Hard Thud Back to Reality

November 27, 2015

Well it really has been a rude shock coming back to reality this week after my lovely trip away to Stradbroke Island with the girls.  I think I have had post holiday depression.  I haven’t known what day it is and really can’t believe it is Friday already not to mention nearly December.Reality

This week has involved unpacking and getting sorted to head off again tomorrow.  Miss Gabby, the kids and I head into Mt Isa for the week for Sports for Bush Kids.  Last day of school today for the kids, well more like a big party day because they are all done.  Miss Gabby and the boys are hosting a little party/ smoko for us over in the school room this morning and we will listen to the on air concert.

Georgie had her birthday, so we trotted out some crumb steak and a chocolate log as her birthday cake.  Hint for the chocolate log: easiest dessert you will ever make and looks like you slaved over it for hours.  Just buy a packet of Arnott’s Choc Ripple Biscuits… the recipe is actually on the packet.  Not that there is really much too it, just whip some cream and join the biscuits together with the cream.  The secret to my recipe is Kahlua. Dip the biscuits very briefly in Kahlua and you will never look back.  Even Mr Chardy loves it and he is not a dessert man.  I got this recipe from my Aunty Theresie.  I said to her “you have to give me that recipe” and she laughed and said there wasn’t really one.  I was shocked because it looked so fancy.  When you cut it on an angle it is layered and looks like you spent hours constructing it.  I am definitely going to make one of these for Christmas Day and decorate it with green and red.  I’m thinking red and green M&M’s, Maltesers,  Spearmint Leaves, strawberries & grated chocolate.  Yum!

Choc Ripple Cake

Image Credit: Taste.com

How has your week been?  Have you done your Christmas shopping yet or perhaps you haven’t even thought about it?  I have done a little bit.

Any plans for the weekend?


  1. Rex Donnelly

    Well has Mr Chardy given you one, i.e. a slap in the face??? Love DD (alias Mum)

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, perhaps he needs too!!!

  2. KezUnprepared

    I’ve always wanted to try a ripple cake! One day! YUM! I do love the idea that you can decorate them for any occasion. That’s my kind of cake 🙂
    I’ve done all the shopping for the inlaws. They are all getting World Vision charity Christmas cards. What we would have spent on gifts will all go towards hampers for new mothers, chickens and eggs, goats and other great stuff. If they’re all going to fight every Christmas over who should give what (or not give) then I shall use a loophole to do good!
    As for my family, I’ve had some great ideas, but it feels like the awesome products I’ve imagined for them suddenly don’t exist haha. Still searching!

    • Miss Chardy

      Good work Kez, great idea. So true about not being able to find the stuff you want to give the kids. I had to carry the Paw Patrol Paw Patroller back on the plane last weekend as hand luggage for Clancy! He is going to pee his pants with excitement when he opens it. .

  3. Renae Foottit

    Yes! I do this recipe with ginger nut biscuits (sometimes even home made ones) dipped in rum. One time I served it and our friend just couldn’t get his head around how the stripes worked out that way. Hilarious to watch him deconstruct it 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Yum, that sounds good too.

  4. Mel in Rocky

    God the trip to Straddie sounded like fun. You girls are lucky that you have wonderful partners to look after the kids. Yep back to reality always hits hard. Our kids still have two weeks left for school in QLD. The awards ceremony was today so basically the report cards are finished and the next two weeks spent watching dvds. I have made the ripple dessert before but must try the Kahula and put some on the biscuits. Sounds devine! You had three kids miss Chardy so Mr Chardy must like dessert sometime!! Ha ha! When I sat down with my one and only cappuccino for the week last Friday morning and opened the local paper, I was very happy to read your story in the rural weekly section. It was great! My Tom showed me the Paw Patrol that you bought for Clancy and what a toy. Hope he loves it! I am half way through Xmas shopping and don’t mention the birthdays. My daughter Gabby’s birthday is on the 30th Dec and Tom’s is the 15th Jan so the present buying does my head in every year. As my husband said yesterday still heaps of time left. If only they new how hard it was. You should get your pilots licence Miss Chardy!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Mel, we are so lucky that our husbands don’t mind us tripping off and take care of the kids. I did read this comment in town last week but just didn’t get around to replying – sorry!!! Your kids would be on holidays now. Definitely give the Kahlua a go in the choc log, you won’t be sorry. So funny that the newspaper article has rocked up everywhere, I thought it was only going to be in the NT Rural Weekly paper, ha ha ha. Clancy is going to be that excited when he opens the Paw Patroller. I think I have finally managed to sort out all of the presents for Chrissy… what a huge task.

  5. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Loved to hear about your girlie few days sounded awesome. Just spent time in Victoria with my daughters and grandies a very special time. Love to you Miss Chardy and all your family for joyous and healthy and merry Christmas

    • Miss Chardy

      It would have been so wonderful to spend time with your daughters and grandchildren Barbie. Merry Christmas to you too!!! x


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