Outback Cattle Station: Beyond My Front Door

November 9, 2015

Come for a walk with me around the station, lets see what we find….

Outback view

How was your weekend?  Mine was spent telling a 4 year old to stop screeching “Muuuuuuuuuummmmmmm” at the top of his lungs.  I am telling you now people, there is only so much of this I can handle before I snap… and I have well and truly snapped.  I have had enough.  Seriously, it is his hobby, I swear to god.  He waits until I am doing something and then BAM – “Muuuummmmm, i’m hungaaaaaary” – why hello hungry, i’m Mum… but I am truly considering changing my name.

Why is it that I MUST be watching every single little tiny weeny thing he does all day every day?  “Mum, look at this, Mum look at that….”  See I told you I have snapped.

It can’t be healthy to have your 4 year old under your feet 24/7.  If we lived in town surely he would be at pre-school or something.  He is so ready for school, yet doesn’t actually start for a whole year… are you hearing me… not until 2017.  He starts e-Kindy next year but that isn’t full time, at least it will give me a little break from him, I suppose.

But how on earth can I get cross with that cute little face…just look at it… butter wouldn’t melt in his perfect little mouth…


How’s parenting going for you lately?  Are you just fed up like me?  The year has gone way too fast for my liking and I am starting to feel like things are getting a little out of control again.  Where has that Miss Chardy gone that was here 2 months ago?  The one who didn’t care about the mess!  I really shouldn’t complain, god knows life is pretty bloody good.  Imagine if I really did have something to whinge about.  Sorry to bang on.  Now, back to our walk around the station…

Outback Stable

The poinciana’s (just had to google how to spell that and it turns out I had it right anyway – go me!) are in full bloom and looking smashing…

Outback Flowers

The kids only have 3 weeks of school left… can you believe it?  The pool is looking a little worse for wear after our Melbourne Cup festivities… hopefully it will come good.  I am typing this poolside watching Danno (our Bore Runner) and Mr Chardy throw Clancy back and forth across the pool.  He is loving himself sick and so am I as I sip on my Gin Lime and Soda (it is Sunday afternoon as I type this FYI).

Outback School

Our vehicles of choice here at Woop Woop…

Outback Vehicles

The garden is looking lovely and green with this hot weather…

Outback Gardens 2

Outback Garden

Well that was a mixed bag of chit chat wasn’t it.  Happy Monday everyone.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend, what ever it was you were doing.

Do you have a 4 year old who is driving you bonkers (god love them)?
Please tell me i’m not the only one. Talk to me people, tell Aunty Chards all about it…


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Funny you ask. I do have a 4 year old who is driving me bonkers at the moment! The whinging when she doesn’t get something is out. of. control!!!!
    The poincianas aren’t out here yet, but the jacarandas are in full bloom. Giant purple carpets everywhere!
    Our house is still a construction site, but I’m hopeful for not much longer. Imagine how productive I might be when not working from a camp table in my bedroom?
    Wish I was sharing that gin with you while the kids swam.
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I wish you were too – what fun that would be. As for the 4 year olds… I am totally hearing you – they don’t like to be told no do they, but then I need to remind myself of a quote I have sitting on my desk: “Giving our children everything they want makes them demanding and ungrateful and they never learn self control. Think about this next time you give in to your screaming child” – don’t you just love it. Easier said than done though. Now, just trying to picture you at that camp table, ha ha ha.

  2. Sandra

    The property looks lovely, have you had any snakes around? We just got back from a short trip to the Yorke Peninsula in SA and I saw a snake up close – yuk, I can’t say I like them even one little bit.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sandra, yes there have been quite a few snake sightings of late… Yuck!

  3. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Not til 2017 here either – HOW CAN THAT BE? I think once you get to the third your patience has well and truly left the building. I feel your pain lovely xx

  4. MrsBargie

    Oh Miss Chardy my son is only 19mths old and drives me bonkers, I was just like you until I just heard a friend loose a child at 34 weeks it has hit me like a tonne of bricks! and made me really realise how lucky I am (I don’t mean to crash your bubble I know you love your children no matter what) but just when I was loosing my marbles its brought me back to the real world, and being 19wks pregnant myself I just can’t even begin to imagine the pain this mum is going through. not a good start to the week at all! 🙁 lets hope onwards and upwards,station looks stunning!!

    • Miss Chardy

      That does put things in perspective doesn’t it Jess… that is so sad. Can’t even imagine. Sometimes I need a slap like that – that is why I love my little community here at Miss Chardy!

  5. KezUnprepared

    OH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW FOR SAYING IT EXACTLY HOW IT IS! Sorry to get all caps locky haha. I think I’ve snapped too! My four year old has only been 4 for about 3 days but I have been feeling it for a few weeks now! It’s just SUCH a relief when he plays independently – yikes!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I love a bit of caps lock action!

  6. Toni Jenkinson

    The property looks absolutely gorgeous. Four year olds, how about a swap, my three for your one. Mine are 18 and a 1/2 girl and very handy with young kids and wants, for reasons I can’t quite fathom to be a TEACHER, not quite 16 yr old boy, he could be very handy on a station and 7 and 1/2 yr old girl, now this one is similar to your 4 yr old, loud, demanding food all the time. And yes learns all the uncouth stuff from her big siblings.
    Now I have to add these beautiful children and young adults have been my life line for the last three weeks, mum has been in and out of hospital with pneumonia, and then last week my children shared their nasty virus with an already worn out mum. The good part is, they washed, hung out all the washing regularly, cooked, shopped, vacuumed, mopped, did homework with the 7 and 1/2 yr old, made lunches, fed and watered the dog, mowed lawns. Mm maybe I should just keep them, I wonder, do you think they will keep it up when I am 70% better or will it all just STOP?

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, they are definitely keepers – what champions!!!! Of course they won’t keep it up when you are better (and I hope you get well very soon) but at least you know they are capable!!!

  7. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Well I did enjoy that little walk. The poincianas are starting to flower around Cairns to. Ever since I lived on the Sation. I love their bright Christmassy red that heralds the end of the year. It looks like you have the same trees around the house as they did in the Charters Towers/ Longreach vacinity. I think getting over hearing your name is pretty normal, especially at this time of year when I swear we are all wired to need a break.

    • Miss Chardy

      So glad you enjoyed it Anne. Yes, this time of the year is always a bit of a struggle isn’t it.

  8. Lindy

    Been there done that and survived. It was never the terrible 2’s but the terrible 4’s with my boys. And now they are wonderful men of 20 and 23. Love ’em to bits. Love reading your blog.

    • Miss Chardy

      So do you think mine will be ok? I always worry that they are going to turn into serial killers or something like that. Think I worry too much. Love hearing of boys who have turned into wonderful men.

      • Lindy

        Haha that’s funny. I’m sure they will turn out more than just ok because it sounds like they have wonderful role models in their parents. I still quietly worry about my boys and establishing a future for themselves, but they are finding their way and living life, having a great time at their own pace. When they fall we dust them down and off they go again, and are just nice to have around. I’ve obviously forgotten all the yucky bits in the middle!!! Enjoy the journey!

        • Miss Chardy

          So great to hear Lindy. Thanks so much. How old are yours?

  9. joolzmac

    That was a lovely walk around the home yard. I’m impressed with your green lawns!
    When it is school holidays, does the govie take off or stay at the station? It must be like losing an arm if she does go.
    Cherish the kidlets while they are little – you’ll turn around and they’ll be grown men. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Joolz, so great to hear from you! Thanks for the advice – I need to hear that every now and then! Sometimes the Govie goes away for holidays and sometimes they stay. I was lucky enough to have Miss Gabby stay for quite a while over the last holidays and help me out – she is a total angel and can clean like a maniac.


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