Yelvertoft Campdraft

April 6, 2016

I know I am a little slow on the uptake with this one but lets chat about the Easter long weekend.  Better late than never.  So how was it?  What did you get up to?  I hope you had a lovely weekend whatever it was you were doing.

We hit the road and headed into Yelvertoft Campdraft for a hot, dusty weekend.  If you are wondering what on earth a campdraft is then just click through and have a read of THIS post, it should explain it all to you.

We packed up the utes, trucks and car and were ready to head off just after breakfast on the Thursday.  This is an all time record for our crew, usually we are setting up in the dark so it was quite a treat to leave so early.  The reason for the early departure was the road conditions.  They were less than ideal after all the rain we had a couple of weeks earlier.  There was one section that was particularly boggy and what a circus it was getting through that one.  Oh god it was funny. They had to take the horses off the truck to lighten the load, walk them through the bog (see why I don’t ride horses… what a bloody mess) and then try and get the truck through.  It was quite the spectacle and very funny.


Anyway, we made it through and eventually after quite a few hours arrived at Yelvertoft.  Well actually Miss Bobbie and I made a get away as soon as we got through the wet patches and headed off in front.  We decided to duck into Mt Isa, which is only a further 100km’s on from Yelvertoft.  We needed to stock up on a few things so off we went.  A quick town trip before heading back to the Campdraft.

It was so hot all weekend.  Why on earth does anyone think that campdrafting in that heat is ok?  It was about 38 degrees all weekend and don’t even get me started on the dust.

Yelvertoft 1

All I can say is thank goodness for my friend Bec and her air conditioned mansion gooseneck.  I did spend quite a bit of time in there.  Thanks Bec, you are a lifesaver!!

I wasn’t the only one feeling the heat, Clancy had a few swims in the lick tub and then the big boys thought it looked pretty good too.  Another crew even brought a blow up pool – now that is thinking.  It was too funny, all these grown men sitting in this little green blow up pool.  They even loaded it onto a trailer and took it down so they could sit in it and watch the Rodeo.  Hilarious I tell you!

(side note: I had so many brilliant photos that I took on my big camera, thought I downloaded them onto this computer – and now I can’t find them anywhere… if there is a tech head out there can you please tell me where to find them, I downloaded them onto iPhoto on my MacBook Air but they are not showing up anywhere.  They were downloaded from a card from my camera…help).  

Anyway, I still have lots of great photos to share….


Isn’t this just too romantic for words….


Clancy had an absolute ball in the mud…

Yelvertoft Mud


As you can see I don’t really have any photos of people actually campdrafting.  If you do what to see some photos then head on over HERE.  It really is very boring to watch.  Very very very boring!  If I was smart I would have headed over to Mrs Savvy B’s for the weekend and gone camping with them – they went swimming and fishing all weekend.  Harry was smart – he billeted himself out to the Savvy B’s.  Danno, our Bore Runner, dropped him over there the same day we left and he didn’t return for over a week.  I tell you what, when it comes time for boarding school I reckon that kid will be booking his own flights and driving himself to the airport.  I don’t think he missed us one bit, and why would you – like I said: smart kid – keeping cool in the water and having fun with his bestie.  Goodness me life was a lot quieter with only 2 children at the Campdraft.

The Easter Bunny found the children on Saturday night which meant that they survived solely on chocolate all day Sunday.  That is normal isn’t it?

Now back to the fancy photos.

Some people just weren’t cut out for life on the road….


I’d give our camp set up a 2 boot rating out of 5… luxury at its best….


Of course we definitely needed a slipper to cool down…


My favourite part of the weekend is when it is all over and everyone gathers at the bar…


On Monday we burnt the camp packed up everything and headed home.  We thought the right thing to do was stop for a driver reviver and a paddle at this river crossing on the stock route.  We weren’t far from home so jumped out for a stretch.Yelvertoft4

It was certainly good to get home but the washing is really something else.  It took me 3 days to catch up, unpack and get back to normal.  I am sure all of those campdrafters out there are nodding their heads.  It doesn’t matter if the clothes were worn or not, they still needed washing to get the dust off them.  Not pretty my friends.

So there you have it.  That is what we got up to for Easter.

Did you go away?
Where did you go?
Was it lovely and cool with a gorgeous swimming hole?

Have a fabulous day.





  1. Sandra

    All those pretty shirts, can you ever get them clean? I love that the ladies wear their jewellery even out doing the necessary work of a station.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sandra, ha ha ha – nothing a bit of Napisan can’t fix. Oh and don’t worry – they weren’t working on the station, they were playing at the campdraft, don’t worry – they don’t look like that doing their everyday work. 🙂

  2. karen J.

    Chards…where did that enormous straw hat come from!!! love it!

  3. Fashionista

    Love that giant hat Miss Chardy! Go hard or go home I say……

    • Miss Chardy

      I’ve just realised that you guys think that is me in that big hat… it isn’t, it is my friend – Bec (the one with the air conditioning!!!), although I do think we were separated at birth, ha ha ha ha.

  4. annemerton

    Sounds like a fun weekend really, minus the heat. Get rid of the heat and it would be better. Although Harry sounds like he made an even better choice for the weekend. Great photos but can’t help with the missing ones.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Anne, yes – Harry sure did make the smart decision, he is not just a pretty face I tell you. I can’t wait until it starts to cool down a bit, still pretty hot up here. 🙂

  5. eviejeanjewellery

    haha I actually don’t mind being a draft spectator… (it is better with camera in hand, or a rum, probably not both though!)
    No cool swimming holes over Easter, cut down trees and cleaned up my yard, apparently there is good reason I am not a hairdresser because there is barely anything left!
    Bec has sealed the deal for me – I have been contemplating getting a Cannard Hat for ages, hers is awesome!
    Love your pics, as always!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, poor trees but bet it was good to get that done. Bec should start charging them advertising fee’s, you are about the 4th person to get one after seeing Bec’s hat. They are great – so big and shady. I have a SunBody hat and it is so comfy and big too, not quite as big or pretty as Bec’s though.

  6. Belinda Carpenter Catt

    What an event that must have been. I’m not a fan of the heat so I would have been there with you in air conditioning. How much fun does the mud and water look for the heat relief. I’m sure you stayed away from that – I would have. We had a great Easter and I may have shed a tear missing the young Singapore son. He’s home mid May – yeah. PS loving the ladies outfits, 11/10. B.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, yes – I sure did stay away from the mud and that grotty pool. Bet your son is having a ball in Singapore – I am jealous!!! The ladies outfits are an 11/10 aren’t they. 🙂

  7. Mel

    I’m hearing you on the 38 degrees! Looked like a fun weekend though. How boring would that weekend have been if there wasn’t any mud obstacles for both little and big boys. Snowy with a slipper in the lick trough. Hahaha! Hope you guys had a great social meet. We went for a couple of day trips to the beach swimming and fishing over easter. I am still trying to vaccum the bloody sand up!

    • Miss Chardy

      I know – Snowy is so classy isn’t he – at the swim up bar, ha ha ha. Gee I am pretty sure: beach/swimming/fishing would have been a much better option than 38 degrees in the dust – you lucky thing.

  8. Miss Twinings

    Gosh those are hilarious photos, what a hoot! Cacked myself reading that one!! Good for u to take advantage of a Mt Isa diversion ! Great post, and i sympathise with you about the dusty post camping washing filth piles lol, i know what that’s like!! 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      So dusty and SO HOT.


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