Year in Review

December 11, 2015

Why hello there spunky trunks.  How the hell are you?  After a busy week in town I feel like I am finally starting to get back on top of things here at Chardy HQ.  Most of our staff have finished up for the year which means I have less to cook for – that’s gotta make a girl happy, right?!

I can also look forward to the weeks ahead because my family are coming up to spend Christmas with us.  I am so excited, we haven’t had Christmas together since I was pregnant with Clancy, back in 2010!  The Christmases since have been spent with a bunch of blokes here on the station.  I usually end up in tears talking to my sister on the phone each Christmas.  Then I slap myself and get on with things.  But this year it is going to be tops.  Mum and Dad arrive next Wednesday which also happens to be Tom’s Birthday.  Then my Sister, her husband and two boys arrive just before my Birthday on the 21st.  Yay – there will definitely be a Japanese Slipper or 3 on the menu … surely!

Ok, so lets take a look back over 2015.  It has been a shit of a year that’s for sure.  I will be happy to see the end of it and start fresh in 2016.  And why has it gone by so fast?  I have been chasing my tail all year.  Have you felt the same?

We will take it back to January, February and March and check out the most popular blog posts from those months…

January – Holidays


February – Life on an Outback Cattle Station: Supermarket


March – The Weekend that was


How are your Christmas plans coming along?  
Anything happening this weekend?  


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    The girls and I are heading away to Fraser Island on Wednesday. Bearhands will follow on Christmas Eve. Much to do before we go, but looking forward to getting away from the farm together.
    I’m sorry you’ve had such a shit year Chards. Wishing you a happier, safer, more sparkly 2016. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there YOU – YOU WHO SAW OPRAH…. I am beyond jealous!!! Now Fraser Island…. how exciting. Have fun!!!! xxx

  2. Anne@GritandGiggles

    I hope your coming year is a little more shiney. I’ve loved reading along with you this year.
    You sound a bit like me at Christmas. I was hoping to spend it with family this year but not to be unfortunately. Also, unfortunately, this fact has put me on an emotional roller coaster.
    Enjoy getting ready for your family to arrive and enjoy having them around. I hope you get to relax a bit as the year winds down.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Anne, I know exactly how you are feeling. Bit depressing isn’t it. I am so excited that I have something to look forward to this year. Can’t wait for Mum and Dad to arrive next week and then my sister and her family. Will be so nice for my boys to have their cousins here to play with and open presents with. Try to put a smile on your dial and enjoy the festive season. 🙂

  3. Lisa Vaughan

    Merry Christmas to you all up there , hope the coming year is a happy and joyful one .Dont forget to drink and eat lots and enjoy Christmas with family .🎄🎂🍺🍹and don’t forget to keep Dan on his best behaviour.Cheers Lisa

    • Miss Chardy

      Merry Christmas to you too Lisa. So excited that you have given me permission to eat and drink loads – that is brilliant… I shall definitely do as I am told, I am one for following the rules, so I would hate to let you down, your brother is a bad influence, and likes to keep us all hydrated, so I won’t be without a drink. Will be sure to sneak some photos of Dan up for you. 🙂

  4. Mel in Rocky

    Hi Miss Chardy School finished for the kids today!! Yeah! My husband’s work Xmas party is on tomorrow night and my newphews Birthday party on Sunday. Looking forward to the pool party as it got to 38c here today. That is wonderful that you are having you parents and sister and her family for Xmas after such an up and down year that you have had. Mums and sisters are the best! What a month of Birthdays. Happy Birthday to Tom and a very Happy Birthday to YOU for the 21st. I was only wondering the other day when your birthday was so that we could send a birthday wish and I can’t believe that your birthday is the day before mine. I will be having some J Slippers on your birthday and mine. Had to upgrade the blender as it wasn’t up to scratch!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Mel! How great that you don’t have to worry about getting the kids off to school now – ahhhhhh. The season of parties! Hey guess what – it seems we might have the same Birthday – mine is the 22nd December!! Happy Birthday to us – Japanese Slippers all round please. Good girl for upgrading the blender!!!

      • Meal in Rocky

        That was a miss read on my behalf with the birthday!

        • Miss Chardy

          Happy Birthday to us… soon 🙂

  5. Erica

    I’m so happy for you that you will have your family with you this Christmas. Being together for celebrations is what makes the everyday worthwhile. I can relate to how you feel. When we were younger my husband and I were teaching at a 2 teacher school near Cooktown. We were able to go home for Christmas but I still found it hard being away from family through the year. I would phone family and friends on a Sunday afternoon but it sometime made it worse hearing their voices. Feeling so close but knowing they were so far a way… Merry Christmas Miss Chardy and family. I shall drink a Japanese Slipper on Christmas day and think of you and yours.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Erica. Thanks for your message. I am so glad you will be having a green slipper on Christmas day, I think it would be wrong not to, so I too shall have one or three. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Soph – how’s things in WA?


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