Mixed Bag: Jewellery Making, Princess Mary & Working Mums

November 16, 2015

Good morning.  Welcome to a new week.  Lets do this.  I have a bit of a mixed bag for you today and a little secret to share with you that involves jewellery.  I would also like to discuss Mary – The Making of a Princess: did you watch it.   We also need to talk all things working Mums.  So grab a coffee and kick back.

I have been making jewellery for quite a few years now – pearl and beaded stuff because we all know I am a huge sucker when it comes to pearls, I just can’t say no.  My sister taught me how to make necklaces back when I was pregnant with my second child – Harry.  I though “oh god, here we go” and then I was hooked.  It has been pretty much out of control since.   I have approximately 2,364,487 beads in my possession ready to get creative with.  The past few years have been a little busy and since having my third little darling – Clancy – I don’t have anywhere to set up my bling.  No spare room anymore.  But I do have a dining table that isn’t getting used at the moment, seeing as though I am cooking and we eat over in the station kitchen.  So out it all came and my dining table has turned into a beading studio.  Sounds fancy doesn’t it.  It isn’t, it is a huge mess…


Some of my readers have commented on my necklaces in the past so I thought the right thing to do was whip up a few and let you have a look – a sneak peak.  Next week I will be starting some Facebook whirlwind sales.  So if you like what you see then stay tuned.  Perhaps you need to do some Christmas shopping.  Or perhaps you just need to treat yourself.  Who can say no to pearls?!  The necklaces will range in price from $25 – $135.  Can you tell my favourite colours are green and pink?

Jewel5 Jewel4 Jewel3 Jewel2

So tell me – did you watch Mary last night?  Thoughts???  I am pretty sure Mary was never such a bogan.  Surely.  Could they have made her sound any more Australian?  God it was like it was me dating Fred.  They made her seem like such a ditz, it was embarrassing.  I was having an alcohol free night but  just had to pour myself a wine half way through.  Of course, I couldn’t stop watching, but seriously, did they have to make her look so timid and weak.  I have no doubt that Mary was never either of these.  What do you think?

Now onto Working Mums.  Are you a working Mum?  Did you have your baby and then pop your little bundle of JOY in daycare as soon as you could so you could go back to work?  I say good on you if you did.  Holy cow, this parenting gig is exhausting.  I can totally see why Mum’s want to go back to work – it is called SANITY.  I  too have returned to work but I still have the little darling with me 24/7, no escaping.  And the whinging, the relentless whinging is enough to break even the most patient Mum.  Which I am not, by the way – patient.  Out here in the middle of nowhere there is DEFINITELY no escaping them.  No grandparents to drop them off too so Mr Chardy and I can have a night out, no Aunty to leave them with for a few days, no babysitters to call upon.  Well that isn’t entirely true I suppose… I do have Mrs Savvy B who has taken them on occasion and we do have Miss Georgie and Miss Gabby who do look after them too when we need them, but that is it.  God listen to me bang on.  When I get like this you know I need to get out of here for a little trip away.  When I look at my calendar it has been a month since my last town trip, no wonder I am starting to feel it.

Luckily I am heading off on Thursday for 4 nights child free.  Did you hear me – 4 NIGHTS CHILD FREE.  A girls weekend.  We (a friend – Miss Plonk – and I) are taking Mrs Savvy B on a Mystery Trip as a gift for her 40th Birthday.  We are beyond excited.  3 sleeps to go.  I will head over and collect Mrs Savvy B on Thursday afternoon and we will head into Mt Isa.  Where we go from there is a Mystery.  Are you looking forward to coming along with us?

So back to my point – if you are a working Mum – I TOTALLY GET IT – go you I say.  Save your sanity.  No judging from this end, I am just jealous.  And as they say…

MommaAre you keen to buy some necklaces?
What colours would you like to see?
Any suggestions are welcome… so talk to me people…talk to me!  Go on – throw in your 2 cents worth.


    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, not that clever. But I do love my pearls.

  1. Sandra Scott

    Have an awesome break away. Christmas shopping???

    • Miss Chardy

      More of a break rather than shopping I think Sandra.

  2. Rebecca Gowen

    Definitely love to buy one of your necklaces – perfect Christmas gift for my Mum!

    • Miss Chardy

      Roger that… great christmas gift!

  3. Miss Twinings

    Hello Miss chardy…..i know, Mary wouldve just cringed at that show, because i Certainly did! You are a very brave lady for sitting through it until the end, i had to actually turn it off because it was very cringe-worthy stuff. Haha. I am sure that Mary is much more confident and stylish than that!! (Even back then) For a minute i was wondering if i Had accidentally started watching Upper Middle Bogan by mistake actually, but no. Anyway, working mums – yes i work, but part time, plus my kids arent that little now. It’s quite funny though (speaking of parental patience) but when my kids go on school trips etc, they seem to love getting away from our discipline…apparently i am very very strict because i make them do awful things like: getting them to bed on time & ban night elec devices (yawn), and heaven forbid – making them brush their teeth twice a day…..i know….such an army general hey?! Dont get me started haha! Pretty necklaces, you could start a business and called it Barkley Blinghouse, or Chardy’s Charms!! Sorry, i just realised i have typed a lot, it might crash hehe, have agreat trip away, yes we will come with you!!! 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, you have totally cracked me up… seriously could have been Upper Middle Bogan, Mary sure would cringe if she saw it. Oh I know, we are basically running an army camp aren’t we – aren’t we just so terrible making them eat decent food and brush their teeth, god they have hard lives don’t they!!! So glad you are looking forward to the Mystery trip. ha ha ha.

  4. MrsBargie

    I would love to buy a necklace from you Miss Chards! I brought one of your pieces back at Barkly Ladies Day nearly 4 years ago, and receive so many comments and wear it still all the time. I too LOVE pearls! I am a working mum and feel really guilty that I can’t spend time with my son. but that is our choice to have the farm, and hopefully be able to pass something down to our kids. it is very hectic but I too think it is good for my sanity. I am very lucky to have an amazing family day care mum so it does make it easier. except now we are starting toilet training and I need to ring the day care mum to work out a plan of attack and moving into the big bed. You are an amazing women miss C who is working and delivering on so many levels! enjoy your time out you deserve it. Happy Monday

    • Miss Chardy

      So pleased to hear your necklace is still going strong. Don’t feel guilty about doing something you love that also keeps you sane which in turn makes you a better Mum. So easy for me to say, if it were me I would feel guilty too, but we shouldn’t! The guilt just never ends does it.

  5. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Woo hoo to some nights away! I can’t wait to see your Facie store, I’ll help promote it! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I cannot wait to drive out of here Em!!! 3 more sleeps.

  6. Miss XXXX Mum

    You had better pop that little might in the back of Miss Georgies car when she comes home to give you a break for a while!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      DONE – you can tail him out for me.

  7. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Wow, you are a talented one, aren’t you. I can imagine the need to get away, sometimesyou just need a change of scenery and a break to recouperate and be ready to take it all on again (I know after wet season we all used to need a break from each other on The Station). Have a wild time out!

    • Miss Chardy

      Exactly Anne, you are so right. I will be much happier wen I return next week hopefully. Have just had no patience with the children lately. Can’t wait to head off, only 2 more sleeps. 🙂

  8. Mel in Rocky

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful time in the “Isa” celebrating Mrs Savvy B’s 40th. Enjoy!! I haven’t read your blogs for at least 3 weeks so have just had a reading binge. I can help with some ideas for 7 and 9 yr old boy Xmas pressies. My Tom is seven and is so like your Harry. They would get on so well. Tom is a huge animal lover as well. Tom has asked for Star wars lego, Star Wars light saber (on sale for $13 Target at moment), Techinc lego. In saying this he has also asked for a horse, horse riding leesons, pair of ariat boots just like your boys have and a hobble belt another blue RB sellars shirt. Pitty we don’t live on the land!! He says he is going to be a farmer when he leaves school. God you have to love him!!! I know you don’t grocery shop are Woolies, but I was just wondering if you have heard of the animal cards that they give away to entice you shop more? If your boy sdon’t have any I would be more than happy to post some to you. We have lots of extras. Hope you are getting some good rain to put a damper on the awful temps that you have been having. I thought our night time minimums were high until I saw what your night min temps were. Thank god for aircon!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mel, nothing like a binge read, ha ha ha. I am so excited about going away, have been getting so cranky at the kids lately, I need a break! Your Tom sounds like an absolute champ. God love him wanting some boots, we probably have 2,074 pairs we could send him. Harry has 2 perfectly good pairs that he doesn’t actually wear – just gets around in thongs. He will be grown out of the bloody boots soon, lucky we have Clancy to pass them down to. Love that he wants a hobble belt, that is so cute. Thanks so much for the Chrissy ideas, that is wonderful. I have heard of the cards, will get some for the boys when I am in town next week, thanks so much for the offer, you are so sweet. No rain around at the moment, just fires. Have a great day Mel. 🙂


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