Recommendations: Podcast – No Filter

April 29, 2016

I just listened to a fantastic podcast episode of No Filter with Mia Freedman.  I listen to all of the Podcasts in the Mamamia Podcast Network.  I am totally up to date with all of them, waiting each week or fortnight for the next one to drop.  This Glorious Mess, I Don’t Know How She Does It, No Filter, Mamamia Outloud, Meshel’s Nitty Gritty Committee and Just Between Us (although I think they have stopped making this last one).  Anyway I love them all and they keep me company on my morning walks out here in the middle of nowhere.

No Filter Podcast

The last episode of No Filter was an interview with Rebecca Sparrow.  I had heard the name before and have seen (but not actually read) some of her articles on the Mamamia website.  But wow, what a lady.  She sounds absolutely amazing.  I am off to google the shiz out of her and partake in some serious stalking action because she sounds like a real inspiration.  The interview was so easy to listen to and I think I could have listened to Mia & Bec chat all day long.

Rebecca Sparrow

{ Image: }

Bec talks candidly to Mia about the devastating loss of her second daughter – Georgia – who was stillborn.  From someone who has no idea, or could even begin to imagine what it is like to lose a baby, Bec really helped me understand her grief.

One thing I didn’t know (ok there are so many things I don’t know) about Rebecca Sparrow is that she has quite a few published books.  If you have teenage girls in your life you may want to take a look at some because it seems to me, just from listening to her interview, that Bec has some great advice for teenage girls.  This year she is working on one for teenage boys – thank you Bec!  To purchase any of Bec’s books head on over to Booktopia.

Books by Rebecca Sparrow

All I can say is go and download it, have a listen.  You won’t be sorry.  Thanks Bec & Mia for such a brilliant interview.  If you are new to the Podcast scene I have written quite a few posts about them and you might find some helpful information HERE or HERE.

Mamamia Podcast Network

Some of my favourite No Filter interviews are with: Robin Bailey, Madison Missina, Rosie Batty & Magda Szubanski.

Have you listened to it?
What did you think?
Do you have any other great Podcast recommendations?  Please share!

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  1. Margareta

    I can’t give you any recommendations as yet, because I’ve only just found podcasts. And that was all thanks to you (!), so my appreciation is being extended ten fold. I had to travel a number of hours last weekend in the farm ute (which has bluetooth, YAY!) to a working dog school and listened to a number of Richard Fidler podcasts on the way. I was in heaven! Some of the interviews I’ve been dying to hear and haven’t had the time. It’s like a veritable listening mecca on the phone! LOVE podcasts now. Thank you!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yay, so glad you have found them, you’ll never look back!!! I had to download an audio book the other day to listen to on my walks because I was all up to date with my Podcasts… need to find some new Poddies. I am done with the book now. Your book – Mountain Ash has been doing the rounds here and Mum also took it home with here after she was up last year, everyone loves it, my Govie already had it actually!!! I have read a few books lately so will have to give them all a mention on the blog. Happy listening – nothing better for long trips in the car. Have a great weekend.

  2. Kit@Life through the haze

    I will have to save this post so that I can come back to them. I seem to get annoyed with podcasts. I am not sure why I can have the tv on in the background and pay not attn to it and dip in and out of a show. I think that is why I get annoyed with podcasts because I need to be paying attn the whole time rather than busying myself doing two or three things at the same time. I know there will come a time when I can quiet this little head of mine enough to sit, be still and listen to podcasts. I am not sure when but I hope it comes one day!

    • Miss Chardy

      Don’t worry – I can’t sit down and listen to them, I would lose concentration and maybe fall asleep, I listen to them while driving or on my morning walk or while doing mindless jobs like cleaning. Have a good weekend. 🙂

  3. Kit@Life through the haze

    Oh but if I was to recommend any it would be Conversations with Richard Fidler on the ABC. You can also listen to these each weekday 11-12pm on the ABC radio I do love Conversations.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yep – I Conversations is one of my favourites too. 🙂

  4. Sarah @sarahdipity

    I’m totally addicted to podcasts at the moment but have listened to this one…thanks for the recommendation, will definitely check it out!

    • Miss Chardy

      Which podcasts are your favourite Sarah? I need some new suggestions!!! 🙂

  5. Carmel

    LOVED IT! I am binge listening Miss Chardy and I also feel like I am cheating on Richard though – hahahaha


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