Kidspot Voices 2015 Masterclass: Melbourne – here I come!

June 12, 2015

Guess what…. As you read this I am in my car driving along a dusty road heading to town.  You see I am off to the bright lights, the City – somewhere I have never been before…. I am off to Melbourne!


I am heading down for the Kidspot Voices 2015 Masterclass and I am even giving a little 5 minute presentation…. I know – get out of town, do they even know that I don’t actually have any clue what the hell I am talking about?  Shhhh, don’t tell anyone!!!  I will fake it till I make it, and really try not to pee my pants!  That would be very embarrassing.

Yesterday I raced around like a mad chook (what’s new) getting Clancy and I ready.  Popped some curry in the slow cooker for the crew and we headed off over to Mrs Savvy B’s house for the night.  Mrs Savvy B is such a legendary friend and she is looking after Clancy for me for 3 nights!  What a champ.  How on earth did I get such a great friend who puts up with me….and my kids???  So we headed over through the paddocks and spent the night with her.  Oh another legend who I should mention is Mr Chardy who is having the older boys and doing the cooking… not to mention running the station and doing all of his other jobs. I am pretty sure he is Superman.  I just can’t keep up with him.

This morning I was up before sparrows fart to drive into Mt Isa.  At least I was in the same time zone and didn’t have to adjust my clock.  My flight leaves at 12:30pm so I had to get going early.  I can’t wait to board that plane and sip on a baby bottle of wine… CHILD FREE!!! Is there anything better than flying solo?  Book, wine…. peace and quiet!  Love it!

If you would like to follow along on my adventure then by all means, please do so, I would hate you to miss out!!!  You will find me on Facebook at Miss Chardy or on Instagram @misschardy8 – get on board and lets have some fun.

I am meeting up with some blogging pals and we are sharing an apartment in the city.  These are girls I have really only met once in the flesh but they are my cup of tea.  You can go and have a snoop and check them out if you like.

First up we have Kirsten, from Kirsten and Co.  One funny lady.  Quick go and have a read.

kirsten and co header kirsten and co

Then there is Amanda from A Cooker and a Looker.

a cooker and a looker headeramanda

And Emily from Have a Laugh on Me.

halom header EmToxward-011

Bec from The Plumbette is also staying in the same block.  I haven’t actually met Bec before so I am really looking forward to having a wine with her.  I feel like I know her.

the plumbette bec

This blogging world is a funny old place and I wouldn’t throw it in for quids.  Love that I have a whole new circle of friends!

So I arrive in Melbs around 6:30pm…. then well, the City is my oyster.  I will be cracking open a Chardy and sharing many laughs with these fabulous ladies.

Tomorrow we head to Hawthorn for the Kidspot Voices 2015 Masterclass, where I will get to catch up with the Who’s Who of the Blogosphere.  I can’t wait.  Yes I am looking at you Style and Shenanigans and Escape with Kids.  Not to mention She Sows Seeds…. don’t worry – if you are looking lonely I will rescue you!

On Sunday when I return back to reality my sister will be at Brisbane Airport to meet me and travel home with me, can’t wait.  We haven’t seen each other for 1.5 years!  Do you think there will be tears?

So tell me, will you be there too?  Link to your blog in the comments… a good old fashioned “give yourself a plug”! 

Stay tuned for the second instalment next week when I give you the run down on my weekend in the big smoke. 



  1. bushbabe

    Oh I wish… sadly no! Have an amazing time y’all… and enjoy that plane flight (I am a bit the same).

  2. Robyn

    Oh you girls are going to have the best time!! I’ll be eagerly awaiting all the posts that follow. Good luck with your talk – you’ll ace it. Xxx

  3. Heidi

    Have loads of fun! You know, I found your blog through Kirsten & Co, b/c she did recaps of Real Housewives of Melbourne that were hilarious! So I started following her blog and you made a comment and I started reading yours! Maybe I’m an Aussie wanna be:)
    Enjoy yourself and can’t wait to read all about it!!

  4. Mrs Woog

    What a great group of chicks. Have the BEST time xxx

  5. robbsie

    enjoy every minute, you made it happen

  6. Sandra Scott

    My blog is mainly for my hobby of scrapbooking. It’s http:/
    I know how you feel about speaking to the group because I’m teaching my first scrapbook class next weekend.

  7. Heather

    Miss Chardy,
    Hilariously I had to google Instagram and figure out how to download and follow folks ….just so I could see your shenanigans in Melbourne. How nosy is that? You’ve created a monster as now I’ll be falling into the rabbit hole that is Instagram. Don’t know if I should thank you or curse you! Have fun. I’ll be watching now…once I figure insta out!

  8. Kirralee @ Escape With Kids

    “Who’s who of the blogosphere?” Bloody hell Chards you’ve made my day with that one. I’m just seriously rapt that I will actually know people there tomorrow! It amazes me just how awesome bloggers are. See you there you gorgeous woman you x

  9. Shannon Clarke - The Wild Hideaway

    Ohhh Miss Chardy I LOVED your talk yesterday at the Voices Masterclass, you were hilarious and have gained an avid new follower 🙂

    Enjoy your long trip back home and you’ll most likely see me popping up on your blog every now and then!

    Shannon xo

  10. newintstudents

    Its Hawthorn not Hawthorne. But good blog by the way and great talk the other day. So what did you end up doing on Sunday in Melbourne? Did you enjoy a good breakfast or did you wander around the St Kilda beach and markets?

  11. cloverandtwine

    I can’t wait to hear the next instalment and congratulations on being asked to speak you are blogging celebrity! If you need to explain to Mr Chardy code that “You just became the Hall family equivalent of blogging”


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