Feeling Overwhelmed

May 22, 2015

It has been a big week.  How have you faired?  My first trip away for the year was fantastic last week, but arriving home and facing all the jobs that need doing not to mention the unpacking is all a bit much.  I really don’t know how to nail it.  There is crap everywhere, I am behind with the washing, the car looks like a massive rubbish bin and is still sitting outside our gate.  But I guess these are first world problems aren’t they?  We have a happy healthy family and that should be all that matters.

Tom has been away on camp this week and I must say that life with 2 children is quite peaceful.  That is not to say I don’t love my boys,  but there has been no fighting or whinging the whole week.  I am looking forward to having Tom home tomorrow and finding out all about his week away.  He would have had a ball.  They were camping at Adels Grove.  They got to set up tents and go canoeing and go bush walking.  Can you imagine how into that he would have been.  Right up his alley.  It was a leadership camp, and he is all about being a leader, thinks he runs this station.

So the week has been full on, I have been chasing my tail all week, then throw in a massive melt town of the ugly crying type where you can’t breath and you will have my week sorted.  Just when you think you are ok the tears come back and you feel really sad.  But onwards and upwards, I just need to man up and get on with things.

Yesterday while doing the wages I noticed a mail bag that I had not emptied.  I upended the contents and there before my eyes were two little parcels addressed to Miss Chardy.  Just when I was feeling quite down too.  This brightened my day no end.

The first parcel was from my friend Annabelle who has recently started her own blog Clover & Twine (head over and have a look – she is just so funny not to mention classy).  Look at the lovely little gift she sent, with a hand written note, I nearly cried.


Is there anything better than mail and a hand written note?  Thank you so much Bella, it is just gorgeous, I can’t wait to have a bath and burn the candle….one day.

Then I stumbled across ANOTHER parcel…. this one was from Leah at Endota Day Spa at Magnetic Island.  I was beside myself.  How lovely of her to think of me.  You see, I blogged about their fantastic day spa and you can read all about how fabulous it is here.  Leah is just the BEST.  I wish I could magic myself over there right now for one of her massages.  This is what was in the package…


A lovely little note from Leah AND – some nail polish.  The funny thing is that I have been meaning to call her all year and buy this particular polish and here it is.


This is what Leah put on my toes back in January – best pedi I have ever had, it lasted better than Shellac.  And this was the colour – Nooooooooooosa.   I am beyond excited.   So thanks Leah, thanks for making me smile.  I really appreciate it.  And don’t worry, I will be back one day, oh yes I will.  Aren’t there some thoughtful people in this world!!!

So in between the unpacking, cooking and crying I have been trying to go for my walk each morning.  I have really been enjoying my morning walk.  I just stroll along listening to podcasts, breathing in the fresh air.  The weather is just perfect for an outside walk at the moment and I really look forward to that time alone. Yesterday the horses came to say hello.  Here is a visual.




Oh and I have done something really crazy.  You see my blog has been nominated for the Kidspot Voices 2015 – (thanks to anyone who nominated me – you guys rock) and I have gone and booked a flight to Melbourne for they Voices 2015 Launch and Masterclass on 13th June.  Do you even know how crazy this is?  Well I am probably mad, because I have no doubt at all that my blog won’t make it into the top 100 but you know me – I am just there for the party and social life…..networking all the way to Melbs. Oh and not to mention the fact that I may not even get a ticket to the Masterclass.  But I have been chatting with my virtual friends and we are in (ticket or no ticket, ha ha ha), we are even sharing a unit – yes, I will see my virtual friends in the flesh, I wonder if they really have bodies.  So – this will be my first trip ever to Victoria and Melbourne.  It is going to be the fasted trip known to mankind (due to cooking duties).  Not to mention the amount I have paid for the flight could have actually taken me to New York, yes I am not kidding… shhhhhh don’t tell anyone.  I will be there for 2 nights and one whole day.  But gee it is going to be FUN with a capital F.  So much fun.  Are you hearing me Kirsten, Bec, Amanda and Em?  And I had better see you too Vanessa, aka Mrs Style & Shenanigans.  Don’t think I am hitting Melbs without stalking you!!  Bring it on ladies.

So there you have it.  Have you done anything wild lately.  Booked an airfare that was ridiculously expensive all in the name of FUN?  Any suggestion on how I can get QANTAS on board as my number one Sponsor (think hard people), I think it is the least they could do don’t you?  The campaign could read: “CHARDS ON THE MOVE – from BFN to Melbs” ha ha ha.

What do you have planned for the weekend?  I will still be playing catch up…and cooking cooking cooking. 
Have a wonderful one, whatever it is you are doing.  


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    I think having our trip to look forward to is getting us all through some tough weeks. CAN NOT WAIT!

    PS. How wonderful is actual mail?

    • Miss Chardy

      I am beside myself. Only 21 sleeps until we are in Melbs. Woo hoo. Oh yes, real mail is the bee’s knee’s.

  2. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I would LOVE some actual mail – I just get male(s) fighting!!! But you deserve a few wee treaties! So I had a pity party yesterday and blogged about it. Now I feel a million bucks, well maybe $120,000 but a good cry helps I reckon to reboot the brain/heart/soul. Just 3 weeks to go xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Just went over to read about your melt down…so good to know I am not the only one having a pity party. 21 sleeps to go!

  3. kirsten and co.

    Can’t wait to hit Melbs with you!! Bring it on x

    • Miss Chardy

      21 sleeps to go….

  4. Andrea Hill

    I’m originally from Melbourne – well a place called Mount Macedon which is on the outskirts of Melbourne anyway 🙂 I miss it! Such a beautiful city. You will have the best time there. If you are staying in the CBD you must head to the Crown Promenade on the Yarra River and take a wander through all the most incredibly luxurious, and expensive designer shops. Takes window shopping to a whole new level! Louis Vitton, Chanel, Rolex and so many more…….. you thought your flight was extravagant! Look forward to hearing all about your trip, and congratulations on your nomination!

    • Miss Chardy

      Now I really can’t wait, but I probably won’t even be able to afford to eat after dishing out so much for my flight…ha ha ha – I wonder if I have time to sell a lung or something.

  5. vanessajrowse

    I’m so thrilled you are coming to Melbourne! I can’t wait to see you! So THRILLED for you (and me) that you are coming. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      There WILL be wine…oh yes there will Vanessa – we will be drinking wine together!!! I can’t wait.

  6. Annie Capel

    Congratulations, have fun in Melbourne – well done eleader.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Annie – I intend to. Even if it is only 2 nights…

  7. Anne@GritandGiggles

    I am glad you got something special to cheer you up. You must have been meant to find it right then. Ah I miss walks and bike rides with a view like that and company like that. Man I was so healthy then. I have no motivation here. As for your pity party or time in the doldrums, It will pass and you will feel back on top of everything soon. Take it slowly and be kind to yourself. What is with the price of domestic flights?? Good luck for the awards, you never know your luck.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Anne….I hope you find some motivation because you are doing a good job at motivating me. Flights from Mt Isa are ridiculously expensive.

  8. Michele Davis

    Miss Chardy,
    Love your blog! I’m excited for you on your trip to Melbourne ! If you can possibly manage it, go to the Hopetoun Tea Rooms in the Bock Arcade, Collins St. Google it! Only trouble is that it has got very popular and the last couple of times I’ve been past there’s a big queue, not good if you are pushed for time. But even stopping to look in the window is amazing, and the Block Arcade is lovely, keep walking there’s lots of cafés and shops to find. Have a great trip!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for the tip Michele, I will be lucky if i even manage to make it into a shop, that is how fast the trip is going to be, ha ha ha. But I can’t wait.

  9. saldary

    I just love your posts so real.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for reading, glad you like them. 🙂

  10. Caitlin

    Wow! Love how you are backing yourself and booked the ticket to Melbs! And don’t undersell yourself, I totally expect to see you in a Top 100! Hope you feel more organised this coming week. I know that overwhelmed feeling, keep plugging away and you will get there. In the meantime, designate times to just ignore the mess and just enjoy a moment with the kids or a moment to yourself without feeling guilty. I’m getting an expert at doing that because I don’t think my house has been completely clean since the triplets were born.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Caitlin, thanks so much for the message…. I will just think of you with 2,062 children next time I feel like I just can’t get on top of it all (well actually that is right now, perhaps if I stopped typing and started cleaning I might get there). 🙂 x

  11. Gayle Donaldson

    Spontaneous flight booked here recently. Flying emerald to Alice springs to join husband at Finke Dessert Race and the drive home with him! He has been to Fie but this is my first time. You have a way with words. I have done distance ed with my four children and now am finished. Can relate to some off your posts.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Gayle, good on you. That will be great – nothing like a spontaneous trip, have fun!! Thanks for saying hi. Distance ed with 4 children…wow, bet you are glad that is over….:)

      • Emma Steendam

        Fancy ‘seeing’ you here Gayle (if it is the same Gayle I’m thinking?!) I used to govie the Sparrow twins! Have fun at the Finke, a lot of my family, including my mum, are going up this year as it’s 10 years since my uncle unfortunately died whilst riding in the race.

  12. Sandra Scott

    I hope the cry may you feel better and I wish you had more time in melbourne.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I wish I did too Sandra, feels like a bit of a waste but I am sure it will be worth it. 🙂

  13. Emma Steendam

    Whaaaaaa?! You’re coming to Melbs! Oh well now I’m just going to have to go to the launch and (hopefully?) the Masterclass – woooooo! Only an hour and half down the road for me – next door! Sounds like a flying trip but hopefully you get to enjoy and get a taste of our fair city. You know you’re going to have to come back for me to take you on a shopping trip though right? Right.

    Adel’s Grove was one of my favourite places in all of our around-Australia 15 months long honeymoon adventure. If your boy find my husband’s wedding ring in the gorge though that’d be great 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      You totally need to come – yes!!! I love the fact that I don’t even have a ticket to the masterclass but I somehow think I will wrangle my way in, ha ha ha. I am just looking forward to 3 nights child free and a little glass of wine or 2 on the plane – it is the simple things…..ha ha ha.

  14. MrsDplus3

    If I could send you a big old hug in the mail I so would. I am so jel about our trip to Melbourne. It’s just a bit out of my price bracket at the moment but I so hope to see you at Problogger. Ps. I totally get how nice it is when one of your kids is away – so peaceful (even though we love them dearly) xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh soooo peaceful, I feel so guilty for thinking that too! So sad you won’t be down in Melbs but I am looking forward to meeting you in August, which will be here before we know it.

  15. Margareta

    This is hilarious. You’re heading to Melbourne (3 hours from me here in the hills) and that same day, my family and I are heading to a cattle station in the Pilbara WA for four months for the mustering season. And yes, I’m helping with the cooking!
    I’m sure you’ll love Melbourne and meeting up with your lovely friends! The shopping. OMG, the shopping. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Wow – 4 months, that is fantastic, have a great time. I can’t wait to see Melbourne, briefly.

  16. KezUnprepared

    Oh how exciting! Have a great trip! I often see those invitations in the mail and just for a second fantasise about jetting it over from WA without thinking twice! I love that you’re doing it!! xo

    • Miss Chardy

      Just got my ticket Kez, can’t wait. Sometimes you just have to go wild. Crazy crazy crazy.

  17. Bec @ The Plumbette

    I love your snail mail! How thoughtful to receive those notes and gifts! As for Melbourne I can’t wait! I won’t be child free but having one Bub with you is much easier than 3!!

    • Miss Chardy

      I can’t wait Bec. I even ordered a warm coat last night so I don’t freeze.

  18. Mrs T

    FUN with capitals is the best! And re: the kids, a change in dynamics when one is not there can do great things. Good to mix things up a bit sometimes!

    • Miss Chardy

      So good to mix things up. I think Harry is looking forward to having Tom home – someone to fight with again. ha ha ha.

  19. Debs Sutton

    I have just read this post to my Dad, he’s 89 & loves hearing about your adventures & life on the station! He wants me to send you a book he’s just read about life on a farm in The Lake District, UK as he thinks you’ll enjoy the contrast!!!! Xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Debs, your Dad sounds like an absolute champ. What is his name? Tell him hi again from me. I love that he enjoys listening to my blog posts, god love him. 🙂

  20. cloverandtwine

    Chards, I am so so pleased the parcel finally arrived and I hope you get to enjoy your little candle soon. Thank you also for also sending some new friends over to Clover & Twine! I am so grateful!
    Now when you get to Melbourne please drive through Chapel Street! Please! Report back once you have. You will know why 😉 xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for that gorgeous parcel, I was so excited!!! You are so sweet. Perhaps I will get a chance to have a soak in the tub today. xx

  21. Fashionista

    Woo Hoo! Miss Chardy is coming to MELBOURNE!! I know it is a complete flying trip this time, but NEXT time, we will catch up. My tip to add to all the others, walk Collins Street from one end to the other. Beautiful architecture, lush shops, lots of refreshment opportunities in the laneways leading off it.

  22. NPOT

    I am catching up on your blog today. I haven’t been able to read all your updates recently. It is also the first time I have had my house to myself for maybe 3 weeks and I am spending my free quiet hour reading about your life. Best way to spend my time alone. You are going to love your brief visit to Melbourne but I warn you, you will be planning your return before you have even left. I have been here on and off since we finished school and I love it. When you make it back here ( and you will come back, I know you will love it here) we will have to catch up. Watch out for Trams and enjoy the coffee.


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