Miss Chardy Luncheon

March 15, 2016

While I was down at my sisters house she organised a luncheon with some local Gilgandra Miss Chardy readers.  It was such fun.  We all converged upon the local Services Club which was surprisingly great, delicious food and a lovely view of the bowling green from our private dining room.  Ok so it wasn’t private but we were basically the only people there so it felt like a private function for the who’s who!!!   Here I am with my big sister before we left her farm (in case you couldn’t tell)…


I didn’t know any of the women (well apart from my Mum and Sister).  It was so great to meet some readers in real life.  They were a lovely bunch too.

Lunch3 Lunch4 Lunch6

Here is a picture of my Mum – DD and my Sister (again: in case you couldn’t figure that one out) – sorry photo quality not all that crash hot, too much light in the VIP area…


There were so many laughs washed down with a couple of wines.  Then it was back to reality and off to the school for pick up.  To all of the fabulous women who came along – thanks so much, it really was so wonderful to meet you all and share some laughs in real life.




  1. Mel Ferg

    It was so fun to have a Chards with Chards!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Mel Ferg, it was so great to finally meet you!!!!!! So much fun!!!!

  2. Maggie

    I can see where you get your love of pearls! PS. I love your Mum’s hairdo too. I have short hair like your Mum but it never looks as good as hers.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Maggie…. they were my pearls (ha ha ha ha ha) but yes – I do get my love of pearls from Mum. I think I stole my very first strand from her back in about 1995, ha ha ha. Mum’s hair is good isn’t it – you need to put a lot of love into it, blow drying, hair product and a lot of spray.

  3. Cathy@Life through the haze

    I love love love your sister’s dress! How awesome is that you got to meet some readers and they were all there to see you!! Next time you make it down to the big smoke (Sydney lol) just keep driving south and come visit me in Wollongong I mean its only about another 5 or so hours xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Cathy, that dress is just gorgeous isn’t it, she looked great and the necklace matched perfectly. I think she even bought that dress at a little shop in Gilgandra. Is Wollongong really 5 hours from Sydney?!!! Wow, I didn’t think it was that far. Have just been over on your blog and thank you sooooo very much for including my on in your “writers love” – so lovely of you. 🙂


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