Non Stop Action: Chardy HQ Update

July 7, 2015

Things have been so busy around here lately that I haven’t even had a chance to sit down and tap away on this computer.  So here I am.  I have dragged myself out of bed at 5am to pick up my act.  How have you been?  I haven’t forgotten you all, I promise.

It has been visitor central here lately and I love it.  Joanie and Stu left and I was pretty upset and lonely, it is so nice to have someone to chat to in the kitchen not to mention the help they provide.  But help soon arrived.  Lyn and Mick drove in last Wednesday.  I don’t think I have seen these two for about 11 years.  I can’t even tell you how fantastic it has been to have them here to stay.  Lyn has been like a machine, go go go.   Non stop cooking action and you should see her on the end of the broom and mop.  What a legend.  The crew have loved having her too because she is quite the dessert chef as it turns out.  Mick has been busy helping out here there and everywhere and even did a spot of mowing for me.

They arrived the day Mr Chardy left for a quick trip to Darwin, so it was lovely to have some company.  Poor Mr Chardy had to duck up to Darwin for a quick meeting.  The only way he could get there was to drive.  13 hour drive up, quick meeting the next day and then a 13 hour drive home.  Well actually a much longer drive home because he picked up a couple of Grey Nomads on the stock route and told them to come in through our paddocks.  Don’t worry, they weren’t strangers…. it was my Mum and Dad – DD and Rexy.  I didn’t think they were coming until the next day so it was a lovely surprise to see them arrive back with Mr C.

While Mr Chardy was up in Darwin some more visitors arrived.  The family of one of our Jackaroo’s along with 3 other families.  They are all holidaying together with their camper trailers.  What a wonderful bunch of people.  My boys were beside themselves because the football action on our lawn was quite a sight.  The blokes were teaching Tom and Harry how to pass the ball.  They loved every second of it.




We had a big BBQ the first night they arrived.  Dinner for 27, no problem.  Lynnie trotted out a Pavlova Roll and everyone was happy.  We then had another BBQ before they left, a bit of a sausage sizzle farewell.  Of course there were tears as we waved them all off, I really do hate goodbyes.  Thanks for visiting guys, come back anytime!








So where are we up to?  Ok, DD & Rexy….. the grandparents.  We haven’t seen them for a year, since this time last year.  The boys have been trailing along behind Poppy Rex, following him where ever he goes.  Especially Clancy.  It has been such a nice change not to have him following me 24/7.  DD has familiarised herself with my laundry which is quite a bonus and has even found my ironing board.  I had best pop my basket of ironing out.

We managed to convince Lyn and Mick to stay an extra night.  It would have been too much saying goodbye to two lots of visitors in the one day and I had not made them a Japanese Slipper yet, so they just couldn’t go.  Last night was our farewell dinner so I had to trot out some Slippers.  And let me tell you – no one was disappointed, not even DD.  Today we will have to wave them off and hope and pray that it isn’t another 11 years before we see them again.  I can’t thank them enough for all the help they have given me and feel sad just typing this.  We have had so many laughs….and glasses of wine!

Oh another exciting thing has happened.  I have lined up a new cook.  Trying not to get too excited… she isn’t here yet but will be soon, hopefully.  I had best get that kitchen cleaned up.  So there is light at the end of the tunnel.  What was I thinking…. why on earth did I think it was ever a good idea to take on the cooking job?  I have no idea…. but at least I have come to my senses and lets all just cross our fingers and hope that the new cook is an absolute legend.

It is Clancy’s Birthday tomorrow.  He will be the big 4.  No rest for the wicked, the show must go on.  It has all been happening here at Chardy HQ, non stop cooking action really.  I should just take my swag over to the kitchen and sleep there, I haven’t spent much time at home lately.  Lucky DD & Rex are here now to help with the boys.

Oh we also have a new baby… a little poddy calf.  Harry has named her Minnie.  Isn’t she just gorgeous….


So tell me, what on earth have you been up to?
How are the school holidays treating you?


  1. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    Oh Chards, you’re quite the hostess aren’t you? Dinner for 27? Piece of cake!
    Happy birthday to Clancy for tomorrow. Harriet will be 4 next week. I was just saying to Dean how busy she’s been these past four years, what with the walking and the talking and the learning to be a person!
    Give him a kiss from me!
    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      12 or 27 all the same really. ha ha ha. Light at the end of the tunnel with our 4 year olds…. they can finally sort themselves out… loving it. Clancy can’t wait for a chocolate birthday cake. xx

  2. bakeplaysmile

    Oh I LOVED reading this. Geez you have been busy! Haha a Japanese Slipper or two is always a good idea!!!

  3. Gem

    What a busy week!
    We had a big one last week too. Hubby had 8000 ewes to preg test and in the middle of that his 95yo grandfather passed away. Got the job done and headed down the road for a few days to say goodbye. Amazing who comes out of the woodworks for a funeral! Caught up with lots of people.
    Found some joy in celebrating our daughters 2nd birthday on Saturday with both our families – a very rare event to have most of both families together!! It was wonderful.
    Happy 4th Birthday to Clancy. Hope he has a ripper time.

  4. Fashionista

    I bet you can’t wait for your cook to arrive. Well done for keeping it up this long.

    I do love a poddy. Even when we were feeding dozens of them I loved them all. And named them all. Even when I was a grown up. Much to my Dad’s amusement.

  5. nicolethebuilderswife

    How cute is your calf! So sweet. So happy you have a cook arriving soon. I hope that means you get to rest a little. Happy birthday for your big 4 year old, doesn’t time fly! xx

  6. Sandra Scott

    Your life is never dull, I bet all your visitors loved their stay with you, I know my husband and I enjoy the station stays we’ve experienced especially when he can potter and help out. Happy Birthday Clancy.

  7. Caitlin

    My blog has been on holidays along with my kids too. We’ve been ‘outback’ also – if you can classify a hour outside St. George as such. Dad’s properties have nowhere near the isolation of yours, but it made me think of you nonetheless. We had no internet connection at all, I had to wait until I got home to blog about that trip, and then before we knew it, we were off again for a little jaunt to the Sunny Coast. Haven’t shared about that yet. Clancy is so close in age to my triplets. Happiest of birthdays to the little fellow. I can’t wait for the triplets to be four, it kind of was the milestone I thought right from pregnancy that would indicate life would start getting easier. The amount of fighting they have been doing recently has made me wonder if it really will get easier, but I have my fingers crossed that they magically start getting along when they are four!

  8. Em Croake

    Your tribe of three families just left here this morning Miss Chards! They said they had an absolute ball with you 🙂 Happy Birthday to Clancy!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      I was just wondering if they were still with you. Such a great bunch of people, we loved them visiting. Hope you had a great time with them!

  9. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    You don’t do visitors by halves do you my friend? But such fabulous news that reinforcements on en route! What a different that will make to you life, I’m so please for you. Wishing your gorgeous baby a happy birthday, 4 already, that will be mine in September – they are no longer our tiny babies. xxxx

  10. Tracey Smith

    Has it really been a year since we were up there visiting Mum ( Aileen ) ? Your Mum & Dad were there then too. WOW doesn’t time fly 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes!!!! God that really has gone fast hasn’t it!!! 🙂

  11. Sharon Doherty

    Thanks again Miss Chardy,
    we had a amazing stay with you and your extended family!! & seeing all of what Mittiebah has to offer our young men. Its so strange the connections everyone had, either distant relatives or associations with people through boarding schools, work etc.It really is a small world.
    Please if you are down our way we would like to repay the kindness your shared with us all.

    Doherty family xx

  12. Mrs T

    When it rains it pours! I haven’t popped in for a while. Sounds like it’s been fun around your end, and for what it’s worth, if you’re already cooking for 12, cooking for 27 isn’t much more of a stretch! We’ve had a great holiday plodding around, nothing spectacular but very enjoyable all the same. Fingers crossed your new cook can cut the mustard! X

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mrs T, lucky you haven’t popped in for a while because I have been really slack, well busy with visitors and school holidays probably. Great to hear from you.

  13. Cate

    Wow! Your posts are just amazing and you really are the most fabulous hostess-dinner for 27 is incredible! Things have been busy here, Berlin has been in a bit of a heat wave (nothing like the heat of Australia that I remember but there is no air conditioning anywhere here) which is not fun. Last week, I taught two cooking classes and I’ve FINALLY finished my second recipe ebook, ‘Soups, salads and sides’ which I thought would never happen-the worst part was trying to take pics of all the soups in an old DDR flat in the middle of an Eastern German winter. You can check it out over here if you fancy a peek Hope the new cook is amazing, I know she/he’ll be made m´wonderfully welcome 🙂

  14. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Enjoy having a new cook!
    You certainly have been busy and enjoying a very social life. I recall how that used to be and how much we all missed having all the extra people around after we’d had some recovery time.
    A poddy, how cute!
    Happy Birthday to Clancy! My niece is 2 and a 1/2 now and her younger sister 7weeks, time certainly flies.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Anne, things have been very busy lately with all of our visitors and school holidays.

  15. Mrs Rumbo

    Goodness Miss Chardy, I can’t believe Clancy is four already, give him a big birthday hug for me and say hello to DD and Rexy as well. So pleased you have a cook on the way, the kitchen really is a full time job.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there, yes 4, can’t believe it either, but very excited to be able to see the light at the end of that toddler tunnel. I don’t think I will be putting up my hand to do the cooking again, but at least I gave it a crack.


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