Week in Review: Birthday, BBQ & Mustering

July 10, 2015

Time has slipped away before my very eyes this week.  I feel like I have been chasing my tail the whole time.  I’m pretty sure I am not alone, things just get so busy around this time of the year don’t they!!!

So what have we been up to?  Well on Tuesday we farewelled Lin & Mick.  We managed to get them to stay an extra night in the end so we could give them a Japanese Slipper.  Of course they weren’t disappointed and are now quit partial to the Slipper.  It has been a while since we trotted one out and I quite enjoyed it too.  Before they headed off we took smoko out to the crew who were walking cattle away.


Of course there were tears yet again when we waved Lin and Mick off.  It was so wonderful to have them and they were such a huge help.  The boys sure did enjoy all of the desserts Linny made not to mention her tasty meatballs.  We had so much fun with them.  Please come back soon!


The next day was Clancy’s 4th Birthday.  Now you know all of those over achieving Mum’s who throw fancy parties for their tiny tots… you know the ones… where the parties look like they are straight from Pinterest…. here is an example…

perfect party

Well lets just say I am probably the complete opposite when it comes to kids parties (adult parties are a whole other ball game).  A total underachiever in the kids Birthday Party stakes.  Thankfully Clancy doesn’t know what a fancy party looks like so he had a really fun day.  He helped make the cake and also decorated it himself… who needs the Women’s Weekly Cookbook when you can get your 4 year old to do it??  Here is the masterpiece along with good old family shots, not a professional photo in sight, I had to intercept Mr Chardy before he headed off for the afternoon, and just as he has smothered his face in sunscreen, perfect!!!  So here is what a “real” birthday looks like… it doesn’t involve perfectly lined up milk bottles and lolly jars….






That night was State of Origin so we had hot dogs at the rec club.  Perfect.  Miss Gabby is a total over achiever when it comes to decorating and never fails to impress with her Origin night set up.  She goes above and beyond, this girl is so generous, check out the effort that she went to…







The rest of my time has been spent in the kitchen, non stop cooking and cleaning.  It just never ends.  Thankfully I have DD & Rexy here who have been entertaining the children and Mum has been helping out in the kitchen.  The crew have headed out all day today, I am that excited it isn’t funny because it means I don’t have to do smoko or lunch – I actually have time to breath.

How has your week been? Busy?
Any plans for the weekend?

I hope you have a fabulous weekend, whatever it is you may be doing.


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    We had a State of Origin do in the shed too, but I was too crook to be out in the cold air. I left Bearhands to host the crew himself. Feel like I’m on the mend now, just in time for us to head away tomorrow.

    As for kids birthday parties, I think you might be a bit lucky to be missing out on the Keeping up with the Jones’ that goes on down here. When did birthdays become competitive sports?

    Have a great weekend,
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there, very late replying here…. hope you are feeling much much better and that you had a great time away. As for Birthday Parties – yes, I am so glad we live in the never never and don’t have to feel the need to compete. ha ha ha.

  2. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Love the cake and impromptu family photo – as long as kids have cakes, a few presents and a happy day then who needs a Pinterest party. Still sick, but not bad enough that I couldn’t post a ridiculous VLOG today. Have a great weekend, kids back to school Monday, I will miss our lazy mornings. See you in 5 weeks! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Shit – 5 weeks, OMG, you have just really scared me. I am going to have to go now and check out your VLOG, can’t wait. I hope you are feeling a bit better, you poor bugger, everyone is so sick.

  3. Sandra Scott

    Beautiful family photo and I love your kids birthday party stuff.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, thanks Sandra. 🙂

  4. Rochelle

    Happy birthday Clancy! Can you believe he is 4???

    • Miss Chardy

      I know – can’t believe it. xx

  5. nicolethebuilderswife

    That cake is perfect, in fact it’s so much better than anything my kids have every had. We went to the game this week, and it was great, but never nice when your a NSW supporter. I guess it will be another 10 years before I find the strength to go to another game. Have a great weekend. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, NSW really did get a flogging didn’t they.

  6. Anne@GritandGiggles

    That cake looks so good and what a great idea, decorating his own cake. We used to go through the women’s weekly kids birthday cake book and choose the cake we wanted. It sounds like the perfect birthday with family, presents and cake … everything a young boy could ask for.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, he loved it and of course I loved not having to tackle a cake from the Women’s Weekly book.

  7. Sara

    did someone say it’s the middle of July!! The time totally flies, I feel ur pain. We live in CQ and have travelled Sth to Gatton to collect some new horses and then North East to Gympie to check our cattle on agistment then say g’day to 600 friends and family over 2 days then head back home Monday. Unload those Broncs then throw on some more horses and head to paradise lagoons for the week!!! Ladies week!! Woo hoo!
    What is a Japanese slipper?
    I have a sneaky suspecion it involves alcohol
    I had a Tokyo sour the other day and I’m totally sold!!
    Cake looked tremendous and bet it was a crowd pleaser.
    Your mr chardy looks familiar? Did he ever oversee Alex?
    Love reading your posts, keepin it real sister

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Sara, wow, you sure have been busy. Hope you have fun at Paradise Lagoons. Now, Japanese Slipper – 30ml Midori, 30ml Cointreau, 30ml Lemon Juice (we just use that Lemon Squeeze), blend it up with some ice to a slushy consistency and serve in cocktail glass…. (this serves one, so basically it is just equal parts of each). I am going to have to look into the Tokyo Sour, what does that involve? Oh and yes to husband on Alex!

  8. KezUnprepared

    Looks like a lovely week! I love bringing things back to the pre-Pinterest days for birthdays. All a kid really wants is cake, some pressies and their loved ones. Until my Little Mister is old enough to help me out, we will probably be keeping things nice and simple!

    • Miss Chardy

      Absolutely Kez!!!!

  9. Cate

    so nice to see a normal birthday, perfect!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, not sure about the normal part but he had a fun day and loved his cake. 🙂

  10. Heidi

    I’d rather be at Clancey’s b-day party than any of those fancy shmancy to dos that many people do. We’ve always kept it pretty simple around here. You have a beautiful family and the boys will cherish these moments. Have a wonderful weekend!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Heidi. 🙂

  11. Miss Twinings

    What a great kids bday party, can’t beat the good old party at home with homemade cake!! Love the cake decorations you and Clancy did well! She sure did do a great job of decor for the state of origin, isn’t she a gem! Kids go back to school monday here, and its also back to work for me boo hoo, as we’ve been on hols and been away…..back home to what is apparently a chilly week ahead!! Brrr. We should just stay put! Apparently winter is finally coming! Back to the routine, grindstone & cooking for me next week

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Miss Twinings it has finally turned cold up here too! Winter has finally arrived, along with the Barkly Breeze – horrible wind that never lets up. Glad I am not out mustering in it this morning. Yes, Miss Gabby is an absolute legend. Back to work for you, that doesn’t sound like too much fun. Back to reality, always such a bitch isn’t it.

  12. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    A special family photo and just the best birthday party you would have had, the simpler the better along as their are candles to blow out kids don’t worry about anything. Yes watched the game not really into Rugby I’m and AFL person but I felt thrilled for QLD and very sad for NSW as the all played there hardest for there team. Hope your weekend is fantastic

    • Miss Chardy

      Hope you had a great weekend too Barbie. I’m not really into football either Barbie.


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