my friend, such devastatingly sad news for your family and for Mick’s family. I did have a feeling something must have been up as you haven’t been around the traps, I’m so sorry to read about the reason. Big hugs to you all, especially the boys, this will be very hard on them. And you. xxxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks Em, so lovely to hear from you…have been missing you all. Thought I had best let you all know the reason. Thanks for your thoughts. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks gorgeous lady, really appreciate it. xxx

  2. Jent


    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Jent.

  3. Emma Steendam

    Oh, the worst possible news. Such a sad post to read, what a beautiful vibrant young man Mick looked to be, far too young. I lost a friend recently suddenly, far too suddenly and far too young (my age, 28, with two littlies). It’s just all very sudden, very shocking, grief is a such heavy cross to bear. A reminder of such fragility, this life business. Thoughts are with your family and Mick’s xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Emma, yes, I know you can feel my pain. Just terrible isn’t it. So sad. Thanks for your thoughts. x

  4. Sandra Scott

    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, he sounded like such a magic young man. Thoughts to his family also, I have a huge lump in my throat reading this post but know that accidents happen.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sandra, he was a great young man. Thanks so much for thinking of us. x

  5. ffhousemouse

    Have been thinking of you ALL so much. Mick’s Family, his Mittiebah Family and his Friends. Only had the pleasure of meeting him a few times – what a lovely young man – and yes, I would say cheeky! Lovely post Miss Chardy. X

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Mouse xxx

  6. MrsBargie

    Thoughts are with you all, such a lovely post Miss Chardy x sending you lots of virtual hugs
    our thoughts and prayers are with you all

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Jess, really appreciate it. Feeling the hug. x

  7. Sew Crafty Deb

    Such sad news. Very sorry to hear this. Much love to all of you. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for your thoughts Deb. x

  8. Amy

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss! Your words are just beautiful, and from what I can gather from reading your words, the quote “only the good die young” are very true. Thinking of you up there! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks so much Amy, you are so kind. x

  9. Fi

    You have done Mick proud Miss Chardy – a lovely post. Keep strong – thinking of you all xo

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Fi, lovely to hear from you. xxxx

  10. ANGELA

    Very sad. I did think we hadnt heard from you for a while. Thinking of you and families.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Angela, yes, thought I had best let you all know that there was a reason I was off the radar. Thanks for your thoughts.

  11. Jessica Watters

    Sending love and hugs to everyone at Mittiebah and surrounds. Praying for you all at this terrible time.
    May his family and all his friends find comfort in the memories Mick made. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Jessica, we really do appreciate your kind words and thoughts. x

  12. vanessa from style and shenanigans

    What a gorgeous tribute to your dear friend. I can hear the pain, shock and sadness in your writing. I hope you can hear the hug and listening ear in mine. Xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Vanessa you have brought a tear to my eye, you gorgeous lady, I can definitely feel the hug!!! xxx

  13. Mrs T

    Tears in my eyes Miss Chardy. What a tragic loss for you all. Heartfelt prayers for everyone at such a devastating time, most especially for his family xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Everyone’s lovely comments are bringing tears to my eyes Mrs T – just so appreciative to everyone.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kelly. x

  14. Fashionista

    That’s bloody awful. For everyone. If I lived within five hours drive I would bring food. But I don’t, so can only offer virtual food and support. Fat lot of practical use really but I hope you gain some strength from the support of your internet community.

    Tom will miss his mate. Mr Chardy will miss his right hand man. Don’t forget to look after yourself while you’re looking after those boys. They will need you at fighting weight.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Judy. It is just terrible. Such a supportive community both here and virtually that I have. So many thoughtful people. Just amazing.

  15. Ms Styling You

    Oh Miss Chardy, like everyone else here, I have tears too. Thinking of you, your family and Mick’s family. Sending you love and light xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Nikki. People are amazing aren’t they, so thoughtful. We appreciate you thinking of us.

  16. mrsderrig

    I’m very sorry for your loss. He seemed like a wonderful man. A lovely tribute you have written xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sarah, much appreciated. x

  17. Rob Favelle

    Heartbreaking …..thinking of you all, such sad news. He looked so young and fullof life and happiness xxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Far to young and full of life Rob. Thanks for thinking of us, we appreciate it.

  18. Little Munch

    What a beautiful boy to go way too soon. In my experience country people are truly wonderful at supporting each other in times of tragedy and I’m sure all of you at Chardy Central will look after each other so well. Take care lovely lady x

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, we are all sticking together 24/7. So lucky to all have each other.

  19. Reannon @shewhorambles

    Oh god! How heartbreaking for you all. Too young, too soon.
    Dont forget to take care of yourself while taking care of everyone else x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Reannon. Appreciate your thoughts.

  20. BabyMacBeth

    Oh Love! So sorry to hear your news and so heartbreaking to see such a fine young man taken from you all well before his time. Sending you lots of love (and Chardy) I hope you are all doing OK. Will be thinking of you all xxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much, what is happening to the world, only last week that you were at a funeral of a life taken too soon. Thanks for your thoughts. xx

  21. Chrissy

    I had popped in a few times looking for over the week and wondered how you guys were doing…so sad and such a tradegy. It must be incredibly hard on all of you and his family…I had only days ago read what a good crew you had this year and know that Mick will be sorely missed on the station and in such a tight knit outback community X

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Chrissy, I know, I am so sorry I didn’t reply to you….I saw your message. We just had the perfect crew Chrissy….. he was lucky to live in such a fantastic community and will be missed by many.

  22. andrea

    So very sorry to hear about your head stockman. Please accept my sincere thoughts and best wishes at this time.

  23. Mel

    What a beautiful way to remember a young bloke! What a larrikin fun loving person your photos portrayed. His work really was a lifestyle and I’m sure he loved every minute of it! Sorry for your and his family’s loss of such a treasured person.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Mel, those photos are so Mick. He loved life up here.

  24. Leanne causley

    RIp a beauitul young stockman , hearts are braking for the loss,bigs hugs to family and workmates,remember him offen and talk to him riding high in the stars,xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Leanne. He was a great stockman. Will be dearly missed.

  25. robbsie

    Gut-wrenching news, tough for everyone, you are in our thoughts

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Robbsie xxxx

  26. RFTTE

    our since condolences from all of us at Ringers From The Top End (RFTTE)… Vale Mick.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks a million, really appreciate it.

  27. Barb

    OMG I am so sorry to hear of a young man from taken too early. Your tribute to him is beautiful had me in tears and smiling at the same time. He sounds like he had a lovely spirit, condolences to his family, friends and to you and your family. I am sure you will all give him a send off he would be proud of…R.I.P. Mick!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Barb, so many lovely messages on here, it is just lovely.

  28. Miss Chardy's Big Sis

    I have just finished reading your post for the 2nd time today. I read it the first time at work on my iPhone and again just now on the home computer so I could look at the beautiful photos in a larger version. I am again in a pool of tears and feel so helpless all of the way down here in NSW. I only wish I could be there for my littler sister!! I am thinking of you all every day and you are all in my prayers. Your words in your blog post are just amazing hon xxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks, wish you were here too. We are ok. So lovely to have Mick & Nev’s family here with us all. xxxx

  29. Lisa Lloyd

    My heart goes out to Micks family and all at Chardsville, i was devastated when I found out.
    I said to Mick 6 days before “won’t say goodbye, I’m sayin catch you later, mate” ….not in my wildest dreams did I think he wouldn’t be there.
    He was so full of life, and had so much left to offer, such a breath of fresh air.
    Big hugs to all up there, I’m thinking of you xxx RIP Mick. 🙁

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Lisa, it is just crazy isn’t it. Have been thinking of you. x

  30. Jan Forrest - Thornton - Victoria

    You have written a beautiful tribute to young Mick, Miss Chardy.
    Susan, Peter, Harry and Annabel have lost their rascally son and brother – his heart was golden and his spirit full of fun and mischief – as well as love!
    His Mittiebah family have indeed been privileged to have him in their midst.

  31. Emma

    That is just so sad. Life can be so unfair. My thoughts are with your family and Mick’s and your Tom x

  32. Suzanne Young

    So sad to hear this news Miss Chardy……… you have all lost a great mate.

  33. Chelsea Sutherland

    I’ve been lurking on your blog for a couple of months now and I just wanted to a) say hi but b) let you know I’m thinking of you. As much as he was definitely gone too soon, he looked very happy and comfortable like he’d found his place in life – some people get so much longer than he did and still don’t find that kind of contentment. XO

  34. Meg Kummerow

    Oh Miss Chardy, how terrible. Thoughts and love to you all.

  35. FBH

    Couldn’t believe it when mr Chardy rang…. could not believe it. Am at a lose miss Chardy. My friend is gone. No warning, no heads up, just gone. A huge blow to all concerned as no one can picture life with out him. Doesn’t feel real. My heart goes out to his parents and of course to Nev, he must be shattered. My thoughts go out to Kurt,my adopted little mate, no one should see their mate in such a way. I love you all and I offer myself to you all, if I can help in anyway please count on me. Rest in peace Mick, my friend. X

  36. Dannielle @ Zamamabakes

    Thoughts and prayers coming to you Chards, your lovely family, Mick’s family and all those affected by this very sad loss. Sending hugs of strength xx

  37. Sublime Finds

    So so sorry to hear Miss Chardy. A beautiful post that gives so much colour to Mick’s character. Thinking of you all and sending lots of love to your families. xxx

  38. Jenny Swadling

    I am one of the lucky ones who taught Mick (Michael to me at the time!) for his first year of distance education with Charleville SDE. I had many philosophical conversations with Mick’s lovely mum Susan during that year. Mick was different in that exciting individual way, and challenging, while keeping up with his mind and problem solving ways. The Minischools at Cunnamulla were an adventure with Mick and his mates. I learned so much from my students. What a fine bush fella to remember. I am still at Charleville SDE…you are one youngster I will never forget for all the right reasons.
    My thoughts are with you and Mick’s loved ones during this tough time.
    Jenny Swadling

    • Miss Chardy

      How lovely Jenny. Thanks so much for your message. He was special.

  39. Michelle Dupree

    Life throws you such awful curve balls sometimes, Mick looked to be the life of the party but with the respect of a man beyond his years. My deepest condolences to you all, please know that we all here down south are thinking of the whole community. We know that’s who suffer up there, the whole region, when someone tragically looses their life so young. Xx

    • Miss Chardy

      He sure was a man beyond his years, and old soul. Thanks so much. We have a wonderful community up here.

  40. Bindi Gove

    How tragic- life in the bush has such vibrancy with young fellas around. I’m so sorry for your loss, it sounds like you gave Mick some very happy times.

  41. Tara

    Dan I am so sorry to hear, when accidents like this hit our little communities they hit hard as you know. My heart goes out to all of you at Mittiebah all who knew him across the Barkley and of course Cunnamulla.
    This is by far the best thing you have written, proof that our true strength comes out when we think we are at our lowest.
    Take care, much love to all of you, you will be in my thoughts x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Tara, thanks so much. We are so lucky to be part of such a wonderful and supportive community up here. No one is alone, we are all sticking together and so lucky to have one another. xxx

  42. bushbabe

    Life is so incredibly precious – and I think being able to capture life in images and words is the most amazing gift. How wonderful that you can use your photos and memories to paint a picture for the world. and for Mick’s family, to capture the spirit and energy of this terrific young man. The hardest thing when you lose someone is that you cannot ‘do anything’. You’ve done something very special. So very, very sorry for your loss. ♥ BB

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Bush Babe!!!! Much appreciated.

  43. Lyn

    I don’t know any of you, but just wanted to say, what a beautiful write up that is. He has big shoes to fill. Wishing you and his family all the best.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks a million Lyn, appreciate your thoughts.

  44. Annie & Ter

    So sad Dan, we just know how everyone feels, Ter was talking to Rus on Monday night. Give our love to Micks mum & dad and sister also Nev. wish we were a lot closer. Love to you all. Aunty Annie & Unc Ter xxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      I have been thinking of you so much lately Ganny and know you completely understand what this wonderful family are going through. Thanks for thinking of us and even commenting on here – look at you go. Lots of love xxxxxx

  45. Anne@gritandgiggles

    My thoughts are with you all, Miss Chardy. You have many amazing memories of this young man and I am glad he brought so much to your family as I am sure your family brought so much to him. I am glad you got to meet his family and that you get along so well. I hope you’ve all enjoyed sharing the wonderful memories of this larrikin, remembering all the good things. Life is often too short and it looks like he lived his to the full.

  46. Richard Austen

    Our son Ed (Gallipoli) rang to tell us the sad news on Tuesday night and painted a magical word picture of his friend. So terribly sad. Our thoughts are with you all family and friends.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Richard.

  47. Bree

    I have such a heavy heart after reading this post… but how lucky are you to have had such a vibrant and genuine young man in your lives and family. RIP Mick… Thinking of you all at this sad time xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Bree. We were very lucky to have him with us for so many years.

  48. Amy @ HandbagMafia

    Oh this is just heartbreaking. I’m sorry to read of your loss xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for your thoughts Amy.

  49. Evie Jean

    Your words are beautiful! What a remarkable young man, my thoughts are with you all! xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Evie, much appreciated.

  50. Joy

    Don’t really know what to say Dan – I can’t imagine how everyone is feeling. He was obviously such a great part of your lives and always will be. I could definately say that he would have loved every minute of his time there at Mittiebah because of the unreal people that he worked and lived with. Both Paulie and I are thinking of you all. Take care!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Joy. xxxx

  51. ketaminh

    awful news
    its been a terrible week in RFDS Qld as well with the shooting tragedy in Rockhampton

    So awful to hear of your tragic loss too.

    thoughts with you

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Minh.

  52. katydid56

    Oh my gosh. That is so sad – a young life tragically cut short always is.

    • Miss Chardy

      It certainly is sad Katy.

  53. Barbara Gissell

    Such beautiful words for an amazing young man. My prayers go out to Mick’s and your family for all the pain that you are all feeling at present. It’s funny how some people come into our lives and the huge impact that they have on everyone they meet. Such a pity that there aren’t a lot more Mick’s in this world, it would be a better world for sure. Thinking of you all with much love.

    • Miss Chardy

      Lovely words Barbara, thanks so much.

  54. Sarah

    Country boys are so tough, yet completely fragile.

    When my husband was just a little older than your boys, his cousin and best mate was taken too soon, too quickly – it was a shocking rodeo accident. He had the same daring, cheeky Country Boy smile as Mick – I do hope they find each other up there, share their battle stories and continue to push, shove and guide us in the right direction – especially your Tom.

    My thoughts are with you xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Just awful isn’t is Sarah. Thanks so much for your lovely words and thoughts.

  55. Nicole- Champagne and Chips

    This is just awful. What a tragic loss. A timely reminder that life is far to short and we must always make the most of it. It looks like Mick knew that. Thinking of you all.

    • Miss Chardy

      He was full of life Nicole. Thanks so much for your thoughts. x

  56. Tonia

    So sorry to hear this Dani.

    Take care.


    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Tonia. x

  57. Isabelle Thompson

    I remember Mick growing up, he was my cousin and although I haven’t seen him in years I still can’t get over the shock. You just never think these things will happen to the people in our lives. Rest in peace Mick xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      We are thinking of you all Isabelle.

  58. Housewife in Heels

    Miss Chardy my thoughts are with your family and Mikes’. Am at a loss for words. May you all find peace x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much, I really appreciate your thoughts. x

  59. Kirsty Rice

    I’ve been thinking about you all over the past few days. A young life lost is the hardest to understand – you are all so lucky to have each other. He looked like such a beautiful young man. Much love and deepest of sympathies to you all. Tears here in Qatar. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      You are so sweet Kirsty, thanks so much for your thoughts. Much appreciated. x

  60. Jo

    Sending you love and light.
    Love Jo

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Jo. x

  61. Allan & Shirley Erhardt

    A wonderful tribute to a fine young man MIck who lost his life far too soon, our love, thoughts and Prayers to Peter, Susan, Harry & Annabel. Rest in Peace Mick we will miss your cheeky smile xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Allan and Shirley, lovely to hear from you and we will definitely all miss his cheeky smile.

  62. Bettina

    Beautifully written Miss C. As a family we are shocked and upset and can only imagine the sense of loss and grief you all feel. He was a great bloke, after staying on the Station for only five nights last year he made an instant and lasting impression on Michael and my three boys. Harry, our 11 year old affectionately christened himself “Head Stockman” of
    Mountain View when we came home and now asks for a “Mick haircut” as he received from Mick in the rec club one night!
    He was obviously great at his work, with the respect the other stockman had for him always evident. When talking about our NT trip Michael and Harry always tell the story of seeing cattle loaded at dawn – the 12 decks were loaded in no time under the management of Mick.
    Marty and Tom must be especially devastated, our thoughts and prayers are with you all, but I know your amazing community will rally and give you the strength to get through each day, love and hugs Betti xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for your gorgeous message Betti, that is just lovely. We really do have an amazing community up here and they most certainly are rallying from near and far. Mick’s family are just amazing and I have been made redundant in the kitchen thanks to Susan (Mick’s Mum) and Anne (our Jillaroo’s Mum who has come up to help). People are just so fantastic and caring, I can’t believe what fantastic family and friends we all have. Thanks again for your wonderful message, I am trying to hold back the tears. xxxx

  63. Tracy Bullen

    In every whisper of the trees, you will hear him telling you “don’t cry”.
    In every storm will be the sound of his laughter and a crack of his whip.
    In every hoof beat, he will be coming home to settle in your hearts.
    In every sunrise, you will see his smile.
    In every sunset and with the rising of the stars,
    You will see the sparkle in his eyes.

    May he rest in Peace Always.
    My condolences and hugs to all.

    • Miss Chardy

      Tracy that is just so lovely, thanks so much for your kind thoughts and lovely poem.

  64. Jamey Jennings

    So sorry to hear this tragic news 🙁 life isn’t fair sometimes but he sure looks like he was living it everyday .. Glad he passed his knowledge onto your son what a privilege .. Forever in our hearts xo Rest In Peace Mick

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Jamey. Appreciate your thoughts.

  65. Mar

    Oh that is so sad – it must have been hard for you to write of his young man’s achievements knowing there will be no more. I am so sorry for all of you. What a beautiful, handsome, dashing bloke he was. Way too soon. My love to everyone, Margaret

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Margaret. He was definitely a handsome young man.

  66. Rik Hankins

    No better memorial for a true hand have I ever read… Our hats are off in prayer for you and yours.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Rik.

  67. Roscoe & Evi

    We lost Nick, our 28 year old son on Davenport Downs in July 2013. Evi and I feel your pain and loss and though we know words are not enough, please know that we think of you, be there for each other and let the tears flow as they will!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Rosco & Evi, that is just terrible, so sorry to hear about your son. No words can comfort you. Thanks so much for your thoughts and message. It is much appreciated.

  68. Rachel

    This post hit close to home!….the day this was posted it was my brothers anniversary we lost him in a car accident travelling back from Easter in 2002 Just outside of Eulo in southwest Qld, He was a stock man on a property outside of Thargomindah called Bullo Downs. Losing someone close the pain never goes away and you will miss them every day….I am so so sorry for this young man’s family & friends and i hope they know that they are not alone in the long road ahead of grief that they are going to face. But i hope everyone involved has comfort in knowing that they are in everyone’s thoughts. These things are not fair and you are in my thoughts x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Rachel, thank you so much for your lovely comment and thinking of us. You absolutely understand what his family are going through, it is just not fair is it. Eulo is down close to where Mick grew up. Sending our thoughts to you too Rachel, during this tough time of the year for you and your family. x

  69. Helen

    As I read this story tears welled up in my eyes. My daughter Jenni and her now husband Josh were stockman up in the north of Australia and would worry about them. I know nothing of that life but I know they lived for it and looking at your photos I can see that Mick loved it too. You and your family made him feel part of one big family and I’m sure his parents and sister are very thankful to you. God Bless

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Helen, thanks for your message. It is a great life up here and Mick loved it. He was in his element. We miss him dearly.

    • Jan Forrest - Thornton - Victoria

      Dear Helen – Mick was in his element and unless your daughter and her husband come home in the next six months and stay home with you, I can pretty much guarantee they may stay in the outback.
      I have known Mick’s mum for nigh on 40 years. He loved his family and was torn about his love for them and his love for the outback! But he was a young man and young men need to ‘live’. Wow did he ever!! His family understood the need to let go of ‘the child’ and let him ‘live’. As you can see from the post Miss Chardy beautifully wrote a portrayal of a young man who touched everyone!
      Whoever he met, liked him! What a gift.
      So take heart Helen.

  70. maddy

    Sending love and hugs. I hope you will all find comfort in the memories you have of him. Such a beautiful young man that lost his life to soon. Rest in peace mick

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Maddy.

  71. Bec @ The Plumbette

    So sad to read this. Mick looks like a fun lad to have around. I can’t imagination the devastation to your family and especially his. Thoughts and prayers are with you Miss Chardy. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Bec, really appreciate your lovely words.

  72. Maxabella

    Such a huge loss, gone too. Soon. Your post is wonderful tribute that has touched so many hearts. I’m so sad for you all, especially Mick’s family. How to survive a loss like that? xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Bron. Gone far too soon indeed. Thanks for your thoughts.

  73. I'm Sarah

    Hey Miss Chardy, I’m only catching up on some of your posts today and I am so so sorry to hear of this loss. Reading this just brought tears to my eyes. He sounded like such a lovely young man. My thoughts are with you all. Much love, Sarah xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for thinking of us Sarah.

  74. eleanor

    how did he die. my prayers and thoughts are with you

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for your thoughts Eleanor. Much appreciated.

  75. Tanya Pollard

    Thinking of you all, especially our boys <3

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Mrs Pollard!!! x

  76. Amy

    I am so sorry for your loss.
    I have missed your motivating posts.
    Your family is in my thoughts.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks so much Amy!



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