I’ve Lost my Blogging Mojo

August 5, 2015

Good morning.  In an attempt to get back into my blogging routine I am up.  I had my alarm set for 5:30am but it didn’t go off.  It seems I set it for 5:30pm, I have a bad habit of doing that.  Who’s with me on that one?  It is ok, I am still up and enjoying a coffee before the children.

Now I know I keep banging on about this ALL THE TIME but seriously…. where is the year going?  I know I say it every month, but really ….. 5th August already.  This time next week I will be in Mt Isa, CHILD FREE.  Did you hear me: CHILD FREE.  You see I am off to the annual ProBlogger Conference next week on the Gold Coast.  Thanks to my wonderful Mum and Dad – DD & Rexy, I am able to go away without a care in the world knowing that the children will be taken care of and I am only slightly EXCITED!!!  Can you tell?  So I hit the road out of here on Tuesday into Mt Isa for a much needed hair cut.  Then it is onto Brisbane for a lovely night in the city on Wednesday.  Of course after reading THIS post about Nikki’s (from Styling You) stay in the Hilton I had to book in.  On Thursday one of my blogging buddies – the lovely Kirsten – from Kirsten & Co is going to collect me and drive me to the Gold Coast – how’s that for service!!!  So bring it on people, bring it on, I can’t wait.

I am not sure if it is because the year has just gotten busier and busier but I seem to have lost my blogging mojo.  I don’t feel like I have anything interesting to tell you at the moment, but I am giving it a go today…. trying to talk shit like normal.  I think life seems to get so boring and when we are in our own little bubble you don’t think that anyone would be interested in your boring little life.  What is everyday to us is actually interesting to other people – that is still so peculiar to me.

I am feeling very happy and much less stressed lately, ever since our new cook arrived.  It is so nice to be back in my own house.  It is great to sit down at our own dining table and eat as a family, which means the kids are eating a little better too.  I felt like I totally neglected them while I was cooking.  I don’t think I really did, but in my own nutty little head it was all going pear shaped.  You know how we blow things out of proportion, I am really good at this.  Total nut case really.  I think if I do that cooking gig again I will have to slap myself and get a backpacker as a helper.  Why do we think we can DO IT ALL OURSELVES???


While I was in Darwin I didn’t do a whole lot of shopping but I am excited about one item I bought – a new iPhone cover.  I know – get a life right, but it is so cool.  While Mr Chardy’s Dad & Step Mum (Grandpa & Grandmarg) were visiting I noticed Grandmarg’s cool iPhone cover.  It was a wallet type thing and the actual iPhone came out, but when you put it back in it just magnetised itself to the wallet – SO COOL.  So of course when I was in Darwin I paid a visit to one of those dodgy little stalls that are set up in the middle of the shopping centre walk ways and found my own special magnetic case.  Here look….

phone cover

Yes, I do live under a rock, and no – I had never seen these before.  Give me strength….get me out of here people…. I am excited about an iPhone cover for crying out loud…..send help.

I also bought season 2 of Love Child?  Did you watch it?  It appears that I missed the whole season while doing my little cooking stint.  Looking forward to catching up on that one.

What else have I missed while I have been living in Kitchen Land?  
Are you going to ProBlogger?  Lets have a Japanese Slipper!


  1. Suzanne Young

    Good Morning Danielle……looking forward to catching up next week. We’ll have to do dinner…:)

    • Miss Chardy

      Or Japanese Slippers!!!! Can’t wait to see you….do you think you might pick me up at the bar again?

  2. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I hear you – I put something up on my FB page about hitting a crossroads with my blog, I reckon next week’s blogging conference is coming at just the right time. Can’t wait to Japanese Slipper with you, and I might even be part of your convoy down thanks to the lovely Kirsten! See you soon lovely x

    • Cooker and a Looker

      I agree totally – blogging can be lonely. We need these little catch ups to top up our mojo buckets and find new inspiration. Can’t wait for a looooong chat. x

      • Miss Chardy

        BRING.IT.ON 🙂

  3. Jo

    Danielle, however frequently or infrequently you blog, your posts are always either very interesting or very entertaining, and are often both! Have a wonderful time in Mt Isa, Brisbane, and the Gold Coast at the conference.
    Love Jo

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks so much Jo 🙂

  4. Heidi

    Danielle, you are so hard on yourself! From everything I’ve read and seen that you do, you out do most of us. Truly, you inspire me. Have a wonderful time at your conference. Say hi to Kirsten for me (I started following you after you commented on one of her posts). You rock:)

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh you are so sweet, thank Heidi. I remember last time I saw Kirsten I read her one of your lovely comments on my blog and told her that you found me through her. Kirsten is just even more lovely in real life. Thanks for reading!! 🙂

  5. KezUnprepared

    Sooooo jealous of your trip to ProBlogger! Enjoy – you totally deserve it and maybe it will bring you lots and lots of mojo and inspire you further!
    I am having a little slump again myself. It always passes!
    PS I really like that phone cover idea. I had no idea those existed either. I think I’d feel like a real grown up if I had one!

    • Miss Chardy

      You should totally get on board with that phone cover, I am loving myself sick with it – you can even stick it on the fridge. ha ha ha. Glad I am not the only one in a slump. Thanks for the message. Wish you were coming to ProBlogger…I will be sure to keep you posted and you can follow along with me virtually. 🙂

  6. MrsDplus3

    Please don’t stop writing, your stories are hilarious and make me laugh, even if you think they’re boring. It can get quite lonely stuck behind a computer blogging sometimes (except on the days when you can stay in your pj’s and no-one will ever know. Like me, today). I’m also super excited about Pro Blogger and I can’t wait to see you and have a glass of chardy. Rob xxx Oh and I mis set my alarm for 6am on a SUNDAY morning – how stupid is that!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Mrs D, I am so looking forward to meeting you and having a drink with you! Can’t wait. Bring it on. Thanks for the message. 🙂

  7. nicolethebuilderswife

    I love hearing about your world, it’s so much more interesting that my boring regular life. Please don’t stop! really looking forward to catching up for a beverage of three next week. xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am starting to count down, so excited that this time next week I will have touched down in BrisVegas!!! Wooo hoo. Can’t wait to catch up for a drink.

  8. MrsBargie

    Have you started watching Winners and Loosers yet?

    • Miss Chardy

      I think I am a couple of seasons behind…. so need to get a few discs!!! But I have been saving myself and not watching it on TV…thanks for the reminder.

  9. cloverandtwine

    This conference cannot come at a better time – I am so in a blogging slump and I need to shake it off!

    • Miss Chardy

      I can’t wait to see you, wish you were staying the whole time and not just Friday night. See you next week cowgirl…. 🙂

  10. ketaminh

    Dont ever stop blogging, D!
    life would be dreadfully boring without your occasional witty repartee

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Thanks Minh!!!

  11. Jodie@Fresh Home Cook

    Don’t you dare stop writing! I love reading about your life. I absolutely get how you are feeling though. I have had a bunch of tech problems lately & trying to post has been such a pain I am about ready to chuck it all in.

    Can’t wait to see you again at PB. Hopefully it will give us all a big injection of motivation. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jodie, thanks so much, you are all giving me a good dose of motivation! This time next week….. can’t wait!!!

  12. Ms Styling You

    Yes to a Japenese Slipper Miss Chardy – cannot wait to squeeze you. If you get lonely on Wednesday, sing out, I’m just up the road! x

    • Miss Chardy

      I am so looking forward to my little stay at the Hilton Nikki! ..

  13. Zamamabakes

    Yes I’ll be at Problogger too!
    Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve stopped by.
    So glad you’ve got a cook and your feet are hitting the ground again 😉
    Hope to cross paths with you next week lovely lady.
    Safe travels and enjoy that hair pampering, I’m off for a dose this Saturday! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Can’t wait, if you are at the bar you will definitely cross my path, ha ha ha. See you there!

      • Zamamabakes

        My Mum said to me yesterday ‘the Chardonnay lady from up North is going the same conference as you’. I said I’d try and get a picture with you for her and she wants to know what your latest favourite Chardonnay is! I’ll keep my eye out around the bar for you 😉 x

        • Miss Chardy

          Oh I am so excited… can’t wait to meet you! Tell your Mum hi from “the Chardonnay lady” ha ha ha – that is too funny. I fly to Brisbane today, can’t wait. Ummmm, favourite Chardy at the moment…. I do like the Brown Brothers. My favourite would have to be Rolling Chardonnay – from the Orange region. Has a pretty picture on it too.

          • Zamamabakes

            I’ll pass the messages on lovely lady, I hope the Hilton had been just divine for you!
            See you soon xx

          • Miss Chardy

            Oh it has…still here!

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