What’s Going down in Chardy Town: A Knight on the Town

February 15, 2016

I went out on the weekend.  Yep, sure did – hit the town on Friday night.  It was huge.  Par-TAY with a capital P.  Ok, I may be exaggerating ever so slightly but that will happen when you haven’t left the station for 2 months, won’t it?!  I really can’t believe it has been over 2 months since I have been ANYWHERE… oh that is a lie, I have been up to the airstrip – Chardy International – a few times, and to the dump a whole bunch of times but that is about it.   I am not even going batty (contrary to popular belief).  I am only still sane because we had visitors over Christmas, it felt like a break and was so great to have them all here.  We haven’t even been on holidays.  Usually by now I would be going nuts.

Anyway, on Friday Georgie invited us girls down to her house for a few cheeky drinks… I jumped at the invitation and swiftly told Mr Chardy I was “going out” and that he was on babysitting duty.  I showered, gave myself a blow-dry and even popped a bit of make up on.  Gee it felt good.  The children were very confused… “Mummy what are you doing?  Where are you going”

I hot footed it over to the restaurant kitchen for dinner and ordered a gin lime and soda from the bar soda stream.  Then it was off to the knight club.  I had to laugh… Rach, Bobbie and I all perched up in the resort buggy, off for a night on the town.  We busted out the blender and had a few Japanese Slippers – it felt like the right thing to do.

Night Out

Yesterday was Valentines Day and also happens to be our Anniversary… 12 years!  Yep, I know – how cheesy – getting married on Valentines Day.  But we did.  That day 12 years ago, down in Mudgee, was the hottest day we have ever experienced and I am sure all of our guests would agree.  Middle of a heat wave – 12 hottest days on record. Our wedding day was 43 degrees, which let me tell you is quite uncomfortable in an un-airconditioned church wearing a full wedding gown/hoop petticoat ensemble!  Oh my… the sweat was really something else.  Not to mention the 3 piece suits the boys were wearing.  Seriously, we had to come back to the NT for some cooler weather, it was ridiculous.  Anyway, we had a totally romantic  anniversary – Mr Chardy fixed a few broken pipes, I slothed on the lounge and binge watched Hart of Dixie for a few hours, cleaned the house and topped it all off with a swim and BBQ.  I know – you must be so jealous right about now, sorry!

So all in all it was a lovely relaxing weekend.  We really need to make the most of them because they are few and far between during the busy season.

Now if you don’t mind I have some serious mowing to attend to once I get my boys off to school. I did some mowing on Saturday and it was reassuring to know that there is no such thing as too much pink when doing the lawn.  And since Tom stole my slip on work shoes I have been forced to wear his boots – which are even a bit to big and he is only 11.  Yes I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel here to share photos with you, ha ha ha.

Mowing in Pink

Have a great day my friends.

How was your weekend?
Did you do anything exciting?  Hit the town?
Has it been 2 months since you have been anywhere? 



  1. eviejeanjewellery

    Happy Anniversary!! (binge watching Wade is def the best way to spend the day!)
    Loving Tom’s boots!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I agree – Wade is quite the hottie…. It took me a while to get into it but I think I am hooked now, quite like it – mindless tv viewing, nothing better.

  2. Mish

    Sounds like a fun Friday night!
    We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day but my partner did make pancakes for breakfast 🙂 and we spent the afternoon with friends, so I’m not complaining.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was fun Mish. Sounds like you had a good Sunday then!

      • Mish

        We had a great Sunday Chards 🙂 Sounds like your day on the mower is turning into a busy one!

  3. Suze

    Happy anniversary…and big hi to Rachel, miss her smiling face! Hope it’s going well for her up there 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Suze… will say hi to Rach for you. She is going GREAT GUNS!!! We are never letting her leave!

  4. Sandra Scott

    So glad you had a night out on the town, it sounds like fun. Now back to mowing. 😀

    • Miss Chardy

      Yep, it was fun, best get back to the mower.

  5. Alana

    Happy anniversary!!! My husband and I were married 12 years ago on Valentines day too. And boy was it super hot! 47 degrees in Corowa/Rutherglen. Every one remembers our wedding because it was soooo hot. Who ever thought wearing a heavy wedding dress full of layers of fabric was a good idea in the middle of a heat wave?! I spent my valentines night cooking food for a clearing sale the next day!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am hearing you Alana…. that is all my wedding guests remember too – so hot!!! Happy Anniversary to you!!! 🙂

  6. Nikki @ Styling You

    You crack me up Ms Chardy. Happy anniversary and here’s to wearing pink while doing the lawn!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Nikki, best get back on that mower. 🙂

  7. Mel

    Happy Anniversary! I know all about getting the wedding date right to suit the season! I am glad you enjoyed your a girls Knight out. You are to funny! Kids sport has stated again so that was the whole weekend gone.

    • Miss Chardy

      Mel, I’m not sure how you guys cope with weekend sports… would keep you so busy. Bet the kids love it though.

  8. Heidi

    Happy Anniversary!!! It is 6:30a.m. on Monday morning and I am cracking up at your post! I wish you didn’t live on the other side of the world, as I would love to have a Japanese Slipper with you or a glass of Chardy. Enjoy your day (or night?)

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha…. Heidi from Missouri… so good to hear from you! I tell you what if I ever come to the USA I will track you down and bring my slipper kit!

  9. Jo

    Hello Danielle,
    Now many people may think I’m weird, but I’m really interested in the ‘dump’ you mention. We all generate a certain amount of rubbish no matter how hard we try to minimise this. You don’t have a weekly garbo truck come round obviously! Perhaps others are as interested as I am in what you do with your kitchen scraps, packaging, plastic wraps and foils, not to mention other waste from the business end of the station. Would love it if you choose to write about this sometime!
    Love Jo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jo, I don’t think you really do want to know what we do with it – probably not all that environmentally friendly. Regarding the toilet waste… well we have septics and once a year the plumbers from Tennant Creek come out with their “poo truck” and pump them out. Will see what I can rustle up in the form of a “dump” post, ha ha ha. OH and no, we definitely do not have a garbage truck and until Mr Chardy (one day) gets me chooks, all of our scraps are wasted too.

      • Katherine

        Oh I remember having to do dump runs on the station and exploration camp, stay well back when it’s alight the glass bottles and tins go flying! 😉 I remember it was often 3-6 months before we went to town unless someone was crook or we needed to put parts or people on the planes or pick them up, often a two way aerial (whip) was under my seat on a plane!

        • Miss Chardy

          Yes, the dump sure does go off when it is lit up… fire fighters on standby… it is basically fire cracker night, ha ha ha.

          • Katherine

            Hehe yep it does 😉 Always funny to have to explain to city slickers what a dump run is! Also the need to retreat to safety after you chuck the match in, it’s then a quick dash to the troopie to sit and watch the display😉

      • Jo

        I’ve been meaning to reply to this D – don’t fool yourself: chooks don’t eat everything! Mine are a fussy little bunch – some love banana, others prefer paw paw, they don’t like pumpkin or sweet potato, and even with their grain they go through and pick out their favourites! I’m always curious about people who say ‘I feed all the scraps to my chooks’ – not really sure that this is ever so, unless mine are just way too spoilt! Will look forward to the ‘dump’ post!
        Love Jo

  10. annemerton

    Love your ‘night out’ and that you dressed up for it. Haha, I recall that for a change of scene we all used to house hop to visit people we saw everyday anyway and a trip to the dump, well that was the kids job although it was supervised from afar in case they lit up the paddock when it needed burnt. Also trips to various dams were a highlight.

    • Miss Chardy

      Right on Anne – that is exactly what we do… you totally get it. I might treat myself to a cheeky Chardy tonight.


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