Life on an Outback Cattle Station: Retail Therapy – the shop comes to us!

May 6, 2015

What happens when your closest shop is 5 hours away?  How do you buy a new pair of boots, perhaps a saddle, or even a pocket knife.  Well this is what happens…. the shop comes to us.

Lyle and Helen Kent from Kent Saddlery , Stanthorpe, have been travelling around Australia’s outback stations since 1991.  They set off originally with a trailer and tent situation.  They then progressed to a gooseneck and now have this fabulous truck, they drive it, sleep in it, shower in it and sell all of their gear from it.  Check it out…




This year they set off on 24th March and have already visited 40 stations. Often our blokes haven’t been to town for quite some time so their arrival is definitely welcomed by all.  It is lovely to see their happy faces drive in.  Of course my children think it is fabulous too, wow – look at all this stuff they could buy.  Tom was lucky enough to get a new pocket knife belt, Harry bought a head torch (because obviously every kid needs one of those) and Lyle & Helen gifted the boys more gear than you could poke a stick at: bubbles, pocket knives (always a hit with little bush boys) a little wallet for Clancy – which can I just say he is wrapped to the back teeth about and even slept with it, toys, a frisby and of course some lollies (which I may or may not have stuffed myself full of last night…).


It is a great chance for the blokes to stock up on work gear: rope, shoeing gear, saddlery etc.


All of their leather goods are handcrafted by Lyle and his team down in Stanthorpe.  Most of them are family.  Of course they also make their own saddles.




kent1 kent

Lyle and Helen have also been taking station photos for many years, I think they said since 2001.  It is so great to look back on all of the photos from past years.  We really appreciate their visit and the trouble they go to printing off photos for each staff member and laminating them.  They really do “Go the extra mile”.  There is always a little goodie bag for me before they leave, which never fails to have a sharp red victorynox knife in it – everyone loves their Kent Saddlery red knives!  It always has a lovely thank you note and even a chocolate.  Thanks so much Lyle and Helen, we look forward to your next visit.

If you live in the Stanthorpe area they have a wonderful shop down there.  Pop in and visit.  For more outback stories you can head to their website, they have some wonderful write ups about the stations they visit and the people they see.  Go to Kent Saddlery and have a look.   You can also purchase any of their products online by clicking on this link.


So this little spot of retail therapy might just get me through the next few days until I get to town.  Did I mention it is only 4 more sleeps until we head off.  But who’s counting??!! Happy Wednesday to you all.





  1. Cooker and a Looker

    We see trailers like this one at country shows. I always admire that everything has a place (and is in it’s place). I doubt we’d have the discipline to be so meticulous!

    • Miss Chardy

      They are so organised, it is unreal. They do a great job. They are basically the last of the travelling hawkers, back when I first came up here we would have 3 or 4 different hawkers come around to all of the stations, now it is just Kent Saddlery.

  2. Sharon

    What a fantastic set up…I can only imagine the excitement when they arrive at your property… 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      The kids are just beside themselves Sharon 🙂

  3. Little Munch

    I love a mobile shop! When we were kids we would get so excited when the fruit & veg man came on his fortnighly trip out to the farms because he had finger buns! Mum would be so excited because she would get fresh fruit/veg and a good gossip about all the goings on in town.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Rebecca, great to hear about when you were kids. Don’t you just love a finger bun!

    • Evie Jean

      lol no finger buns from our fruit and veg guy, but I used to get excited because he had Cherry Ripes 🙂

  4. FBH

    Hi Miss Chardy good to Lyle still doing his thing as rhere was talk of them finishing up from travelling. Scary that nearly every sentence had the word knife in it….you bunch of psychos haha hope you got a good pack of lollies, no choc bullets or bananas please x

    • Miss Chardy

      They are not sure how much longer they will do it, one year at a time now.

  5. Sandra Scott

    I remember a truck thats used to visit my grandparents back in the day and the guys used to stock up on boots and work clothes.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yep, sounds just like this one Sandra. So handy.

  6. ffhousemouse

    Such an exciting day when Kent Saddlery come! I missed their visit this year. I too, have a great collection of photos. Bet all of the Chardy boys were shopping!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh our bill was not pretty….it was like Christmas time….

  7. Have A Laugh On Me

    How fabulous is that, such great service and that they make the gear too, how very special. I bet it’s always nice to have visitors… just 4 more sleeps! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ohhhh 4 more sleeps Em….I am busted…..


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