School of the Air: Group Day

November 11, 2015

It isn’t very often that my children get the opportunity to play with other kids, sometimes I forget just how long they go between seeing other children.  So of course they were absolutely beside themselves yesterday when we hosted a School of the Air (SOTA) Group Day here at Chardy HQ.

The field team from Mt Isa School of the Air spend their days travelling around the country side (and there is a lot to cover let me tell you) – from Normanton to Tennant Creek, Richmond to Bedourie, they certainly cover some miles.  They visit families for either a “group day” or a “home visit”.  They are teachers from in at SOTA but they don’t actually teach any classes.  When you host a group day any other families in the surrounding area are invited to attend so the children can participate in activities with the teachers.  We are so lucky to have such a fantastic team at the moment – Selena & Bridoen.  They are just lovely and the kids have a great time with them, and I love the company too.

Yesterday we had 17 children – 12 boys and only 5 girls – travel here to attend the day (as well as 13 adults).  They were up and at it very early and travelled for hours and hours.

Group Day 2

Every family brings smoko and lunch to share.  There is always so much yummy food to choose from.  No one goes hungry that’s for sure.

Group Day 1

The Mum’s & Govies enjoyed a lovely lunch together on the verandah.  It was pretty hot though, but we soldiered on.  Such a great bunch of women, gee we had some laughs.  It was so great to catch up with this wonderful bunch of ladies.

Group Day 6

Even Clancy got to join in with the school business.  Aren’t they just so damn cute playing the ukelele’s!!!  I know he doesn’t look all that impressed, but he was loving himself sick.

Group Day 5

Group Day 3

Group Day 10

They can even borrow library books…

Group Day 7

After lunch they all jumped in the pool – yes all of them.  Selena and Bridoen are just so bloody patient, it gives me the heebie jeebies just looking at this pool swarming with kids…

Group Day 8

Of course when it was time to say goodbye to everyone I got a little sad, trying to convince Mrs Savvy B to stay the night.  But it was ok, at least one family stayed with us – thanks Doyley!

Group Day 9

Thanks to all of the families who made the effort to travel such long distances for the day.  It was so much fun and great to catch up.

If you would like to read about another Group Day that we attended back in June then head on over HERE for a squiz.

Do your children do Distance Ed or SOTA?
Don’t you just love catching up with everyone!




  1. Cooker and a Looker

    That pool looks like kid soup! Glad you had some stayers, it must be hard to watch all those cars drive away. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I always hate it when people leave, i’m such a sook.

  2. Helena

    It’s always great to see how other Distance Eds work. We have cluster days but in the closest town. It’s a small world as I know some Mt Isa Mums even though we are down in the bottom corner of Queensland.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it sure is a small old world Helena! Can’t hide up here can you. Glad I could share a different Distance Ed day with you. 🙂

  3. Toni Jenkinson

    My eldest daughter is studying to be a teacher, early childhood. She loves young kids and watching them learn and laugh. Having completed her year 12 studies and work placement at the local pre primary she made her decision and then surprised me by wanting to be a bush teacher. I have just shown her your post on SOTA it’s fascinated her to take a look at this type of education. I expect when Uni returns next semester that I will see some major changes in her choices.

    • Miss Chardy

      So glad that my blog posts could help enlighten people about bush education! It really is the best!!! I am on the look out for a Govie next year so tell her to spread the word. Thanks for reading Toni and great to hear from you.

  4. Mystery Case

    What a fabulous initiative. Thanks for sharing.

    • Miss Chardy

      Well thank you very much for reading 🙂

  5. asdmadventures

    How exciting for you all to have soooo many visitors – those kids (and Govies) are amazing. Our school has 1200 kids but they are from over 50 different countries and when we have inter-school sports the kids travel by plane to places like Prague, Budapest, Sofia, Warsaw and a few others. Our eldest flew to Istanbul last week to compete against Azerbaijan, Turkey and Poland in Soccer. He was the only Aussie in the comp – I guess we are isolated like you but in a completely different way. Love your blog.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh you totally are! Hey – I am sure I heard the Two Fat Expats mention you in one of their latest podcasts…. didn’t I???? I truly believe that we are kind of like expats… I can really relate to everything Sarah & Kirsty say, but you guys are just SOOOOOOOO MUCH FURTHER AWAY!!! I am fascinated to hear about your boy and his school and what they get up to, simply fascinating!!!

  6. sophietelfer

    I loved this post! I’ve just decided to study Early Childhood and Primary Education at uni and a position like this would be amazing! Looks like lots of fun for everyone 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Think of us when you have finished uni – good luck with it!!!

  7. Miss Twinings

    Hi there Chards, just having a blog catchup after a busy week, whata wonderful opportunity for the kids……i had to have a giggle at one of the photos of all the kiddies, because the kids are all smiling for the camera, and there’s Clancy (i think), determined not to take his eyes off something very appetising on the food table hahaha!!! Gold….Little darlin!! 😀

    • Miss Chardy

      He marches to the beat of his own drum that kid. ha ha ha.


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