Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

August 28, 2015

“The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award recognizes the unique voices of women bloggers around the world.”

I feel very honoured that someone thought to nominate little old Miss Chardy from Woop Woop for this award.  That kind lady was the gorgeous Kirralee from Escape With Kids I have met some amazing women since I started blogging.  I have been fortunate enough to meet Kirralee 3 times now and it feels like we have known each other for ages.  I appreciate your bloggy friendship too, and thanks again for thinking of me!

I am required to acknowledge the blogger that nominated me (done!), answer her 10 questions, nominate 10 worthy bloggers and ask them 10 questions. So here are the questions Kirralee asked me:

1. Where did you go on your honeymoon?

Hyatt Regency Coolum on The Sunshine Coast.  The year was 2004 and it was February and there was a heatwave happening everywhere.  We just stayed at the resort and kept cool.  Loved every minute of it, such a wonderful place, that was before Clive Palmer took over, not sure what it is like now.

2. What aspect of your blog would you like to improve?

My drop down menu’s – I know everyone… they are a total shambles… I really do fumble my way through this whole blogging thing and one day I will sort them out.  I really need to figure out how to use Google Analytics too, I know – how the hell do I blog? ha ha ha

3. What is your most successful post on your blog to date?

Well, if I could figure out Google Analytics I might be able to give you an exact answer but…. I will just have to wing this… It makes me sad to say that my most read post to date has been the one I wrote about our Headstockman who lost his life in March.  I definitely didn’t write that post to attract readers, I just wanted to let them all know why I wasn’t blogging.  We all still miss Mick so much and just generally feel very sad.

Another post that seems to attract readers every day is really surprising to me – it is the one where I blogged about Oven Baked Rissoles.  I kid you not, people Google this everyday and I think my blog post is top of the list, so people are directed to my blog everyday to find out how to oven bake their rissoles.  Get onto it people, you won’t be sorry.

4. What is your favourite travel-related movie?

Umm, I really have no idea…. Devil Wears Prada…. I mean, she does travel to Paris for Fashion Week after all… does that count?  ha ha ha

5. What is your favourite form of social media to participate in? Your least?

Facebook is my favourite and most used form of social media.  You can find me HERE on Facebook.  My least favourite would have to be Twitter, because I am quite the Twit when it comes to this one, I don’t really get it so tend to stay away from it.

6. Did you do much travel before kids? Where were your favourite spots?

Wish I could say yes, but it turns out I have lived quite the sheltered life under a rock.  Does travelling up to the NT in my little Corolla from NSW to work as a Governess count at “Travel”.  I really do wish I had travelled overseas after finishing year 12!

7. Did you ever plan a trip solely because a fictional movie or book was set there?

No, but I do plan on going to New York City one day because I am pretty sure I am one of the girls from Sex and the City, just not sure which one.  Perhaps Charlotte.  I also love watching anything that is set in NYC.

8. What is the best museum you have ever been to?

Sorry Kirralee,  I thought about deleting this question so I didn’t sound like such a bogan, but the truth is I haven’t really frequented many Museums.  How about the Mudgee Museum which was just up the road from me as a kid, but I must say, I have always found Museums and the thought of them to be totally boring.  God – somebody culture me – quick smart!

9. What do you enjoy most in other people’s blogs or social media feeds?

I love people who keep it real and speak the truth.  The bloggers who don’t pretend to be something they are not.  I love hearing the ins and outs of other peoples lives, the real shit.  I love seeing where people holiday and what they are wearing.  I love to see how they decorate their houses and their real life stories.

10. What’s the top three destinations or experiences on ‘your list’?

New York City – god I would love to go to the Blog Her conference over there one day – who wants to come?
Middle East – I have such a fascination with the Middle East and would love to go over there one day.

Now it is my turn to share the love and nominate my top 10 bloggers… the ones I love, they keep it real and make me laugh… not really sure how I only choose 10, there are so many I love.

Baby Mac
Kirsten & Co
Style & Shenanigans
Sublime Finds
Have a Laugh on Me
Cooker and a Looker
Clover & Twine
Between You & Me
Styling You

There are many more, but I guess these are the ones that I read all the time.  So now it is my turn to ask these 10 bloggers 10 questions…

  1. Best hotel you have ever stayed in? Tell us about it please.
  2. What is your favourite movie?
  3. Read any good books lately?
  4. What about Podcasts….. are you into Podcasts?  Do you have any new suggestions for us?
  5. Where did you get married?
  6. Do the words “How’s the Serenity” and “Get your hand off it Darryl” resonate with you? If they don’t I’m not sure we can be friends, ha ha ha.
  7. Favourite song from the 80’s or 90’s?
  8. Favourite meal?
  9. Where did you grow up?
  10. Are you a perfect parent or a total psycho?



  1. foodthatsingscatering

    Awesome news! Congrats to you Miss Chardy, well deserved!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks 🙂

  2. MrsBargie

    cONGRATULATIONS !! What a wonderful achievement! I love reading your blog every morning it’s great! gives me a good start to the day!! Happy Friday!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for reading Jess! 🙂

  3. Cat

    My personal favourite line from ‘The Castle’ is “suffer in your jocks”. Nothing like Daryl Kerrigan to remind you to not take yourself too seriously!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, love it – “Daaaaad…. what’s a Pulpit?” ….. “Jousting sticks…what does anyone want with jousting sticks?” “It’s just the Vibe”….

      • Cat

        Haha yes!
        “What do you call this love?”
        “Ice cream”
        “Nah but what did you do to it?”
        “Scooped it out of the punnet”

        I loved reading your blog before but to know you’re a ‘Castle’ lover as well, even better!

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha ha, I am always using that one!!!!! “It’s what you do to it Darl… why would you go to a fancy restaurant when this keeps coming up day after day” ha ha ha

  4. Kirralee @ Escape With Kids

    Fantastic answers Dan! While you were on the Sunshine Coast in Feb 04, we were in Port Douglas for our honeymoon in May 04. We’re practically twins! And The Devil Wears Prada totally counts! For both New York and Paris!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I do love The Devil Wears Prada, one of my all time faves. And as for our honeymoons….I always knew we were twins! ha ha ha.

  5. Sew Crafty Deb

    Congrats on your award!! It’s lucky you got to stay at the Hyatt when it was at its best because it’s a sad state of affairs now. In fact I’m pretty sure it’s shut down. Such a shame. New York is on my bucket list too. And my hubby nearly took a job in the middle east but we had a change of heart. It would be really fascinating though. For now though I’m off to check your oven baked rissoles.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Deb, I knew the Hyatt had gone downhill but closed down, that is really sad, we even went back with our first baby, it was just such a peaceful gorgeous resort. What a waste. How did you go with the rissoles?

  6. heidisewell1975

    Hi!!! I only stumbled on this by accident through my own WordPress. I really have no idea how to blog, lots of major play and learn with every post!! I’ll get to your questions over the weekend. And thank you. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, you’ll get there Heids. I have no idea either!

  7. kirsten and co.

    Love this! Your answers are awesome, especially the one about the museum!! Thanks for including me in your round up. I’ll do a blog post with my answers next week x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hmmm Museums aren’t my strong point, and not many of them around where I live, ha ha ha. Not very cultured am I. No worries, of course I would include you. xx

  8. Veggie Mama

    Oh I love these! They’re so fun! I always like a peek into random things. I’ve visited enough museums for the both of us, so I think you’re safe 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thank god someone is going to the museums, ha ha ha.

  9. Cooker and a Looker

    Well this is going to be fun! Time to put my thinking cap on!
    Thanks. xx


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