Over Commitment & Stuff

April 28, 2014

Do you suffer from over commitment like me?  I have just come down with a very bad case of it.  Everything has crashed and I am feeling very overwhelmed.  Where are the days going?  How can it be the end of April already?  I still feel like I am in February and just can’t catch up (or keep up).

Had the weekend in Camooweal.  Clearly I should have written this off the calendar, but of course I didn’t want to let the children down…so off we went, for one night – Camooweal Cricket Weekend.   3 hours in and  3 hours back.  The only thing about cricket I like is The 12th Man and his commentary team…..M-A-R-V-E-L-L-O-U-S.  But still we went, all wasn’t lost, I was able to catch up with my friends too. Cranky children by the end of it all.  It seems children can live on soft drink and lolly-pops alone, it just isn’t pretty after 2 days.

Coming home we ran into Jason, the “mad as a cut snake” truck driver.  This man is out there, larger than life and seriously funny.  And swear…..that man can and will swear like a trooper.  I have given up telling him to watch his language around my children, it is like flogging a dead horse.  Luckily they know not to talk like Jason!  We pulled up on the stock route, he jumps out of the Kenworth with a 1.3kg bag of Chicco’s – hello!  So we did the right thing and had a roadie (nice cold can of GOLD) with this wild man and his giant bag of black babies.



Roadie 2

 The rest of the crew then arrived and had to check out Jason’s new truck…


On our way and up the road a bit further we came across this little treat…. had to swing the car around and go back for a closer look.  A huge Black Headed Python.


I tell you what, I seriously have some great friends.  One mention that I am out of Chardonnay and I have it coming at me from every which way.  Now, I am not sure if this is just their way of getting rid of the Chardy, but either way, I will always accept a Vinnies Bag of Chardonnay.  On the weekend a good friend, who from here on in will be known as Miss Plonk, told me she had something for me.  Intrigued I followed her and she produced two lovely bottles of Chardy.  God love her.  Thanks Miss Plonk


I also received another little gift over Easter while visiting Mrs Sav.   A friend had kindly given this little something to her while she was down in Brisbane and told to pass it onto me.  Check it out ….. it is a Wine Glass Writer marker pen!  So cool.  You write your name on your wine glass with it, and perhaps draw a little picture, and hey presto – no more losing your wine glass.  It scrubs off when you are finished.  Check it out online.  Thanks so much Wendy, so kind of you to think of me and send one up.

Wine Glass Writer

Wine Glass

We had little farewell luncheon on Friday for some dear friends (and neighbours) who are retiring after 24 years of managing a station bigger than the moon, actually i am not sure how they are still sane.   We will be sad to see them go and wish them well with the new chapter in their lives.  Anyway, my point being is that I made a yummy salad, which of course I stole from another friend who served it up to us years ago.  So here it is, you will not be disappointed.


Hot Steak & Crunchy Potato Salad


600g beef fillet steak
2 teaspoons seasoned pepper
2 teaspoons garlic salt
1 tablespoon oil
1 medium cos lettuce
1 bunch (about 650g) English spinach, shredded
2 cups (100g) firmly packed watercress sprigs (although I have never used these, don’t even know what it is or looks like)
2 small avocados, sliced
1 punnet cherry tomatoes
1/2 capsicum (or you can grill the capsicum)

Crunchy Potatoes
2 medium potatoes
1 tablespoon oil
20g butter

Peel potatoes, cut into 1.5cm cubes.  Heat oil and butter in a baking dish, add potatoes, stir to coat in oil mixture.  Bake, uncovered, in hot oven for about 35 minutes. Drain on absorbent paper.

Creamy Dressing
2 teaspoons seeded mustard
2 teaspoons horseradish cream
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1/3 cup olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1/3 cup cream

Combine all dressing ingredients in pan, whisk over heat until warm.

Throw the salad onto a platter.  Cook the steak on the bbq, slice it up and add it to the salad.  Top with potatoes and warm dressing.  This one platter wonder satisfies even the hungriest Jackaroo.  It will be a hit.

So there you have it, that is why I have been a bit quiet….I have been out and about being loud and crazy in the land of the living.

Do you over commit too?  Why do we do it?



  1. Lucy Kurtz

    Oh Miss Chardy you do live an interesting life had to have a chuckle for I have been there and done that many years ago kids will be kids

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Lucy, good to know I am not alone!!!

  2. KezUnprepared

    That salad looks delish! I am feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment because an overseas trip that has always been “ages away” is suddenly only a month away and as the social commitments and other daily things pile up into May, I am starting to wonder how the hell we’re going to get organised and packed and still stay sane (especially with a 2 year old)!! I wish I could pause the next month and tell people to eff off so we can focus haha.

    • Miss Chardy

      The salad is a must try. Life just gets so busy doesn’t it Kez.

  3. ffhousemouse

    I would really like to eat that salad right now with some chicos for dessert – YUM!
    And the more trips away, the more it snowballs…..Oh and the art of saying ‘no’, without feeling guilty!

    • Miss Chardy

      You will so have this beef salad on your next menu House Mouse….backed up with Chicos xxx

      • ffhousemouse

        And washed down with a JS? I also hate to miss out – even still get excited about the EMK days…sad I know! Hmmm…must find out when it is!

        • Miss Chardy

          Still can’t believe you have not had a Japanese Slipper…how are we even friends…perhaps the Bark Hut could mix up a few…

  4. Toni

    Oh Miss Chardy, what a hilarious read!!! Thanks for keeping life real and making my parenting skills seem that much better!! Over commitment and me were my worst enemy last year – this year we are much better friends and hopefully I can keep it that way – KEEP ON KEEPING IT REAL MISS CHARDY!!

    • Miss Chardy

      O thanks Aunty Tones, If I make just one person feel better about their parenting skills then my work here is done. xxx

  5. Beth Macdonald

    I have no idea…I am a VERY big over committer. I figure there’s plenty of time to rest when we are dead x

    • Miss Chardy

      O Bevvy I always tell people “come on, you can sleep when you are dead”….had to let my gorgeous cook down today and ditch a town trip, feeling really terrible too. Speaking of Over Committing….when are you and the neighbour smacking out another Over the Back Fence podcast??? I have put on at least 1kg because I haven’t been on my treadmill for about 5 days, it is just no fun now that I am all caught up with OTBF, ha ha ha.

  6. Miss Plonk

    I know why you do it, you big extrovert! Because you are worried you might miss out on all the fun. And it’s always fun when we are all together. So good to catch up!! Enjoy the dirty chardy!

    • Miss Chardy

      O god Miss Plonk, I was seriously going to write that I over committed because I didn’t want to miss a thing…. you are so right, that is it, I hate to miss out on anything. Sometimes I would kill to be a raving introvert!!!!! Or at the very least socially retarded! But alas, it is not so. Love you Miss Plonk.

  7. Kirsten and co.

    That’s a cracker of a recipe! Have book marked it x

    • Miss Chardy

      You MUST try it one day Kirsten, it is so yummy and such a winner, and I love that it is just one big platter in the center of the table. Hope you had a great night for Scott’s Birthday. The cake looked way too yummy for words. Heart attack on a plate really.


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