Style in the Outback

January 28, 2016

All is well here at Chardy HQ, boys had a great first day of school and Clancy was absolutely loving himself sick as a school boy.

The mail plane didn’t come this week which is a shame because it means my hair is beginning to look a lot like a skunk. Β When I looked in the laundry cupboard to find a packet of hair dye I could have cried when I discovered there wasn’t one single packet left. Β I had to buy some online for goodness sake, can you believe it. Β See, look – this is what I am supposed to look like…

dyeThings have hit an all time low in the hair department my friends. Β It hasn’t been cut since August the ends are not in good shape. Β Call me Worzel Gummidge and be done with it. Β I am serious, I am pretty sure this is what I look like at the moment – this is the kind of Outback Style I am sporting…

Worzel Gummidge


Remember last year when I gave myself a make over? Β If you don’t you can read all about it HERE but just a warning – it isn’t pretty.

Anyway, Mr Chardy is coming to the rescue. Β He is heading into town today to collect a heap of stuff. Β I told him “don’t bother coming home without the mail bag”. Β I can’t wait to slap that chemical on my roots, nearly burn my eyeballs out of their sockets and get my blonde on!! Β Now, I wonder if he can bring back a hairdresser too??!!

My hair even goes back into a pony tale at the moment. Β Every year I look at people with cute little pony tales and think – yep, I want one of those, I am going to grow my hair out. Β Then reality strikes and I realise I definitely can’t pull off long hair. Β As much as I would love to, It just isn’t a good look on me. Β I tell you what though, gee it is easy just being able to throw it back in a pony – far easier than standing there drying it and curling it under… but again …. NOT PRETTY FOLKS.

Just found a few funnies to pep us up and get us through two more days…

bad hair day

bad hair day 2


Do you live a long way from the hairdresser too?
How do you keep things in order?
Any hot tips for us?
Remember Worzel Gummidge???



  1. Mish

    I might live in the city but I’m probably 80% silver and white by now, it started when I was 19!
    With a pretty tight budget, my hairdresser also comes in a box; and she will be making a visit some time this weekend πŸ™‚
    Luckily long hair suits me, so it’s been lots of buns lately to cope with the humidity; my trick is one of those colour sticks. You wet the end and slide it over the roots, it washes out but gives me an extra few days!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh WHAT – where the hell do I get one of those???? Please explain!!! I am off to google Colour Sticks!! Right – we will both be giving ourselves a mini makeover on the weekend then! Tick.

  2. covercropper

    I have some hair chalk in my hair colour and when the regrowth starts showing through and I can’t get into town for hair dye I just paste that on the regrowth. It’s probably the same as the colour sticks that Mish above mentioned.

    • Miss Chardy

      I have never even heard of these things…. #livingunderarockagain! I am definitely looking into them! Thanks a million.

  3. Amy

    Oh Miss Chardy it is so good to have you back in my inbox again. Your hilarious & relatable posts bring the biggest smile to my face! I have never suceeded with home colour but yours looks fabulous (mine always ends up orange not blonde despite having naturally fair hair!?!) 😘

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh don’t worry, ever since I first started colouring my hair my biggest fear was copper or chicken salt type hair. I do everything I can to avoid that – I use purple shampoo/conditioner and the Goldwell Blonde Serum spray is brilliant to keep it looking bright not brassy. So glad you enjoy the blog, thanks so much for reading!!! πŸ™‚

  4. Melissa Macrae

    I applaud you for having a go at maintaining your own hair colour. Loved your blog RE: home hairdressing. I am due to go to my hairdresser next week, who BTW works from home. I get brown and natural brown foils and in between visits I use the purple shampoo as well but also apply a refresher colour which is a wash out but blends in the regrowth very well. I used to just be straight blonde but decided to get the brown foils to look a bit more natural and therefore the regrowth line is not as noticable. Longer hair helps too so I can just wack it up into a pony or loose bun but I am plucking up the courage to get a bob one day! Wouldn’t that be great if a hairdresser could do webinar tutorials on hair dressing for people like yourselves. Glad the boys enjoyed there first day back. My kids enjoyed seeing all their friends again.

    • Miss Chardy

      I am with you Melissa, when I do get to the hairdressers lately I do get them to pop some darker foils through too just so it isn’t quite so stark. Go on – GET THE BOB! All the cool kids have one, ha ha ha ha. Just do it. Send a photo when you do! πŸ™‚

  5. joolzmac

    Wouldn’t it be great if each govvie you have was a qualified hairdresser as well??!!
    I do think you’re lucky to find a hair colour that really matches your colour and looks so fabbo when finished. I have short hair which I get cut every 4 weeks so I’d be a basket case living remotely.

    • Miss Chardy

      Joolz, that would just be the best wouldn’t it… ha ha ha ha. Imagine. πŸ™‚

  6. Sally

    Chards! Just love your hair how ever it is. You never know when you will have to loose

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Sally – you are so right – thanks for the slap… perhaps the skunk look isn’t so bad after all – I think of you often, take care trooper!!! x

  7. Miss Twinings

    Hi there, sorry i’ve been so tardy Chardy!! πŸ˜„ Just been doing the chards catchup on all your news, it’s been busy here too with a couple of high school / back to school kids too. Stinking hot here today too, i know the feeling of putting your hair up, mine’s getting long & dark roots too…..but yes, help is around the corner!! I know, first world probs and all! Activites start next week, so our term has started in earnest…, where did those holidays go, i seem to have lost them !? They went too quickly, or maybe not quick enough in your case !!! Clancy must feel like such a big boy like his bros now though. Btw, i am sure you still look lovely, despite your unChardylicious hair! 😊 What do the boys do, do you keep theirs cut short?

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Miss Twinings, so lovely to hear from you! Back into the swing of things for us all then. Clancy is definitely loving himself sick in the school room. My hair is now back to being “chardylicious” ha ha ha ha – love that – too funny. I just dyed it – Mr Chardy brought the mail bag home with him yesterday and it had my hair dye in it thank god, feeling much better. Boys usually just have a clipper cut but Harry won’t let me cut it at the moment and he looks like such a bogan.

  8. Fashionista

    Oh Miss Chardy you would be so disappointed in me! I have at least 30 hairdressers in a 5klm radius and I only get my hair cut every two years or so, at my MIL’s preferred salon on the Gold Coast because I couldn’t be fagged trying out any of those 30 local hairdressers! I donate my pony tail to Pantene Beautiful Lengths for making wigs for cancer patients. When it grows long enough it then spends most of the time shoved up in a pony tail or some other up-do arrangement until the next short chop. No colours, far to lazy for that. Although when the greys start to make their presence felt I might change my tune……..

    Your last home makeover had excellent results so I am sure this one will be just as successful.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha – Judy, 30 hairdressers… far out!!! And to think you don’t even go to one of them. I did my hair on Saturday and feel much better. πŸ™‚

  9. Katherine

    Love reading the blog! I remember mum giving us kids hair cuts as we couldn’t get to town for a few months! It didn’t look pretty and then there’s the story of my sister clearing off for a bit to give herself a haircut at about 4or 5 yrs old but she’d kill me if she read the story in print! I’ve never been much into the whole girly girly thing and neither has my sister ironically my city cousin is studying fashion design or something along those lines having a yarn with her the other day I failed to understand about 3/4 of it suffice to say I had to look in dictionaries and ask for the meanings of some of the words! Now I can understand mustering, shearing, branding/marking tailing etc, I understand the finer points of teaching, psychology, disassembling and rebuilding various trucks, machines and cars but for the life of me I can’t understand the girly girly stuff! If I need makeup (for work apparently according to mum and dad I have to look semi decent to teach at the local country schools, work,that one out because u can’t lol!) I send mum with my money or buy online usually with aye mum what’s ( what the hell does) this mean! Or occasionally screw this I’m bored the sheep/dog/bird need something… Ooh that’s a good book I’ll read that! I also hate shopping unless it’s for machines, cars, books or accassionally craft stuff. Mum and dad have frequently threatened to send sis and I to a finishing school good thing they can’t afford it because heaven help the finishing schools is all I can say we’d probably get kicked out before the end of the first hr! I’m happiest when working with stock, on cars/ machines etc or reading mum and I frequently do all the typical male jobs around the house as dad doesn’t have time and friends usually ask mum, sis or I for advice on those sorts of things and cars! We’ve fenced in dads pet sheep because dad was too busy, dad is a truckie and earthmover stands 6ft tall and scores his pet sheep even ordering treats for them and ringing us mid shopping to check we have treats for his babies! No joke true story! mind you pop has always pet sheep even on the station usually its orphaned lambs or old sheep that are too long in the tooth, they all live to ripe old ages of about 14-15 yrs old and we’re not allowed to eat them or let them run with the rest of the mob (dads bubbas) mum and I had designs of letting them run with the mob dad said no and we’re not allowed to mention chops here at home we still eat chops though but not the 3 that are dads that are running around the paddock! We love dad and pops love of animals! Sorry if this has been posted before as am having internet troubles !

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I really did go to Finishing School – was right in my element I tell you. Dad did mention at one stage that he wanted his money back, ha ha ha. Love that you consulted a dictionary. πŸ™‚

      • Katherine

        Hope your day is going well, hopefully you’re getting a wet season too.Yeah the dictionary was handy I must remember to carry one to every relly bash we have! and I had ask the meaning of several words too, the very sophisticated and refined city cousin very kindly explained mum sat there smirking! I also went to see the sheep and alpacas as nan and pop are taking care of a friend’s alpacas those things are a bit interesting I’ve not had much to do with the alpacas.

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha. Too funny Katherine. πŸ™‚

          • Miss Chardy

            Yay, thank god for that Michele, ha ha ha ha. πŸ™‚

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