Hello 2016 – It is so good to see you!

January 11, 2016

Hello stranger!  How the hell are you?  It’s been a while hasn’t it.  Are we all feeling refreshed and ready to hit the ground running in 2016?  I for one am very happy to see 2016.  I have decided to write off 2015, it is a total blur and i want to forget it ever happened.  Who is with me?  Although I did meet some wonderful people in 2015 but gee it was busy.  So come on – lets do this.  Welcome 2016!!

I have enjoyed a lovely break from the blog.  We had family here over the Christmas period and we only just waved Mum and Dad off last Wednesday.  Would you like a little recap of what’s been happening here at Chardy HQ?  Yes, I thought so.  Here it is…


It was so wonderful having my family up here for Christmas.  We haven’t had Chrissy together since 2010 when I was pregnant with Clancy.  I was so excited that the boys had their cousins to play with and open presents with.  They all got along so well and had such fun playing together.

Christmas 2015

Santa sacks were put by the tree and there were some very excited little boys on Christmas morning.

Christmas 3 2015

Christmas 2 2015We had such a lovely day.  Food food and more food.  Boy it was good.  And no one went thirsty that’s for sure.  We started the day with a retro prawn cocktail.  Lunch was baked ham, hot turkey breast and salads – so yummy!  Dinner… well that was pavlova & fruit cake because we couldn’t fit it in after lunch.

I had to improvise with my table scaping – turns out I wasn’t very organised and didn’t really have anything “christmasy” to set the table with.  So I whipped out a roll of christmas wrapping paper and used that as the table runner – does it get any better – no only did it look ok but we could also toss it in the bin afterwards.  Winning!

Now – DD must have been very relaxed because look at that mess on the kitchen bench… can you believe it.  It seems it doesn’t matter how much you clean up on Christmas day it is just one big mess all day and that’s ok – you just have another sip of your wine or Japanese Slipper and ignore it.

Christmas 5 2015

Christmas 4 2015

Now lets talk about that fruit cake I mentioned.  Remember Joanie & Stu who visited us last year?  Well Joanie sent me up this delicious homemade fruit cake.  Yes – she sent it via Australia Post all the way from Mudgee in NSW.  It never ceases to amaze me how thoughtful people are.  How on earth do we have so many lovely people in our life, I should be the one sending them treats!  Isn’t she just so sweet.  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the package.  Thanks Joanie – it was so yummy and went down an absolute treat!

Christmas Fruitcake

Unfortunatley our time was cut short with my sister and her family.  Lots of rain was forecast to come in after Christmas day so we thought the best thing to do was ship them out while the going was good.  They left here on Boxing Day and drove our car into Mt Isa.  Lucky they did because after Christmas I think we had about 5 inches of rain.  As it was they did a lot of slipping and sliding getting down to the highway, they were lucky to get down there actually.  But at least they made it out.

As for 2016 – I am ready for a fresh start.  Last year it felt like I was chasing my tail all year.  I just couldn’t keep up.  Everything felt out of control and it wasn’t pretty my friends.  There were lots of tears and my patience was non-existent.  I just couldn’t wait for it to end and start a fresh.

We decided not to go away on holidays this January and I am actually really glad we did because it has given me a chance to catch up, and breath a little, while things are quiet here.  The rain meant that we could all slow down a bit.  No one could go anywhere for quite a while.  It is lovely to stay here and have some quiet time.  Snowy went on holidays yesterday so that means we only have Danno left, so laid back.  I have been de-cluttering again and getting myself sorted – ready to face 2016 head on.  I want to feel in control this year. I am back on track and up and at it ready to go.

Are you with me?  
Would you like to kick 2015’s arse?  
Have a good Christmas?
Been on holidays?


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    We’ve been on holidays too. We did maintenance around the farm last week, but back to business this morning. Ready to get organised to face another year. Can school holidays be almost over already? 🙁

    • Cooker and a Looker

      PS. Happy new year to you Chards. Wishing you a safe, happy, wonderful 2016.
      A xx

      • Miss Chardy

        Hello there Amanda. Right back at you gorgeous! Here’s to a WONDERFUL 2016!!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Lets do this – I am so ready to get organised for 2016 and be in control. Bet you had a wonderful holiday!!! xxx

  2. Sublime Finds

    Happy 2016 Miss Chardy! Sounds like a fabulous break, so lovely to have all the peeps around I have no doubt. And wise move on staying home, there’s nothing to calm the brain quite like feeling on top of things. I have a strong feeling you have seriously got it happening in 2016. 2016 will be yours!! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Andrea, Happy New Year to you!!! Hope it is SUBLIME!! I really hope 2016 is better, off to a good start getting everything under control. Feels so good, nothing soothes the soul quite like it – you are so right. Hope you had a great Chrissy.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hope yours is a great one Beth. x

  3. Mrs Rumbo

    Just remember Chards, that even though you are super organised and ready to start the year there will be times when the wheels fall off, but that doesn’t matter, you’ve seen me change a tyre and you know how to do it yourself. So when it happens don’t beat yourself up as your a bit prone to (a bit of self flagellation – we all like it at times) you are strong, have a chards or two or even the bottle if you want, laugh hysterically and then move on. We all love you. xx Happy Noo Year!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Mrs Rumbo… you are such a legend!!!! Thank you so much for this message. You are SO RIGHT! I get organised then shit gets real, wheels fall off and it all falls apart…. when that happens I will just come and ready this message from you (and have a bottle of chardy). Imagine if I moved as much as you have – I would be in some sort of institution. Ha ha ha ha. xxxxx 🙂

  4. Miss Twinings

    Well hello there and happy new year Chards!! Looks like Xmas was really fun out there for you! I am with you, declutter and get sorted before the year really cranks up – good plan & i will be decluttering too i think – you know when you just feel like you have stuff everywhere!! I was chasing my tail last year too. I hope 2016 is a great year for you. 😊

    • Miss Chardy

      Ummmm yes I know exactly what you are talking about when you feel like you have stuff everywhere – this was me all of last year I just couldn’t keep up and had zero motivation. Glad I wasn’t alone. 2016 is going to be much better and if it isn’t we all need to read Mrs Rumbo’s advice in the comment below, she knows her shit that lady! x

  5. Mish

    Here Here!
    I’m glad to be done with 2015 too.
    It’s the second day of my second week back at work but I’m not counting the first with regards to goals; as my partner didn’t get home until last weekend, so we just started finalising our goals list last night!
    I’m looking forward to a bigger and better 2016!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      You go girl… here’s to a much better 2016!!! We can do this.

      • Mish

        YES we can!


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