Recommendations #2: Blog Post – The Rural Woman

January 19, 2016

I stumbled across a brilliant blog post while flicking through my Facebook feed recently that I think you will really love.  It really resonated with me.  I was so happy to say goodbye to 2015 and welcomed 2016 with open arms.  When I saw this blog post I just had to read it and I think you should too.  The post was written by The Rural Woman – a blog I have recently discovered.  The post is all about accountability and I definitely needed to read this.  You can read it HERE.  If you like what you read you will see some links to other posts about accountability at the bottom of that article, they are really quite interesting.

The Rural Woman

You can also follow along on Facebook.

And some inspiration to help you get on track this year…

Accountability 2

Accountability 3


Accountability Quote

So we are back on line here at Chardy HQ.  Thanks for the hints and tips on troubleshooting – I ended up turning off the modem and the router for a little while and firing them back up…. the internet did work… sort of – very very slow but better than what it was.

We had a very quiet weekend which was lovely… I am getting organised and doing my yearly de-clutter.  I want to get sorted so I can’t start the year off on the right foot and feel in control.  I have taken so many bags of rubbish and junk to the dump and gee it feels good.  I am nearly done.  I even did the linen cupboard/bathroom cupboard and drawers yesterday.  Sent a heap of sheets over to the workshop for them to use as rags… I have no idea how I end up with odd sheets – bit like socks around here – how does one lose a pillow case or a whole fitted sheet??  Is there a sheet and sock monster at your house too?  Anyway, there were so many sheets etc clogging up the cupboard and I NEVER used them, so out they went, feels so much better – really does clear you mind.

If you need some motivation you can read a post I did at the beginning of last year about getting sorted… read it HERE and HERE and HERE … and lets just remember Merrill’s Motto: “Don’t put it down, put it away!”

Happy Tuesday to you all.

Do you have any recommendations for me or your fellow readers?  
Anything… this is a great place to share what you have found.


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    I’ve been doing a similar clean out Chards. The only problem is, when the girls spot me, whatever I’m about to rehome becomes their first, best, most-treasured possession!
    Glad you’re feeling sorted. Off to check out the Rural Woman, thanks for the tip.
    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I know Amanda… I always have a black garbage bag and quickly toss a heap into it and then double knot it and out it goes. Have a great day. x

  2. Vicki Wallis

    Nothing like adding a little positivity to your day everyday. Hope all is well in your world. V x

    • Miss Chardy

      Exactly Vicki – helps no end. Everything is great up here. Hope you are well. 🙂

  3. MrsBargie

    I did the same thing while on holidays, made coming back to work a lot better knowing the house was in order! and so far day 2 of back at work and the train is still on the rails and hasn’t slipped yet! Baby #2 is due to arrive in 11 weeks so while on holidays I went hunting for all the baby bits and bobs isn’t it annoying when you can’t find something! I love all of your quotes they are spot on! have a terrific week!

    • Miss Chardy

      Well done! Keep it on the rails girl, you can do it!!! Feels so good doesn’t it, to be in order. Clears your head and lets you think about other important things. Good luck with getting ready for baby number 2! You have a great week too.

  4. Sarah

    Greetings Miss Chardy, from Tamworth Central,
    Wow what a show they put on. Gotta get those jeans and cowboy boots happening!! (Not). Having a blast.
    Now on the cleansing subject, I had to empty the linen cupboard out before coming away, as we are getting a new bathroom!!! Excited!!! Do you know I’ve never seen the back of the linen cupboard before. If you ever run out of the rags, drop into Camooweal and I’ll lend you some!! Russ had approx 1067 pillowcases!!! Executive decesion had to be taken….out, out, out.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, good on you! Save those pillowcases, ha ha ha. Glad to hear you are having fun down at Country Central!!!! 🙂


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