Control Freak Tuesday

April 29, 2014

Not only do I over commit but I am a complete and utter control freak too.  This doesn’t mix well with captain psycho terrible two toddler – Clancy.  He has now decided he would like to choose his own clothes.  This doesn’t sit well with me.  I mean, shark pyjama shorts and a striped t-shirt on top is not a good look.  Lucky we don’t live in town or see anyone during the day.  Well that is a lie, we do see people but they are generally used to seeing my children in their pj’s at 3pm.  I figure, if you live at the end of the earth, why waste time washing another set of clothes when they can just get about in their jarmies all day long.  The last few days I really have actually tried to dress the little darling….perhaps he  thinks his pj’s are his real clothes.  Either way I did get a little chuckle at the stripes on sharks this morning.

shark shorts

Wow he slept for 4 hours this afternoon.  I was getting so much done and really enjoying the peace and quiet but thought I had best check his pulse to be sure he was still alive.   Don’t worry – he was.

Each day I think to myself “I am going to have alcohol free days during the week”……………………ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, that is nearly the funniest thing I have ever written.  It never happens.  I really need to stop kidding myself don’t I.  Or perhaps I need some of my Mum’s willpower.  That lady can open a packet of Tim Tam’s and just have one each day.  Who has that sort of self control?  Is it normal?

The most exciting thing that happened to me all day was that I got out of the house to take the rubbish to the dump – The Dump Run,  moved the sprinklers, watered the hedge and put some washing on the line.  I tell you it is a thrill a minute here at Chardy HQ.  I was halfway through getting the washing off the line this afternoon when I thought I had best check Clancy’s pulse.  I came inside, made sure he was ok and thought I would pour myself a cheeky little Chardy while all was quiet.  The big boys were out with Mr Chardy so I thought it best to take advantage of the peace.   Thanks Miss Plonk – I am sipping on the wine you kindly gifted too me on the weekend!  Yes – it is still hot enough up here to warrant ice cubes in your wine, and that probably also makes me a bit of a Northern Territory/North Australian local now too.  Do you have ice in your wine?  We have to up here.


It is all systems go on the station now.  The chopper just landed which means mustering kicks off tomorrow.  I have shod my horse, brushed his tail, plaited his mane and given him a nose bag…….ha ha ha ha ha, I nearly typed that without laughing.  Just kidding… Mr Chardy did come in today donning his chaps and asked if I needed new shoes.  I told him I always need new shoes, just not the type he was offering.


Anything exciting happening in your corner of the world on this fine Tuesday?


  1. Bianca

    Exciting…hmmmmm. I watched a 1year old attempt to walk in his first pair of shoes. Was kinda cute and made me smile.
    Love ya Stories Dan! keep it up!

    • Miss Chardy

      O that would have been funny Bianca!

  2. ffhousemouse

    Hmmm…some things I am SO fussy about and others, well I couldn’t care less! Oh, and ice, absolutely! VERY fussy about that and just about have a complete breakdown if the ice trays are not full to the brim!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ice is a must!

  3. A Farmer's Wife

    Loving the stripy sharks…..!

    I am the annoying person who can have one TimTam. Sorry.

    I am definitely not above ice cubes in my wine though. I was given this cool carafe thing which you poured the white wine into and then put a frozen column down the middle. It rocks, particularly for verandah glasses of wine – no need to go inside to put back in the fridge.

    It has actually cooled down enough here to have our fire going. Farmgirl calls it the ‘hot belly’.

    Helicopters are always exciting. A friend of my brother-in-law’s was doing some helicopter work nearby a few years ago. We met him at the pub for lunch. He picked my husband and son up and took them to the pub in the helicopter! Huge excitement for a 6 year old boy. They aren’t super common around here though – spray planes are as exciting as it gets most of the time.

    Take care.


    • Miss Chardy

      O so much self control Farmers Wife!!!! I think we definitely need to invest in the carafe you mentioned! Must be lovely snuggling up by the fire. We just snuggle under the split system. O don’t worry, there are always choppers landing here but my boys still get a kick out of them, especially the 2 year old, he loves them. My boys would love to see a spray plane.

  4. Renee

    It was stripes on checks in our house yesterday even after I set clothes out. I feel your pain Dan!

    • Miss Chardy

      I don’t even bother fighting anymore, just let them wear what ever. Stripes on checks – even better than sharks!


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