Pro Blogger Event 2015 – is it your first time?

July 17, 2015

Are you heading to ProBlogger 2015?  Is it your first time?  There is no need to panic, just grab a coffee and settle in for a little read.  I am sure this will put your mind at ease.

I was just like you last year when I headed to my very first ProBlogger Event.  I was nervous to say the least and didn’t know one single person.  Yes, there were loads of people there and I just had to man up and introduce to myself to some strangers, before long I was laughing and drinking wine with a whole bunch of fun new friends.

You can read all about my wrap up of the ProBlogger 2014 Event here.  Hopefully you will feel a little calmer after reading this.  There are lots of cool photos in this post from the QT Hotel on the Gold Coast and also the Who’s Who of the blogosphere.

PB Event Pro Blogger

I am so excited for this years event and can’t believe that it is less than a month until I head off on my child free adventure.  This time I will have friends and I can’t wait to see them all again.  Things have just been out of control busy here lately and I haven’t even had a chance to think about this years event, but just writing this post is making me excited.

Meanwhile, in the real world I have been spending my days scrubbing, cleaning and cooking and a little more scrubbing.  Our new cook arrives next week and I am trying to get the kitchen super clean for her.  Thankfully I have DD (my Mum) here, who is a Virgo not to mention suffers slightly from OCD.  Just the person you what on board for a spring clean in winter.

Speaking of winter, things have definitely cooled down here over the past week.  Just because we live all the way up here doesn’t mean we don’t get a little touch of coolness.  I have been sleeping in my winter flannies with socks and all.  It was 4°c in our room last night.  So glad I am not out on a horse mustering because the Barkly Breeze is in full swing to make it feel even colder.

So tell me, did we meet last year at PB2014? 
Are you going this year? 
How cold is it in your part of the world?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!



  1. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Good Morning Miss Chardy, I really don’t know anything about blogging, but live on the Gold Coast and would love to come in and meet you. When is the Pro Blogger Event 2015 ? I look forward to your reply. Cheers Barbie Walker

  2. Bettina

    Hi Miss Chardy! How cold is it? …. I took Cate back to school yesterday and we drove through snow between Bathurst and Lithgow…..I am so glad I turned around and drove the six hours back yesterday as the roads are closed with more snow falling in Orange, Bathurst and the Blue Mountains! Settling in to do some bookwork with my uggies on and a hot cuppa! Tonight we have six 10 year olds for Pat’s birthday sleepover – I might need a Chardy! Enjoy getting away (and tell DD that she’s doing a marvellous job and welcome at my place any time soon!)Love Betti

  3. Cooker and a Looker

    I can’t believe its that cold up there! It’s quite windy here on Fraser Island today, but OK if you can hide from the wind in the sun.
    Can’t wait to share a few jars with you in August! xx

  4. Miss Twinings

    Wow you have come such a long way, in such a short time with your blogging Miss Chards, and i imagine you must get so many more followers after mingling with other bloggers too down south, which is great for exposure!! Well done, and i hope you have a blast with your new friends, i am not a blogger but i love reading them, does that count haha!!!! Cheers to the bloggers who make us mums day even better and cheerier!!! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      I can’t wait to head down to the Gold Coast again this year, along with a cheeky little night in Brisbane, really looking forward to some child free time.

  5. nicolethebuilderswife

    4 degrees in your bedroom? That’s bloody cold! It’s been super icy here this week, I’ll be glad when winter is over. I’m looking forward to catching up with you and my first PB. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      It is going to be so much fun Nicole, can’t wait to catch up. 🙂

  6. Ainsley

    Hi Miss Chardy, I’m a problogger first timer next week. Talk about stepping outside my comfort zone … See you next week. Eek!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ohhhhhhhhh Ainsley…… I am so excited….. the bush girls are coming to town this time!!!! Have you read my post I did after last years conference where I was totally out of my comfort zone and didn’t know a single person? Are you staying at Royal Pines??? Can’t wait to meet you, yours was one of the first blogs I started reading along with Baby Mac!!!! Are you coming by yourself?


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