The Big Issues at Chardy HQ

April 24, 2014

I tell you, we certainly solve big issues here at Chardy HQ each and every day.

Last night Harry was complaining about his fingernail (which often happens around bed time) and announced to me: “you know – I was born with this fingernail poking into my finger like this” (laughing as I type this).  Well that was it, what was I to do, the poor boy was clearly born with a birth defect – a faulty nail at that.  I couldn’t help myself, I burst out laughing, couldn’t control myself.   I laughed, he cried, I laughed some more, he cried, and I kept on laughing, until eventually the little bugger started laughing too.  But still the nail remained poking into his finger.  Perhaps there is some procedure he can have to rectify the “situation”.  I told him he may well have to wear a permanent band-aid on it.  (still laughing)


Can you spot the faulty fingernail?

Then there is the toddler….Clancy, cute as pie but the devil in disguise.  He wasn’t allowed to put a 5th spoonful of Milo into his cup, or a 3rd spoonful of sugar onto his weet-bix.  My god – it was on for young and old.  The tantrum from him (and me, just quietly).  He raced off, threw himself onto the bed and sobbed uncontrollably.  Anyone would think his right arm had just been cut off or someone was giving him a chinese burn.  Actually, come to think of it, anyone would think he had a fingernail poking into his finger.


And what about Thomas, surely there is some life threatening disease or illness he has?  Yes, it is borderline OCD.  We need this one around to keep us all in line.  He knows where EVERYTHING is and can find ANYTHING.  He likes lists and schedules.  He tells me to stop swearing – ok so this just happened yesterday for the first time and I only said “bloody”, could have been worse.  At least he knows not to say it.  The major problem in Tom’s life is the fact that his Mum can’t keep things in order.  If he doesn’t have the perfect set of clothes to put on each morning – jeans, workshirt (to match Dad’s), socks – that don’t itch, belt and hat – then the world has most certainly ended.  I am sure he should be the Virgo, not Harry.  I am still waiting for Harry’s inner-Virgo to kick in, when is he going to show some interest in the vacuum cleaner?

So they are the big issues in the Chardy household at the moment.  Well that and the fact that there IS NO Chardy!  Mr Chardy will be back today and he had better not turn up empty handed….just saying.

I love this quote about ungrateful children.  When I saw it I had to print it off.  I now have it laminated and on my fridge, I often have to remind myself of this and I also read it out to my children.

giving our children everything

What are the big issues in your household today?

Should I call the Flying Doctor Re the faulty finger nail? (still laughing as I type this)

PS: I actually just had to do a Google search to see if “fingernail” was in fact one word or two – big problems in this house people – big problems…..



  1. ffhousemouse

    OMG Poor Child! Hope you have ph the Dr! I can see the whole laughing / crying unfolding. Making sure those workclothes are ready every single morning would kill me! Oh and dear little Clancy, I can’t believe something so cute would be capable of such antics – obviously a looooong time since I have had a Toddler in the house!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, obviously a long time since toddlers……


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