Long time no talk…. update with a happy ending

July 27, 2015

I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.  It has been such a busy 5 months and I am very happy to say that our new cook is on board and cooking up a storm.  I can’t tell you how happy I am about this.  I have a whole new appreciation for the Station Cook.  Well no, that isn’t true, I have always had a great appreciation for them, I guess my appreciation has just been refreshed.  So welcome aboard Julie, we are so bloody happy to have you and guess what everyone…. it turns out she can cook too, bonus, ha ha ha!!!  Lets hope she loves it here.

So as you could imagine I had the laziest weekend in a long while.  Oh dear lord it was good.  We also have lots of family here too, lots of grandparents so we loved spending some quiet time at HOME with them all.  We haven’t seen Grandpa & Grandmarg Chardy for about a year and a half and I nearly cried when they pulled up.  So great to see them.  DD & Rexy have introduced us all to a new card game and we may or may not be completely addicted too it.  It is called sequence…


We spent a good part of the weekend playing this and I think I have “sequence elbow”.

On Saturday night I thought the right thing to do was trot out the famous Hot Steak & Crunchy Potato Salad and  it didn’t disappoint either.  It has been a while since we have had it and It is still one of my all time favourites.  Have you tried it yet?


Our weekend ended with a bit of excitement, well excitement for everyone but the patient who we will keep anonymous.  It was a case of a cut that was a bit too deep not to stitch so yet again our trusty local RFDS crew came to the rescue.  Don’t worry it wasn’t anything too serious or life threatening.  But it did give our crew a chance to practice their night time evacuation procedures.  Although this one wasn’t an evacuation, more of a quick fix on the airstrip.  It was dark by the time they landed so we needed to light up the strip, we use battery powered airstrip lanterns for this.   Yet again the RFDS crew were such legends and it was our favourite Doctor Minh.  Talk about service, from the time they landed to finish and back in our houses it was 1 hour.  Beats going down to the local hospital and sitting there for 3 hours before being seen too doesn’t it.  But then again if we did have to take the patient to town to be stitched up it would have involved a 7 hour round road trip and that is just the driving.  The RFDS is so valuable to us out here in remote areas and we would be lost without them.  Thanks so much guys, you rock!  And the patient is doing well.   You can read about other RFDS rescues here and here.  IMG_7234





What did you get up to on the weekend?
Have you played Sequence?
Been to the emergency department lately?




  1. MrsBargie

    We LOVE Sequence!!! it is very addictive and a must family game while have a few vinos!

    • Miss Chardy

      It is so great and one that the kids can play too – winning!!!

  2. Sandra Scott

    Never a dull moment at your place, glad you had a lovely weekend. We went to a 70th birthday party where we caught up with friends from 25 years ago.

    • Miss Chardy

      That would have been a lot of fun Sandra! 🙂

  3. Cooker and a Looker

    Oh Goodness mate! I’m glad the RFDS are there to help you.
    I’m a sequence fan too, but not to the “sequence-elbow” level. Did you ask Dr Minh for a consult on that one? 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      How is it that I have never even heard of Sequence before this???!!!

  4. Michele Davis

    Hi Miss Chardy
    Great to hear about your new cook Julie, I bet you are thrilled! She might share some special recipes! What a brilliant service the RFDS is! Talk about cut and run! Will see and run at least.
    Many moons ago I worked with the Vic Air Ambulance , sort of similar service but not as encompassing. It was a brilliant job and I loved flying around Vic picking up my patients. These days I work as a casual at Geelong ED, I love that too. So I spend time there but on the other side! Good to hear about Dr Minh, in fact would be good to hear more about him. Just finished a book called Emergency, stories by Australian doctors in our EDs
    Take care I love your stories!

    • Auntie Theresie

      Hi Dan
      there’s never a dull moment at your place. Say a big hi to Kevvie and Marg for John and I. Hope it wasn’t DD who was the patient.
      A Theresie xo

      • Miss Chardy

        Margie & Kevvie say hi back. Wish you and Johnny were up here too!!!!! Now that would be fun.

  5. Anne@GritandGiggles

    My weekend wasn’t overly exciting but then when I think back I did a bit with an early drive to the Yungaburra markets and then a stop in at the Kuranda ones, then home for a nap and then a 6 1/2 hour nightfill shift. Sunday saw me picking up and Aunt and Uncle who are visiting but enjoying hotel luxury and taking them to the tanks markets and then up to Lake Morris/ Copperlode Dam for morning tea (scones I had cooked that morning). Then it was home again and nap time again before relaxing a bit and then heading out for dinner with the same Aunt and Uncle. So I guess it was busy after all, just a bit of a tired blur though. I haven’t ever had to go to the emergency but did have to pick my brother up from school for a quick trip to the GP for stitches one time (mum was at work and too far away). We did have a RDFS worthy incident while I was on the station with a 10pm snake bite but at about 1am in the morning the decision was made to drive him to town because no one was coming so after 3hrs waiting and a 3hr trip (at max speed) to town he finally received treatment and was thankfully okay after a few rough days. I haven’t played sequence so maybe I should give it a go sometime. Your weekend sound lovely and that salad looks delish!

    • Miss Chardy

      Wow Anne, you sure have been busy!!!! Love the sound of the Kuranda markets, would be pretty too. Crazy about the snake bite story, he sounds like he was very lucky indeed to survive.

  6. joolzmac

    Oh, I’m a sucker! I’ve never heard of Sequence but once I googled it and watched a quick YouTube video – I was online to order it! My two big grown up girls will love it! A card game/board game all in one! Thanks for that!
    Oh, the RFDS is such an important service for rural Australia. We live in a small town 400 kms south of Adelaide so the RFDS plane lands quite frequently here and in Mt Gambier too. I have many family members who have used this service, sometimes twice and a couple who wouldn’t be alive without it. It is our favourite charity that our vehicle dealership supports.
    Glad to hear you have a lovely cook and what a nice name too!

    Cheers – Joolz xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, you are too funny Joolz. You won’t be sorry, it is quite addictive. Love that your company supports the RFDS, they truly are amazing.

      • joolzmac

        Wow! I ordered Sequence from Toys r Us on Monday 27th and it arrived on Wednesday 29th July! Awesome service! My girls (21 and 24) are keen for a game!

        • Miss Chardy

          Enjoy Joolz, let me know.

  7. Evie Jean

    Yay for station cooks!
    I spent the weekend at work / country races / the pub / on my couch recovering (which is code for watching Season 2 of OITNB, I am a little addicted…)
    Hope your patient is feeling better today!
    Lovely to have you back 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      I am still listening to OITNB on audiobook. I think the tv series would be a bit better. Nothing better than a country race meet.

  8. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I’m so relived your stress levels have been reduced due to your fabulous new cook! Nothing like a flying doctor’s visit to make you feel alive! Just 3 weeks to go.x

    • Miss Chardy

      I can’t believe it is only 3 weeks to go, where the hell has time gone???

  9. Cate

    RFDS are just amazing! I still think the Australian health system is the best in the world!

    • Miss Chardy

      Amazing alright!!!!

  10. Miss Chardy's Big Sis

    So happy to hear all is going well at Chardy Central and Julie is fitting in well. I am sure there are many of us who can now say how much a station cook should be appreciated 😜. I introduce Betti to Sequence whilst camping at Goodooga….it is very addictive. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, we can all appreciate the cook a little more now!!! Loving sequence.

  11. Sue Wheaton

    I have a seven year old grandson Xavier who loves board games.
    Where can I buy this game.
    Another good one to play on wet and cold night is Risk
    Thank you for your great stories
    Sue x

    • Miss Chardy

      Loving all of the great game suggestions, will have to look up Risk. You should just be able to google Sequence and find out where to buy it or buy it online. Goodluck.

  12. nicolethebuilderswife

    So pleased to hear you were able to enjoy a lazy weekend and that the patient is ok.xx

    • Miss Chardy

      It was sooooo lovely Nicole!!!

  13. Miss Four X Mum

    Did Mr Chardy feel he had to call the flying doctor because Miss Four X mum has him scared!!!! Thank you, it sounds as though all is OK

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, hello there Miss Four X Mum, so lovely to hear from you!!! All is well….:)

  14. FBH

    Well Chards im actually waiting in the ER reading your blog… go figure haha busted knee for me yay!

    • Miss Chardy

      WTF…. no you can’t go hurting yourself… who is going to fix everything here at Chardy HQ????? Are you ok? We have been looking forward to your arrival.

  15. West of Never Never

    Hi Miss Chardy, so jealous of your health services, over there in the East, unlike West of Never Never. Feeling very poorly for the last week, so a quick trip by myself and Richard Fidler ( 4 hours round trip) to the Kalkaridji clinic for some much needed antibiotics. Starting to feel like I’m alive again.
    Also, share in your appreciation of fantastic cooks – they really do make a station hum. Love my two team sharing 18 year cooks. So impressed with their organisation, attention to cleanliness and variety of menu.

    • Miss Chardy

      Don’t you have an RFDS kit? That is crazy! I think of you often over there. Hope all is going well, although I see you are over seas now… quite the jet setter!

  16. robbsie

    So glad you have a Cook !

    • Miss Chardy

      Why don’t I ever listen to you Robbsie….????

  17. Sharon

    why Hello Chards, don’t know why but I haven’t seen you on my FB for ages! Off to investigate the salad, looks a good one.

    • Miss Chardy

      I have been a bit hit and miss with my posts lately, trying to get back into my routine. Get onto that salad, you won’t be sorry.

  18. Joanie Campbell

    Hi Miss Chardy, so good to hear your wonderful cook , Julie, has finally arrived & is cooking up a storm. You did a fantastic job, Chardy, give yourself a big pay on the back! Hope the patient is doing well, & well done to the RFDS team. Glad to hear you are having a great time with all the Grandparents!

    • Miss Chardy

      Missing you Joanie…. so happy to be out of the kitchen.


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