Lunchbox Ideas… School Cooking

January 22, 2016

Well my friends it is nearly time for the kids to go back to school.  I am looking forward to that.  Clancy starts e-Kindy this year so he will be at school and out of my hair for a little while each day – I am beyond excited – I might be in the light at the end of the toddler tunnel, finally!

I thought you might be looking for  some easy lunchbox cooking.  Get in and whip up a triple batch of this yummy chocolate slice – ready for the school lunches.  It freezes really well.  I posted this recipe back in January last year, so here it is again if you are looking for something easy to cook over the weekend…


I first tasted this delicious chocolate slice when I was a Govie down in the Bourke area. Di Ridge had made it for a school event and I have never looked back. It was second to none and I couldn’t get enough of it. It is lovely, soft and a bit chewy. Such a winner with the children too and would be great to freeze for school lunch-boxes. So pop your apron on pet and lets get cooking.


Di’s Chocolate Slice

250g marg or butter (melted)
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups SR flour
2 cups coconut
2 eggs
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla

Pop everything into a large mixing bowl and mix really well with a wooden spoon or any spoon that tickles your fancy really.

Grease and line a lamington tin. Pour in mixture and spread out.

Cook for about 20 minutes at 180ºC

Ice while warmish and top with coconut or sprinkles.

Put in fridge and cut once cool.

{Freezes well}




Di also makes the Poppy Seed Salad Dressing that I am always banging on about.  You can purchase her delicious salad dressing HERE. But careful… it is very addictive.

Have a wonderful weekend.








Are you doing anything exciting?
I was hoping to visit Mrs Savvy B but not sure if that will eventuate.


  1. Maz

    Where I live – in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne – you’d get the sugar nazis on your back if you sent your kid to kinder or school with this slice! (It looks delish though – and I think I will make it and serve it up to my kids in secret! lol) 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh dear lord, are you SERIOUS????? God I am glad I live up here at bum f*^k nowhere – I would probably feel the need to abuse said food nazi’s if I lived down there. The world has gone mad. Good luck with your nazi kinder…. I will stick to school of the air. 🙂

      • Maz

        Oh definitely. I’ve heard of one instance where a child was sent to school with a blueberry muffin, and the school sent home a note saying the food should only be considered a ‘sometimes’ food. I understand some schools have guidelines on what can be sent to school for the children to eat, and only operate ‘healthy’ canteens. (We are still a year away from my son starting school, and I don’t think I am going to cope with this food thing very well at all! lol No fruit based muffins, c’mon!!!)

  2. Toni Jenkinson

    This has been a Favourite with my kids forever. We making these for a fundraiser in February also.

  3. Sally

    Miss Chardy this is the best slice! I too got if from Di, (I was a govie next door)!! I even treat myself by giving a slice a zap in the microwave then add a scoop of ice-cream (as big or small as you like), it is fudge heaven 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Sally – I have done that exact same thing – how good is it in the microwave… cream and ice cream (normally just cream for us as I don’t usually have ice cream…) but SO GOOD!!!!!

  4. Mel in Rocky

    Hi Miss C. I am a beer drinker but have just cracked open a bottle of Chards that someone gave me for my birthday and I am really enjoying it. After the 39c day we had today I think the whole bottle will be gone in no time! The kids have gone to my mum & dads for a sleep over tonight and my husband is still at golf so just chillin on the back verandah. I am rocking out your Hot Steak and Crunchy Potato Salad for dinner tonight. Off to the beach tomorrow to beat the 40c temp that is expected tomorrow in Rocky. Hope you got to go to Mrs Savvy B’s!

    • Mel in Rocky

      This recipe sounds great! I will make it but will have to omit the coconut as one of my kids likes it and one doesn’t. Have to comprise sometimes. Yep those food Nazi’s. Ruins everyone’s school lunchbox morning teas.

      • Miss Chardy

        Perhaps sprinkles instead of Coconut – looks pretty too!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yay- good on you Mel. And what a top day/night it sounded like you were about to have – child free, chardy and the steak Salad – YUM!!!! Didn’t get to Mrs Savvy B’s as it rained. Bummer! How was the beach?

  5. karen J.

    Chards…am whipping up my inaugural batch of Di’s chocolate slice…will post pics soon!

    • Miss Chardy

      How did it go? Delicious???


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