Camooweal Cricket 2015

April 27, 2015

Is it really Monday again… already?  Seriously, where is 2015 going?  Can you believe it is nearly May?  So lets do this.  A new week and I think I need to slap myself and get motivated.  Please help to sort me out?  Send virtual help!  At least I have my meal plan printed out and on the wall in the kitchen.  That is one less thing for us to worry about.

Now to get sorted from our weekend.  A great weekend was had by all in at our local little town – Camooweal.  It was so great to catch up with friends and just chill out.  Oh no, hang on, I had a 3 year old attached to me screaming “Muuuuuuuuuuuum, Muuuuuuuuuum……” for most of the weekend, not to mention the melt down of all melt down tantrums that the 8 year old performed for everyone on Friday night.  Oh dear lord, I am surprised DOCS weren’t called after his effort.  Things calmed down by yesterday and Clancy was finally playing with his little friends.  Poor bugger, no wonder he was so clingy given that it has been so long since he has seen his friends and had to play.

clancy cricket

Mr & Mrs Savvy B and all their helpers put on a fantastic Cricket weekend.  We are so lucky to be part of such a friendly little community.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not a fan of cricket, but hey – if it means a social outing I am in.


Image credit: Leonie Winks

Miss Gabby and Yarraki made such a huge, last minute effort, with our teams shirts and we ended up winning “Best Dressed Team” – so well done Gabby & Yarraki, all of your hard work paid off.




We arrived home at 7pm last night, ready to get back into things and do this thing they call work all over again.  Look at this photo I took on the way home, as the sun had set.  The rise in the landscape you can see is called a Turkeys Nest.  It is like an above ground dam, water is pumped from the bore into the Turkeys Nest and then into the troughs.


Only 13 sleeps until we go to an actual big town.  But who’s counting???!!!  Have a wonderful week.

So tell me, how was your weekend?
Are you a part of a wonderful community?  Where is it?



  1. Have A Laugh On Me

    I actually love cricket, would LOVE to play again, used to play it socially when I lived in Wanaka, NZ. Wow you won’t know yourself in 14 days, so pumped for you. Blah weekend here really but happy enough xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Well as long as the weekend was happy enough, that is ok.

  2. Fashionista

    Love the sunset photo Miss Chardy. A printed out meal plan is beautiful thing. I always feel so much more sorted if I have a meal plan and a To-Do List. I might not have actually yet cooked/done anything on the lists, but I feel as though I can cope.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, yes – the list does make you feel a sense of calm doesn’t it.

  3. Suzanne Young

    Would loved to share your week-end playing cricket in Camooweal, we have spent a night in that tiny town. We spent the week-end cleaning up after a major storm (actually a cyclone but we are too far south to call it that) that came through Newcastle. We were with-out power for 4 days. We only had a few shrubs damaged in the garden, there are huge trees down everywhere you go.
    Have a great week…..

    • Miss Chardy

      I was watching along with the storms down there. Can’t believe it – and power out for 4 days….that is crazy.

  4. Sandra Scott

    Wow love the night photo, it gives a real feel of where you live.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sandra. I always love that view as I am driving along that road at that particular time of night. All you can see is that little bump on the horizon.

  5. foodthatsingscatering

    Awesome as always….:))
    I love that you get out there, get amongst it, & share the reality of it all.
    Very cool, cheers Roni xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Roni, so glad you enjoy reading.

  6. Mrs T

    Looks like it was a great weekend! Love the shot of your little one using his Tonka truck as a chair, that is too cute! And I hear you on melt downs. My 9 yr old has them when he’s hungry, but doesn’t realise it. I have to tell him to calm down and eat, and ignore the hissy fit. Amazing what food in a tummy can do!!

    • Miss Chardy

      They just glaze over don’t they Mrs T. That Tonka truck has been on so many outings, always a hit.

  7. Therese Morton

    Miss Chardy, I just found your blog through instagram in a round about way. I follow the musings baby-mac, Mrs Woog and Edenland and now Miss Chardy. I wanted to say hi as I have the pleasure of knowing graziers through work and along with my partner we call a lot of these people friends. Harder working people you will never meet. My hat goes off to you, all the way from sunny Townsville 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Therese, so lovely to have you on board. Thanks so much for saying hi. I have neglected my Instagram over the past month. Need to get back on there as I do love Insa.

  8. Kate

    Hail here in Sydney’s inner west…. my street flooded and we received so much hail my street looked like it was blanketed in snow! There’s crazy weather about, that’s for sure.

    Love the sunset photo…. I hope you are able to find similar moments of beauty and calm throughout the rest of the week

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Kate, I saw some photos of my cousin’s – who lives at Haberfield – and it looked like snow. Crazy. I hope you are all ok (and your house and car!). Thanks so much for your message….I will try to take deep breaths and remain calm. It is messages like this that help, so thanks.


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