Mystery Trip

November 20, 2015

No more sleeps.  Yay.  We are on our way.  Yesterday I drove over to Mrs Savvy B’s house to collect her.  If you are new around here Mrs Savvy B lives on the station next door – 2 hours & 5 gates through our paddocks.  I barely had time to turn the motor off because she was just as excited as me to be getting the hell out of there…. 4 nights child free for the mystery trip Mrs Plonk and I are taking her on for the festival of 40.  We spun the wheels and headed off.  Next stop: Mt Isa – 3.5 hours and another 8 gates to open.  It was so great to arrive in Mt Isa.

I thought the right thing to do was take her out for dinner.

Mystery Trip

We arrived at Mt Isa airport and Mrs SB was pretty convinced we were off to Townsville and was beside herself with excitement when we got our boarding passes and found out we were Brisbane bound.

Now I am going to have to cut this short and make this post quick because we have just boarded our plane… with Virgin Australia.  Mr Chardy told me he wouldn’t fly Virgin because “they don’t go all the way”.

Off we go.  See you on the flip side.  Follow along with us on Facebook or Instagram: Misschardy8.


  1. annemerton

    *snort* … don’t go all the way! Have fun on your little break. Don’t do anything any of us wouldn’t do 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, that cracked me up too Anne. Will try and behave!!!



  1. Stradbroke Island – The Mystery Trip Continued - […] Birthday.  If you missed part one of this little holiday then feel free to go back and have a…

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