Cooking With Chards: Butterscotch Pudding Recipe

November 13, 2015

One of my favourite desserts is Butterscotch Pudding with custard and cream.  It is probably my favourite because it is so easy to make, and I am all for easy!  Seriously, you can have this whipped up and in the oven within 10 minutes, I kid you not.  See why I love it!  The crew here must be so sick of it because it is one of the only desserts I make, along with the odd pavlova.

The recipe I use is from the Australian Agricultural Company Cook Book: Brief on Beef.  Such a great little cook book. And look, you even get the bonus version: some dumplings too – which my boys just love…

Butterscotch Pudding 3

So here it is… something for you to whip up on the weekend.


2 cups self raising flour
1.5 cups sugar
100g butter (melted)
1 cup of milk


4 tablespoons golden syrup
50g butter
3 cups hot water


Mix sugar and flour in bowl.  Melt butter, add to mixture along with milk.  Mix thoroughly.  Pour into well greased 22cm oven proof dish –  (I use a big, deep, oval pyrex dish type thingy).  Combine sauce ingredients in a large pyrex dish and mix.  I just use hot tap water.  The recipe says to mix the sauce mixture in a saucepan but the pyrex jug is so much quicker, the hot water melts the butter and golden syrup and you are good to go.  Pour over mixture and bake in moderate oven for 40 minutes.  Serves 8.

Butterscotch Pudding 2 Butterscotch Pudding 6

When I pour the sauce over the mixture I pour it over a spoon so it doesn’t mix everything up.  A little tip I learnt from my old boss – Mrs S (or Mrs Rumbo is her preferred alter ego in my comments section).  God love her!  She also taught me how to make bulk gravy.  Where would I be without her?

Butterscotch Pudding 1 Butterscotch Pudding 4 Butterscotch Pudding 5

How easy is that?  I serve with custard and cream.  If we had ice cream I would serve that also.  YUM!!!

What are you up to this weekend?
Any entertaining?
Do you love a good pudding?

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Butterscotch Pudding

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  • Author: Miss Chardy


Units Scale

2 cups self raising flour

1.5 cups sugar

100g butter (melted)

1 cup of milk

4 tablespoons golden syrup

50g butter

3 cups hot water


  1. Mix flour and sugar in a large bowl.
  2. Melt butter and add milk to melted butter.
  3. Pour over flour and sugar and beat well with wooden spoon.
  4. Grease a large pyrex dish – it does puff up quite a bit – and pour in batter.
  5. To make the sauce just pop the butter and golden syrup in a large jug and add the 3 cups of hot water to melt the butter and syrup.
  6. Pour over the batter mix, hold a large spoon over the mixture and pour the sauce over the spoon so it doesn’t disturb the batter too much.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees celsius for 40 minutes


    • Miss Chardy

      I know!!! You have a great weekend too hon. xxx

  1. EJ

    Happy Friday Miss Chardy!!
    Heading to Agnes Waters, for a girls weekend 🙂 Showers are forecast, but that’s ok, I have a huge haul of library books!
    I am with your boys, Golden Syrup Dumplings are THE BEST! (even more so if Mum makes them…… everything tastes better when Mum makes it….. or anyone other than me actually!)

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow, have a lovely lovely weekend. Who cares about the rain… a girls weekend will be fun no matter what!!!!

  2. Mrs T

    Yum-o! Thinking I should surprise everyone with dessert tonight! Sticky date cake is my go-to dessert for a crowd, it never fails. My other all-time favourite is Donna hay’s tripe chocolate brownie recipe. Last time I cooked it my husband may have called it s*x on a plate!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, love it – S*x on a plate, too funny. Sounds delicious as does the sticky date cake, yum. Hope you tried the pudding – it is just so quick and easy to make.

  3. Lauren @ Create Bake Make

    Ooh I love butterscotch puddings, this looks great! Thanks for linking up with us for Fabulous Foodie Fridays, I hope you have a great weekend 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Lauren, it is one of my favourite desserts and so easy. Thanks for having me!!! 🙂

  4. Dee

    Throw in some dates and serve with caramel sauce for a mock ‘ sticky date pudding’, and lashings of cream

    • Miss Chardy

      Genius – YUM!!!!



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