Blogger Spotlight: Weekend Cooking Inspiration

February 12, 2016

Are you sick of making the same old recipes?  Would you like to mix it up a little?  Then stick with me and I will point you in the right direction… a few blogs with fabulous recipes, not to mention gorgeous pictures.  Oh and 3 lovely ladies too, such lovely ladies!!!  You can click on any of these mouth watering pictures for the recipe.


ZamamabakesAre you drooling?

Such yummy recipes over on this blog, you won’t be disappointed, maybe a little hungry but definitely not sorry.  She has even come up with 6 nights worth of dinner inspiration, just click the picture for these recipes.
Zamamabakes 2How about some dessert?  Boy does this lady know her way around a yummy dessert.

Zamamabake Salted Caramel Cheesecakes

Ummm… you had me at Malteser Dannielle.  How good do these look?

Zamamabakes slice

Dannielle lives on a gorgeous farm and is just the most lovely person.  Look, here she is, I am pretty sure we may actually be sisters who were separated at birth, what do you think?  Her name is even Dannielle and I met her last year at the ProBlogger Conference on the Gold Coast.


Once you click on one of her recipes you will just keep on clicking.  She shares the most amazing photos of her food too, as you can see.

Bake Play Smile

Oh wow, just by clicking here: BAKE PLAY SMILE you will be whisked away to food heaven.  So much yumminess in the one spot.  Just like Dannielle, Lucy is gorgeous inside and out.  I met Lucy down in Melbourne last year and she was just beautiful and her food is the same.

Bake Play Smile

I am ALWAYS up for a good choc ripple log and there are so many different ways to make them.  Not to mention the fact that they are possibly one of the easiest desserts to make – and look so impressive.  Oh and guess what – no baking is involved – winning!  And again… you had me at Malteser and excuse me but are they violet crumbles on top?  Somebody stop me!

Bake Play Smile Choc Ripple Cake

Perhaps you would prefer something savoury.  Lucy has loads of recipes to choose from.

Bake Play Smile Pinwheels

And I am still yet to make a Thai Beef Salad, but gee this one looks like the business…

Bake Play Smile Thai Beef Salad

Colour Me Anna

Colour Me Anna

If it is a salad you are after then Anna is your girl – and don’t you just love the name of her blog, makes me happy just reading it.  I also met Anna down in Melbourne last year and god she is good fun.  She is the mother of FOUR (give me strength – or perhaps give her strength) and so bloody funny.  You will find all sorts of goodness over on her blog, from mental health to yummy recipes.

How good does this one look, Baked Ricotta + Proscuitto with a side of laughter…

Colour Me Anna Salad

Any post that you click on will make you laugh.  Anna likes to keep it real and that is what I love about this lady!  All the posts come to you with a side story.

Perhaps you might like this little something to get you going in the mornings – an Iced Coffee Overnight Oats number…

Colour Me Anna Iced Coffee

So if you are feeling overwhelmed or perhaps need some salad inspiration head on over to Colour Me Anna and you will be laughing in no time. Ok so she is more about wellness and sharing her story than about the salad, but you will love her, I promise.

Colour Me Anna Salad a Day

So what will you be eating this weekend?  I think I might kickstart mine with one of these… it is Friday after all….

Japanese Slipper

It is basically a salad – it is green!! Have a great weekend my lovely friends!! See you on Monday.






  1. Lucy

    Oh thank you so much lovely!!! Haha yes you and Danielle are so similar looking (and actually in personality too!!). Have a great weekend – and enjoy that cocktail! We’re heading over to Canada today to prep for the arrival of our bub. Soooo excited!! So you’ve definitely made my day even better reading this post. Lots of love! Xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Lucy, no worries. Happy to spread the food love and there is certainly plenty of that on your blog! Oh wow – good luck in Canada!!! Sending lots of love your way! xx

  2. Mish

    Hahaha Chards, but I don’t think a Japanese Slipper is in any of the major food groups; except for the “Eat What Makes You Happy” group!
    Hopefully one of those talented ladies have some yummy gluten free recipes 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I like that food group Mish – we should make that a thing for sure!!! I am pretty sure they will have some gluten free recipes, I just saw one on Play Bake Smile for a gluten free almond cake ensemble. 🙂

      • Mish

        GF almond cake – YUM 🙂
        I should have clarified by saying that the “Eat What Makes You Happy” food group is rather prominent in my house!

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha ha, I like it a lot… it is my new food group of choice!

          • Mish

            I’m so glad to know that I’ve converted another person to my food group of choice!
            It’s my secret plan to world domination mwah hahahaha 🙂

  3. Margareta

    Awesome Blog post. Thank you for all those new recipe blog sites! Just love my baking so I’m now off to make a new slice or two for the weekend. Thanks Chards, and you have a lovely weekend too! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Margareta, lovely to hear from you and no worries… so glad you were happy to find some new recipe blogs – those three ladies are just gorgeous, and that food… I was drooling just typing that post. Haven’t read your book yet – Mum is reading it at the moment though and I think I may just well have 2 girls here who would love to read it too. I will get to it eventually. xx

  4. Dannielle

    Danielle you are just gorgeous! Thank you for being so sweet and telling your community about me. You’ve totally put a smile on my dial!
    I loved our chats at problogger!
    Can you believe I haven’t tried a Japanese Slipper!!! Must change that! Am off to my Sister-In-Law to be hens night tonight so I may just be able to change that fact sooner rather than later 😉
    Alani my 4-year-old has been enjoying the Farmer George app this week thanks to you, she loves the memory game, thanks for the tip lovely.
    Have a beautiful weekend and thanks again xxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      No problem at all, happy to spread the love, you just have such great recipes on your blog. And it is a blog where it doesn’t matter if you are taking a break – people can still enjoy your recipes. You always have such great pictures too. Enjoy the Hen’s night and I hope you get a Slipper. I had a few last night. I haven’t downloaded the Farmer George app yet – will save it for my 3 day drive to NSW – Clancy will love it. Hope all is well in your world. Are you going to ProBlogger this year?


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