Guess What…

May 27, 2015

I received a surprise phone call the other day. ย From someone I haven’t seen in a long time. ย And just when I was feeling a little swamped and like it was all getting a bit much the phone rings with some wonderful news….

Guess who it was…. my sister!!! ย We haven’t seen each other since January 2014!!! ย Can you believe it. ย That is crazy, it has been over a year. ย I kept looking at my planner wondering if I could fit a quick drive to NSW in at some time to take the children down to visit, but the weeks have just filled up and things get so busy from April onwards.

So…. in my family there is just me and my sister (well, and my Mum and Dad of course). ย She is a few years older than me. ย I haven’t seen her since I started this blog, unbelievable. ย I would call her Mrs Savvy B – but that name is already taken. ย Mrs Savvy B is my sister up here and she is a lot like my real sister too, they are basically twins. ย Which is quite convenient for me. ย So, what shall we call her? ย I guess we will just have to use her name… Toni, or Tones… yes, that will do. ย I have just spent the past half hour trying to find a photo of her for you and this was the best I could come up with… this was the last time I saw her…. We holidayed together…. here she is on the flying donkeys…. Sorry Tones, this was the best I could do, ha ha ha…


Tones lives on a farm in Central West NSW with her husband and 2 young boys. ย They also breed kelpies (I know, could we be anymore different…???) and if you are in the market for a new dog you can check them out at Ameroo Kelpies.

So back to the story. ย I was cooking away over in the kitchen the other day and Toni rang with this wonderful news. ย She is going to meet up with me in Brisbane on my way home from Melbourne in a couple of weeks and fly up with me. ย I couldn’t believe it, and I may have cried a little. ย Isn’t that just the nicest thing ever…. help is on the way people!! ย So lucky she has such a lovely husband and such wonderful friends (who the children will no doubt be billeted out to)! ย She said she was going to surprise me at Brisbane Airport – how much fun would that have been? ย I would have pee’d my pants!!!! ย But her husband thought she had best tell me. ย I am too excited for words. ย So it is only 18 sleeps until I see her.

sisters 2

I think she really cheered me up and motivated me because yesterday I had the biggest bake-a-thon over in the kitchen. ย 3 chocolate cakes, a triple batch of Anzac slice and a double batch of choc chip cookies, not to mention home made chicken schnitzel for dinner (and enough to feed an army). ย I thought I had best stock the freezer off. ย You see we are off to a campdraft this weekend, we arrive home on Sunday, have Monday at home and then Miss Gabby, the kids and I are off again on Tuesday for 4 nights. ย Over to Mrs Gumnut Designz for a School of the Air Group Day (well 2 days of it actually). ย So Mr Chardy will be chief cook again. ย Thought I had best do some baking for them.


So there you have it. ย That is what has been happening here. ย Can’t wait to see you Tones, you have really cheered me up.

Do you have a sister or brother who you haven’t seen in a long time?
Would you go crazy if you went this long without seeing them?


  1. Betti

    She is just a little excited too Miss Chardy! As are we because I think it is what you both need! And her hubby and boys will cope! Enjoy!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Betti, I am so excited!!!! I just can’t wait, she will be here before I know it. ๐Ÿ™‚ And we will be sipping on wine together.

      • Miss Chards Big Sis

        Yes my dear sister, not long until we will be sipping wine together!! Can’t wait. Thanks for the little “push” Betti xx

        • Miss Chardy

          Can’t wait!!!!

  2. Sandra Scott

    I thought that wss a photo of you….

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, she is much slimmer than i Sandra, ha ha ha!

  3. Miss M'Liss

    What a fabulous surprise… And I’m so jealous of your trip to Mrs Gumnutz next week… Enjoy xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      It is going to be such fun, remember the last one, I can’t wait.

  4. Cooker and a Looker

    That is REALLY fabulous news Miss Chardy. Even more reason to look forward to Melbourne!

    • Miss Chardy

      I know – so excited. Bring on Melbourne, and I don’t have to be sad when it is over because Toni will be waiting at Brisbane Airport! Woo hoo.

  5. Little Munch

    Sisters are the best aren’t they! My little one lives in Singapore and we rarely see each other BUT when we do it is full on pants wetting for the whole time – I don’t think anyone can fully understand you like a sister can. Have fun Miss Chardy and maybe pack some Depends!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, might have to get some Poise for the LBL. Ha ha ha ha. Oh wow, Singapore, do you go over much? That would be fun!!!

  6. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Oh that is exciting! I get to see mine in less than a week, well one of my sisters and my brother. I am not sure when I will get to see my youngest sister as she is down in Vic at the moment. I just can’t wait, like you, to see the family oh and the newest addition that arrived last Saturday!!!! Your baking sounds delish, nice planning ahead ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      That is exciting for you Anne, what fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Awesome Miss Chardy a special time for you I’m Barbie who used to live in Bedourie and loved your blog about the shopping can just relate to it so much. It must be the time for surprises Miss Chardy I am flying to MEL this sat 30th May to meet with my bestest from school days. We were neighbours went to the same school were bridesmaid in each others weddings although we have kept in contact we haven’t seen each other for about ten years. Miss Chardy I am over the moon and really excited as we have so much to catch up on, then will visit my two beautiful daughters and families have hugs from my grandies who live near Echuca, also my brother and sister. WOW so excited just like you Miss Chardy

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Barbie, that is just so exciting, wow!!!!! I am feeling your excitement…. but gee you are going to have a great time!!!!! Good on you. Thanks for saying hi on here. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Gosh that’s a long time without seeing her, I’d go crazy, my sisters are my best friends, they are the ones I turn to when I’m about to lose my brain! Which is probably a lot. So happy for you – what a lovely sissy you have x

    • Miss Chardy

      So exciting Em, will be a FABULOUS weekend won’t it!!! Can’t get here soon enough, although it will be here before I know it with all that is happening beforehand. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Evie Jean

    Yay! That’s awesome! Can’t wait to hear about your trip!
    (My bro only lives 60km away…….. which is nowhere near far enough!! There is only the 2 of us, I have told my parents they should have quit while they were ahead and just had me!)

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, too funny!!! Can’t wait to tell you all about my trip!!!

  10. ffhousemouse

    Best phonecall ever! No Sisters for me. BUT I do have two Brothers – sometimes I go a year without seeing them, but see them more these days!

    • Miss Chardy

      Maybe that is why you got a daughter…because you don’t have any sisters… ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Rex Donnelly

    I thought it was a photo of you as well, and I’m your dad!

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha ha. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Nicole @ The Builder's Wife

    What an exciting time. I don’t have a sister, but have friends who are close enough to be sisters, and them coming to stay would be the best surprise ever!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I am hearing you. I am so excited.


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