Holiday Update – Missing you all…

March 3, 2016

Turns out I really am on annual leave aren’t I … because these blog posts are very few and far between.  I don’t think I would make a very good blogger if I lived near town, turns out I just don’t have time for it when there are actual real people to talk to.  ha ha ha.  Don’t feel much like getting up at 5am either after drinking wine or G&T’s with my sister of a night time.

Anyway… we have been having a lovely time.  So much to tell you.  On Friday Clancy and I headed over to Mum and Dad’s house in Mudgee.  We had a wonderful dinner out with two of my gorgeous Aunties – Aunty Ann and Aunty Theresie (my Godmother).  Also Stu & Joanie – remember them – our visitors from last year?  They visited us at Chardy HQ last year.  It was so great to catch up with them all, such a fun night.

On Saturday I left Clancy with Mum & Dad and had a lovely drive over to Bathurst for my school reunion.  I caught up with my lovely friend Kristy – Mrs Incy Interiors – for a long lunch with a couple of cheeky chardy’s before hot footing it out to have a tour of our old boarding school.  Gee that was fun.  I had not seen some of the old boarders since leaving school.  There were so many laughs and we were so loud reminiscing over all of the antics we used to get up to.   Although it has been 20 years it felt like just yesterday, there was no awkwardness, just lots of laughs and hugs.  So great to see you girls!!!

School Friends

I booked a huge house in Bathurst which 8 of the old boarders shared –  it felt like we were back in the dorms again.  The house was massive and if you are ever looking for a big place to stay in Bathurst (because I know you will be, ha ha ha) then check out The Reservoir on Stayz.  You won’t be sorry.  It was just perfect.  (sleeps 12)

House Bathurst2

House Bathurst

We chatted over a few glasses of bubbly then got ready for our reunion dinner.  Again – SO MUCH FUN.  So many laughs and just a great night.  Thanks so much for organising such a great night Khrissy you are an absolute champ!!!


The next morning after a leisurely breakfast we checked out the actual school and then relaxed in the park with an ice-cream before heading off in different directions for the trip home.

Hel & DanI headed back to Mudgee for the night.  I tell you what, it was so gorgeous driving between Mudgee and Bathurst.  Such a contrast to the roads I usually travel.  Hills and bends…. what a treat. It was so pretty.  I really enjoyed the drive and not even 2 hours…. can you believe it.  That is an even bigger treat.

NSW roads

On Monday Clancy and I packed up and popped up to the park to feed the ducks before heading back to Gilgandra.

Duck Clancy with Ducks Mudgee Park Park2Mudgee really is such a beautiful town. A nest in the hills.  And I think I was always destined to become Miss Chardy when my home town is known as “The Land of Wine and Honey”!!!!! Mudgee

Here is the gorgeous old church that Mr Chardy and I were married in…

Church Mudgee

My boys had dentist appointments – because we don’t trust the dentists up in Mt Isa and it has been a while between visits.   Kate – the Dentist – was so lovely.  Poor Tom and Clancy had to have fillings.  Tom was the perfect patient but Clancy on the other hand… well lets just say it wasn’t pretty.  In the end he refused to open his mouth and no amount of blackmail was going to change that.  We got there in the end…. just.


Look at us go… doing all the regular town stuff.  This dentist visit was long overdue.  The boys are still enjoying school.  I dropped them at the bus stop this morning.  Here they are with some of their friends…

school mates

My lovely sister has organised a lunch today with some local Miss Chardy readers.  How exciting is that – I will actually get to meet some of the Miss Chardy gang.  I can’t wait.  It would be wrong not to have a Chardy with lunch so it should be a lot of fun.

Oh and in other news I have been to the hairdressers twice in one week – first to have it all chopped off and then back yesterday to have some foils… it was getting a little TOOOOOO blonde.  Can’t believe I just said that, can you ever be tooooo blonde?!!!! Anyway, Shallon – my favourite hairdresser in the Central West – is such a legend and I just can’t get enough of her…. and god only knows when my next hair cut will be so I thought I should make the most of it.  Right, I am off to sip my coffee in peace.  Over and out my fine friends.

Have a great day everyone.



  1. Caitlin

    What a lovely time you are having! How are the boys liking being in a school uniform? Looks like they are adjusting pretty well to ‘face to face’ school, they must have your friendly genes! That house in Ballarat looks amazing! Makes me want to go to Ballarat!

    • Miss Chardy

      Bathurst Catilin… it was Bathurst… ha ha ha ha ha. The boys are going well with the uniform and look so cute. They are loving school and going on a sleep over tonight with their new friends.

  2. Anne@GritandGiggles

    I bet the boys are loving the novelty of school and making many friends. I can totally understand the not wanting to open his mouth at the dentist. I have a teacher friend in the Isa and she is less than impressed with avaliable facilities but loved hitting Target here in Cairns yesterday. It sounds like you are having a lovely time. I get like that with my blog too when away visiting family … way to busy socialising and enjoying family time. Enjoy the rest of your time away.

  3. Michele Davis

    It’s a small world isn’t I? My daughter has a gorgeous Incy cot and change table/drawers for her first born, 6 week old Charlotte, bought it from my girlfriend in her family’s Newsagent , Geyers, in Sunbury Vic. That newsagent sells everything, I popped in for 5 minutes and found 2 dresses for me and a baby suit!
    Your trip sounds great, I’ve never been to Mudgee, it’s on the list now.

    • Miss Chardy

      It sure is a small world Michele. Don’t you love those shops that sell EVERYTHING. You would love Mudgee, so much to see and do and so many wineries to visit. Just so pretty.

  4. Kylie@indigoandquinceKylie

    OMG!!!! That WAS you in the Boarders newsletter email I received yesterday! I saw a shot of a group standing in front of some school photos. My thought as I glanced at was, gosh that looks like Mrs Chardy! My eldest is in Year 10. If you looked through the rooms hers may* have been the messiest!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, too funny Kylie. It was so great looking through our old digs. Very funny indeed. Didn’t notice any messy areas so maybe your daughter has cleaned up her act. ha ha ha.

  5. Mish

    Sounds like your trip is the just the medicine that a doctor would have ordered, had you been feeling unwell.
    I am sure your boys will have lots to tell their school of the air classmates when they get home – especially about going to school in town!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh they are loving school Mish and they are even going for a sleep over tonight with their new friends. How cool is that.

  6. Miss Twinings

    Fantastic time you are having Chards, problem is that when you sometimes have a busy, great holiday – you sometimes need a holiday to recover from your holiday haha! (So start planning lol) 😜 Sounds like a fab catchup with so many friends and fam, did the boarders all ask for your autograph hehe! Dont worry, even us city folk get slacko at getting back to the dentist too….despite it being a 2 second drive away! That church was beautiful btw.x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I know – that church is one of the prettiest I have seen. And yes, I may need a holiday after my holiday… but that is all ok because once I get back to the NT I unpack, sort myself out and then Mr Chardy and I head down to Alice Springs for 4 nights and 5 days child free – woo hoo.

  7. Heidi

    I loved the pictures Chards and the fact that you all are having a great time! Mudgee is a very pretty town. I do have a question. Do all the schools in Australia have a uniform system or just private schools? (Here “private” schools are typically religious based although now there are more that are tuition based to sort of separate themselves from the state “public” schools). Keep having fun!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Heidi from Missouri …. Mudgee is very pretty isn’t it. Yes – all of the schools over here have a uniform, public and private. 🙂


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