Outback Cattle Station: Grasshopper Edition

March 23, 2016

Wow, I just had a mammoth 2 days on the lawn mower.  The grass was so long it wasn’t even funny after all the rain we had.  It seriously took me one and a half solid days to mow the main lawn over near the kitchen and quarters as well as our lawn.  I had to do a double cut on the main lawn, took me one whole day.   Thank goodness the weather had cooled down to 33 degrees for me otherwise I wouldn’t have been a happy camper.


Anyway it is all done now thank goodness.  However the grasshoppers have now moved in.  And when I say grasshoppers I mean swarms and swarms of the little mongrels.  Oh dear lord, I can’t even explain how bad they are.  No photo can show you just how bad they are.  As you walk along through the grass they all fly up and whack you in the face.  Gazillions of them!


And who’d have thought something so little could be so bloody disgusting.  When you look out on the lawn all you see is a blanket of grasshoppers.  And don’t even get me started on the pool, they are clogging up the filter basket like it is nobodies business.  They also poo everywhere and it isn’t pretty my friends.  These little critters are disgusting.  Tiny little grasshopper poo left in their wake.


Thankfully we are off to a campdraft tomorrow and lets just hope that the grasshoppers don’t follow us.

In other news Clancy got to go out on a mini bore run with Danno yesterday.  He always comes to get Clancy before he checks the airstrip nest and the cattle yards nest, so Clancy thinks he is a little bore runner.  It is so cute.  He took his new gun with him yesterday.  Smokey (who is Snowy’s Dad – one of our Jackaroo’s) made this for him and Snowy brought it back up after his holidays.  Check it out – it is unreal.  Well actually it looks very real.  Made out of timber, he has even stained and painted/polished it.  It is so cool.  How much of a legend is Smokey to make this for him??!!!!  Check the little spunk rat out…

Gun2 Clancy Gun

Off he goes with Danno to check some bores and turkey’s nests…

Clancy Bore Run Bore Run2

Clancy is of course tickled pink and carts his new gun around everywhere, thinks he is Elma Fudd.

Elmer Fudd

So that is what I have been up to. How about you?  How is your week going?  Are you heading away for Easter?  School holidays start here this week.  Well actually today is the last day of school for my boys as we head off tomorrow Campdrafting.  I had best go and get myself sorted.

I will be taking my jewellery to Yelvertoft Campdraft and setting up on Friday, so if by any chance any of my readers will be at the draft, come along and say hello.  I reckon I should set up my blender and offer free Japanese Slippers to my customers.  What do you think?  Jewellery & Japanese Slippers – does it get any better, ha ha ha.

Have a fabulous weekend you great hunks of spunks.



  1. Jo

    The way that little ear bends down under the oversized hat is just way too cute!
    Now if you had chooks Dani they would think they had died and gone to heaven with that massive number of grasshoppers on the menu. I hope that they all burn themselves out before reaching farmers who are out there trying to grow crops. These are the challenges that all of we Australians need to be so mindful of in thinking about and being grateful for our farmers.
    Have a wonderful Easter break, campdraft, and sell heaps!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, it is so funny isn’t it – he jams the hat on so hard it squashed his ears. ha ha ha. You have a great Easter too Jo.

  2. Sharon

    Clancy is just so cute..Such a great life for the kids to have, and nice that Danno comes to collect Clancy for the run…Your lawn looks beautiful… The Grasshoppers are as far east as Clermont area too, buggers!!!…Have a Happy & safe Easter! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      He loves going on his mini “bore run” with Danno. The grasshoppers are just disgusting aren’t they. They smell too – all that tiny poo they leave behind I reckon.

  3. Mish

    Jewellery and Japanese Slippers sounds like an awesome deal to me!
    Clancy is such a cutie pie and that gun is very realistic – he certainly thinks he is the bees knees 🙂
    I will be spending my Easter making an embroidery piece for a wedding next month – I’ve got exactly one month from today to get it finished and there will be some exam prep too!

    • Miss Chardy

      He sure does think he is the bee’s knee’s!!!! Sounds like you are busy for Easter then.

  4. Cooker and a Looker

    Hello lovely,
    It’s starting to cool down here. Love the gun!
    One of Lillian’s prized possessions* is a whip my brother Ant made her. She thinks she’s all that and a bag of chips when she can crack it and adults can’t!
    Hope you have a great time at the camp draft. We’re off to visit some friends in our brand new (to us) caravan!
    A xx

    * Prized until she leaves it lying on the grass in the dew. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      God love Lillian – she WOULD be it and a bit with that whip. Have fun off in your caravan, how exciting!!!!!

  5. Cathy@Life through the haze

    So what is campdraft? Is there ever actually down time on a cattle station? Goodness my head spins at the amount of work you all do! I am nothing but full of admiration for you all. xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Cathy, I will be sure to report back re the campdraft to show you what it is all about. Might even take some video footage for you all.

  6. asdmadventures

    Cooled down to 33 – OMG I have forgotten from my Karratha days that this can be a ‘cool’ temperature. Its -6 this morning in sunny Moscow. Shame the gun is not real, he would have a ball shooting grasshoppers 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, how quickly you forget Sarah!!!! Oh wow… -6….can you send some our way for the weekend, would surely be better than 38 which is the forecast. How funny is that gun.

  7. eviejeanjewellery

    OMG Clancy is the cutest!!
    Booze and jewellery…. I am going to look into this….. would make market days much more fun!!
    Happy Easter Chardy 🙂 have fun drafting!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha… it is a sure winner. Hope you had a great Easter, I am only just getting back into the swing of things after the long weekend.


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